
  • 网络Interactionism;interaction theory;symbolic interactionism
  1. 消失的登陆点&社会心理学视野下的符号互动论与传播研究

    The Lost Landing Pot & Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Research in the View of Social Psychology

  2. 利用社会学三大流行理论功能主义、冲突论、互动论对知识失业在我国出现进行了原因分析。

    The paper attempting to explain the cause of the educated unemployment use three theories : functionalism , conflict theory and interactionism .

  3. 族群与社会文化互动论

    On the Interaction of the Ethnic Group and Social Culture

  4. 布鲁默和库恩在符号互动论上的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Symbolic Interactionism Between Brummer & Kuhn

  5. 经济全球化与转轨国家经济双向互动论

    Economic Globalization and Transitional Economies : A Reciprocal Theory

  6. 其中互动论似乎赢得了最终的认可。

    Among them , interaction theory seems to have won the final recognition .

  7. 扎根理论源于后实证主义和符号互动论,是质性研究中的核心研究方法之一。

    Grounded theory is one of the core research methods in qualitative research .

  8. 论基于互动论二语习得模式设计英语学习网站的基本原则

    On Guidelines of English Learning Website Design Based on an Interactionist SLA Model

  9. 诚信伦理与市场经济互动论

    On Relation of Trust Ethics and Market Economy

  10. 无论是替代论、比较论,还是互动论,都可作为认知手段。

    Substitution , comparison and interaction are all regarded as a means of cognition .

  11. 论隐喻互动论和认知互动论的统一

    On the unification of the interaction theory of metaphor and the interactionist approach to cognition

  12. 从梁祝传说看民间故事与俗文艺的互动论张爱玲对《海上花列传》的传承和超越

    A Study of the Interaction Between Folktales and Folk Literature and Art through the Legend of Butterfly Lovers

  13. 而在短期中,生产性服务业与制造业发展具有双向因果联系,证明了短期中“互动论”适用中国。

    The results showed that producer services industry and manufacturing industry have a unilateralism causality in the long term .

  14. 解决这一问题的既有方案主要有三种:决定论、能动论和互动论。

    There are three main existing programs to solve this problem : determinism . Individual initiative theory and interaction theory .

  15. 细数隐喻研究成果,其中最为广泛接受和熟知的理论学说有替代论、对比论、互动论、映射论、合成论等。

    The best-known and widely-accepted theories include Substitution Theory , Comparison Theory , Interaction Theory , Mapping Theory and Blending Theory .

  16. 言语符号交际审美追求的文化生态意义生态文明建设与语言生态构建互动论

    Cultural and ecological significance of parole symbol s intercourse aesthetic endeavor ; On the Interactional Relationship between the Construction of Ecological Civilization and Linguistic Ecology

  17. 在环境价值的互动论上,试图构建一个环境保护与污染的互动框架。

    From the perspective of interaction theory of environmental value , the paper is trying to build an interaction framework to analyze environmental protection and pollution .

  18. 20世纪80年代以来,众多传播学者纷纷赋予芝加哥学派以思想登陆点的重要的地位,将其主体理论符号互动论视为最切实可行的源头。

    Many communication researchers have regarded the Chicago School as a landing pot in ideaistic history and symbolic interactionism as the most feasible resource since 1980s .

  19. 传统的隐喻研究可以追溯到亚里士多德时代,其间经历了三个阶段:对比论,替代论和互动论。

    Traditional metaphor study which can be traced back to Aristotle has experienced three phases : the comparison view , the substitution view and the interaction view .

  20. 从符号互动论学者戈夫曼角色表演前后台理论入手,可以分析当代中国高校学生的政治社会化模式的发展过程。

    This essay applies the front and back stage theory by Ervin Goffman to analyze the political and social development pattern of university student in present-day China .

  21. 其中包含互动论、系统论和结构论等哲学辩证法观念,并涉入到传统的犯罪学、刑法学、刑事政策学和被害人学等学科中诸多的基础理论问题。

    As well , many related basic theories among criminology , criminal law science , criminal policy , victimology and so on , are commented through the research .

  22. 也有的认为思想政治教育活动是教师与学生的双边活动,提出了主体互动论。

    Others argue that the ideological and political education is an interactive activity between teachers and students , and thereby put forward " the theory of interactivity " .

  23. 基于1994~2002年对上海青年性文化所做的人种志研究,通过符号互动论来阐释有风险的性行为。

    Based on ethnographic research on youth sex culture in Shanghai from 1994 to 2002 , this paper outlines a symbolic interaction approach to understanding risky sexual behaviors .

  24. 在隐喻研究历史上曾出现过比较论、替代论和互动论三种隐喻理论。

    There have been three major theories of metaphor in the history of metaphor study , namely , the Comparison Theory , the Substitution Theory and the Interaction Theory .

  25. 语言习得的三大理论:行为论、先天论和互动论实际上也是互动教学的理论基础。

    The three theoretical approaches to language acquisition also pave the way for interaction pattern researches : they are the behaviorist approach , the nativist approach and the interactionist approach .

  26. 隐喻史上的替换论、对比论,以及现代隐喻理论中的互动论、映射论、合成空间理论等都是旨在解释隐喻工作机制的理论。

    The author believes that past studies aiming at explaining the working mechanisms of metaphor , such as the " Comparison Theory "," Interaction Theory " and " Mapping Theory ", etc.

  27. 前言:从“符号互动论”的角度看,中西医结合是当代医家在共同创造的文化圈内的符号互动。

    As to Symbolic Interactionism , the integration of Chinese Medicine and western medicine is a symbolic interaction in the cultural circle created by modern doctors of both western and Chinese medicine .

  28. 接着从需求遵从论、供给主导论、产业互动论和产业融合论这四个视角分析了生产性服务业的产业关联机制。

    Then the industry linkage mechanisms are analyzed from the four perspectives - " demand-compliance theory "," supply-leading theory "," industry interaction theory " and " industrial integration theory " producer services .

  29. 隐喻的代表性理论可以归结为四种:比较论,替代论,互动论和语用论,而每一个理论都有其不足之处。

    And the representative theories can be summarized as the Comparison View , the Substitution View , the Interaction View and the Pragmatic View . We find each view has its own disadvantages .

  30. 第二章回顾心理学理论(主要是行为主义心理学、认知论、人本主义心理学、社会互动论、社会建构论和格式塔心理学)从不同层面对互动取向式课堂英语教学的影响和贡献。

    Chapter Two reviews the contributions of socio-linguistics , behaviorism , cognitive psychology , humanism , social interactionism , social constructivism and Gestalt psychology to the interaction-oriented English teaching with their respective tendencies .