
  • 网络Forum
  1. 很多学生正在上网追随作家们的文学之旅,他们在互动论坛上留言。

    Many students are following the writers ' journey on the Internet and leave messages in the interactive forum .

  2. 许多商学院参与的这些网站,要么是学生和教师可以互动的论坛,要么是提供课程内容的渠道,但也有越来越多的商学院开始挖掘社交网站的招生潜力。

    While many institutional presences on such sites are designed either as forums where students and faculty can interact , or channels to deliver course content , a growing number of schools are now tapping into the recruitment potential of social networking .

  3. 网络论坛的发展前景是乐观的,网络论坛舆论也表现出强大的生命力和影响力,在与传统媒体舆论的互补和互动中网络论坛舆论必将对整个社会舆论环境产生积极的影响。

    The development of the internet forum is optimistic , the public opinion in it also demonstrates strong vitality and influence power . It will have a positive impact on the whole public opinion environment with the complementation and inter-dynamic of the public opinion in the traditional media .