
  • 网络yunlin county;Yun-lin-shian
  1. 这张未标日期的照片,是位云林县蜂农满脸笑容地拿著他蜂箱里的一个框框。

    A beekeeper holds a frame from one of his beehives in Yunlin County in this undated photo .

  2. 这张五月十二日所拍的照片,是云林县一场西瓜竞赛上,长成凤梨模样的西瓜。

    A watermelon grown in the shape of a pineapple is on display at a watermelon contest in Yunlin County on May12 .

  3. 精选粒粒饱满的云林县产优质花生,慢火熬成浓郁的花生汤,每一口,都能尝到真材实料!

    Meticulously selecting excellent plump peanuts of Yunlin County to simmer into thick peanut soup ; you can taste the genuine material and solid substance with each sip .

  4. 将云林县产花生精心熬煮至绵密松软,弥漫浓浓的牛奶香及花生香,口味浓纯而多层次。

    The peanuts produced in Yunlin County were cooked meticulously until being creamy , soft , and loose ; with strong milk fragrance and peanut scent ; of pure and multi-layer taste .

  5. 箔子寮港曾是云林县唯一不积沙的港湾,古时是舟船云集、贸易鼎盛的商港,后来因泥沙淤积,盛况不再。

    Buozihliao Harbor has been the only harbor without sand deposition in Yunlin County and in the early days , it has been full of boats and was a merchant port with prosperous trading .

  6. 与桃园机场衔接的捷运线路将于2015年开通,之后会开通与苗栗县、彰化县和云林县相连的新高铁。苗栗县离雪霸国家公园不远,云林县是探索台湾荒野的出发点。

    A mass rapid transit link to Taoyuan Airport opens in 2015 , followed by new high-speed connections to Miaoli , near Shei-Pa National Park , and Changhua and Yunlin - jumping off points to explore Taiwan 's wilderness .