
  • twenty-three;xxiii
  1. 二十三年前,JoeMarshall联合创建了欧米茄男孩俱乐部。

    Joe Marshall co-founded the Omega Boys Club in San Francisco , California , twenty-three years ago .

  2. 一个二十五岁,一个二十三岁。

    One was twenty-five years old , the other twenty-three .

  3. 在二十三世纪,机器人比赛确实是一项很受欢迎的运动。

    Robot competitions in the 23rd century are truly a popular sport .

  4. 时间快转到现在--目前有二十三个国家有《米其林指南》。

    Now , fast-forward to now — there are now Michelin Guides for 23 countries .

  5. 第二十三条有下列情形之一的外国人,不准出境:

    Article 23 Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be allowed to leave China :

  6. 第二十三条父母有保护和教育未成年子女的权利和义务。

    Article 23 Parents shall have the right and duty to subject their children who are minors to discipline and to protect them .

  7. 第二十三条公民有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他死亡:

    Article 23 Under either of the following circumstances , an interested person may apply to the people 's court for a declaration of a citizen 's death :

  8. 第二十三条各级人民政府、基层群众性自治组织和企业事业组织应当采取各种措施,开展扫除文盲的教育工作。

    Article 23 People 's governments at various levels , grass-roots autonomous organizations of a mass character and enterprises and institutions shall take all kinds of measures to carry out literacy education program .

  9. 昆虫信息素的研究(Ⅴ)&家蝇性诱剂(Z)-9-二十三碳烯的合成

    Studies on the Insect Sex Pheromones (ⅴ) & The Synthesis of the Housefly Sex Attractant Z-9-Tricosene

  10. Garfield二十三岁她的名誉是

    Diedre Garfield was 23 and had a reputation Diedre

  11. 预计4月份会有超过一百万名的游客参加圣周及其后的约翰二十三世(JohnXXIII)及约翰·保罗二世(JohnPaulII)的封圣典礼。

    Well over a million visitors are expected in April when Holy Week will be followed by the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II .

  12. 他们认同教皇约翰二十三世(PopeJohnXXIII)的箴言:“不要度过人生长河而不留下值得追忆的证据。”

    They agree with Pope John XXIII 's advice : " Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage . "

  13. XRD结果显示,蜡晶结构与蜡晶中含量高的高碳数正构烷烃二十三烷结构类似,加剂后平均晶粒变小。

    After adding the improver , the structure of wax is similar to n-tricosane and the average size of wax particles becomes smaller while the long-range order of wax increases based on XRD spectrum .

  14. 而MGM也将不会在作为电影电影发行公司,而仅仅是一个制作公司。这使得第二十三部《007詹姆斯-邦德》电影问世日期更加具体化。

    MGM will no longer be a distributor , but a working studio , which now puts James Bond 23 on the auction block and closer to an actual start date .

  15. 在他的三十二首钢琴奏鸣曲中,《f小调第二十三奏鸣曲热情(OP.57)》是贝多芬所获得的最伟大成果之一,也是贝多芬本人最喜欢的一首作品。

    In his 32 sonatas ,《 No.23 in F minor , " Appassionata " sonata ( OP.57 )》 was one of greatest achievements which Beethoven obtains , also is a work which Beethoven most likes .

  16. 去二十三大街要换车吗?

    Do I need to transfer to get to twenty-third street ?

  17. 第二十三条对葡萄酒与白酒地理标志的补充保护

    Article 23 Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits

  18. 在七月二十三号,她们终于有机会见面了。

    In July23rd , they finally have a chance to meet .

  19. 就是在苏州举行了第二十三届世界遗产大会。

    Is held in Suzhou , the twenty-third World Heritage Conference .

  20. 亲爱的,我的心跳依然像在二十三岁遇见你时那般剧烈不息

    Baby my heart could still fall as hard at twenty three

  21. 今天二十三号,平安夜吗?

    It 's the23rd . it 's not even Christmas eve !

  22. 第二十三届特别会议特设全体委员会;

    Ad Hoc Committee of the whole of the twenty-third special session ;

  23. 念了二十三个名字,回答的只有二十个;

    There were twenty-three names , but only twenty here responded to ;

  24. 应可直达第二十三街地铁站。

    It should take us right to the23rd street station .

  25. 这对女同志住在雀尔喜区,至今已交往二十三年。

    The couple live in Chelsea and have been together for23 years .

  26. 圣母,是啊,先生,是二十三个法郎。

    Good gracious , yes , sir , it is twenty-three francs .

  27. 我们还亏了二十三块钱

    we are $ 23 down from where we were .

  28. 乙:每天二十三美元,不限里程。

    B : yes . it 's $ 23.00 with unlimited mileage .

  29. 二十三号!那是阿加莎举行婚礼的第二天。

    The 23rd ! That was the day after Agatha 's wedding .

  30. 这差不多是在我进行了二十三年的研究之后发生的事情。

    And this is about 23 years into this process .