
shì shí shěn
  • second instance trial of fact;second hearing of fact
  1. 我国司法最终审查原则的确立应当借鉴西方法制发达国家的有益经验,对待行政行为实行严格法律审,赋予司法机关事实审的决断权和充分的调查核实权。

    We should borrow the beneficial experience of western legality-developed countries to establish final judicial examination principle and invoke strict judicial review of administrative action and entrust to judicial organization a resolution power in second instance trial of fact and a full power for investigation and certification .

  2. 行政诉讼中的事实审与法律审

    Finding of Factual and Legal Issues in the Administrative Actions

  3. 第一部分简单介绍刑事再审中事实审制度的含义及对再审中事实审作了价值分析。

    The first part made a brief introduction of the meaning of the fact retrial system and analyses the value .

  4. 事实审与法律审的区分,实现下级法院对上级法院的有效制约。

    The trial of fact and the trial of law is distinguished so as to realize restriction from inferior court to superior court .

  5. 司法审查的强度司法审查中实际上包括法律审和事实审两个法律问题。

    Actually includes a legal review and the fact that the intensity of judicial review judicial review in the trial of two legal issues .

  6. 第二章通过比较国外的相关立法,进一步阐释审级制度在配置上诉审的程序功能和区分事实审、法律审方面的不同模式。

    Chapter II goes on to explain the trial-level system on how to allocate the function of civil appeal and how to distinguish the de facto trial from the de jure trial by the comparison with the foreign relevant legislation .

  7. 再次,提出调解的主体是当事人双方或者法官,并且调解只适用于一审,不适用于二审,因为一审是事实审,二审是法律审。

    Again , puts forward the subject is the parties to the mediation and conciliation or judge only applies to the first instance , shall not apply to . For instance trial judge , is the fact that is legal trial .

  8. 比如,行政诉讼事实审的本质是什么、事实审到底是审查什么的、事实审的审查标准是怎样的?在理论界关于这些争论还没有形成共识,可谓是仁者见仁、智者见智。

    For instance , what is the essence of administrative litigation fact review ? what is the review standard of administrative litigation fact review ? In theory these arguments about have not form a consensus , it may be said is anyone , so many different things to different people .

  9. 由于刑事证人出庭率很低,庭审无法实现公正、平等的质证,导致事实上书面审仍无法改观,庭审走过场就难以避免。

    Due to the low appearance rate of criminal witnesses in court , equal and just cross examination fail to the realized .

  10. 而事实上,审级制约机制设计的科学与否,直接关涉到审级建构目标和上诉审功能能否得以实现。

    In fact , the science design of restriction mechanism in civil trial grade relates to directly the achievement of target of construction of trial grade and the function of appellate jurisdiction .