
  • Gone with the Wind
  1. 但是,等等,还有更多值得看:你也会从这部影片中获得激动人心的情节转折,一个善良与邪恶、高贵与耻辱、恐惧与勇气、爱与死亡交织在一起的世界呈现。乱世佳人

    But wait , there ’ s more : you ’ ll also get exciting plot twists and a world in which good and evil , nobility and dishonor , fear and courage , love and death , are intertwined . Gone with the Wind

  2. 怎么能少得了《乱世佳人》。你可以再次回味下这部经典,发现这个精彩故事的新侧面,一个坚强的、受伤的、独一无二的女人,她成功地经受住了命运的打击,让一些男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下的故事。

    There are good movies , and then there ’ s ’ Gone with the Wind . ’ You ’ ll keep coming back to it , discovering new sides to this incredible story of a strong-spirited , damaged , one-of-a-kind woman , who managed to survive blows of fate that would bring some men to their knees .

  3. 在好莱坞,《乱世佳人》(gonewiththewind)等许多影片的背后都有雷曼的资金。

    In Hollywood , it was the money behind films such as gone with the wind .

  4. 但是如果考虑通货膨胀,货币贬值的因素,票房收入最高的电影应该是“GoneWiththeWind”,也就是《乱世佳人》。whenafilm'sgrossisadjustedforinflation,就是考虑通货膨胀的因素。

    But when a film 's gross is adjusted for inflation , the highest-grossing film is " Gone With the Wind . "

  5. 其实,我DVD机坏了,我们都没看到《乱世佳人》的结局是什么。

    Well , my DVD player just broke , and none of us know how " Gone With the Wind " Ends .

  6. 对于零售商来说,售卖二手的《乱世佳人》DVD是合法的,但他们却不能从俄罗斯低价买进这一DVD,进口至美国,再以低于美国市价的价格卖出。

    A retailer could legally sell a second-hand Gone with the Wind DVD , but could not buy it cheaply in Russia , bring it to America and sell it for a low price .

  7. 这一幕令人想起《乱世佳人》(GoneWiththeWind)中饿着肚子的郝思嘉(ScarlettO’Hara)从土里刨出一颗萝卜,咬了一口又吐出来,发誓自己再也不会挨饿。

    The scene brings to mind the moment in " Gone With the Wind " when Scarlett O'Hara , half-starving , digs up a radish , bites into it , vomits and vows never to be hungry again .

  8. 解析《乱世佳人》中郝思嘉的女性主体意识

    Analysis of Scarlett 's Feminine Subjective Consciousness in Gone With the Wind

  9. 他们放了录像片《乱世佳人》。

    They showed a video of " gone with the wind " .

  10. 玛格丽特米切尔&《乱世佳人》(1936)

    Margaret Mitchell - Gone With The Wind ( 1936 )

  11. 你想去看《乱世佳人》这部电影吗?

    Would you like to see the movie Gone with the Wind ?

  12. 我从未看过"乱世佳人″。

    I have never watched Gone with the Wind .

  13. 《飘/乱世佳人》是几乎大家皆知的文学经典作品。

    Gone With The Wind is a literary classic known to almost everyone .

  14. 你能告诉我你对《乱世佳人》的观感?

    Can you tell me something about your feeling towards Gone with the wind ?

  15. 我看过好几遍电影《乱世佳人》。

    I 've seen'gone with the wind'several times .

  16. 我喜欢费雯丽在《乱世佳人》中扮演的角色。

    I like the role Vivien Leigh played in " Gone With the Wind " .

  17. 他的宴会邀请了《乱世佳人》里所有的演员。

    He 's having a party with all of the cast from gone with the wind .

  18. 《飘》不去的乱世佳人&郝思嘉的心理历程分析

    Gone With the Wind Will Never Gone With the Wind & Analysis Of Scarlett 's Mentality Development

  19. 目前好莱坞在拍摄两部不同版本的《乱世佳人》。

    Two different versions of " Gone with the Wind " are now being made in Hollywood .

  20. 二维历史差异对《乱世佳人》字幕汉译的影响

    The Impact of Discrepancy of Two-dimensional Histories on the Film Subtitle Translation of Gone with the Wind

  21. 就在这期间,费委丽找到一本心爱的小说,并反复阅读,这就是《乱世佳人》。

    During this period Vivien found a new favourite novel that she re-read several times-Gone with the wind .

  22. 1939年的《乱世佳人》电影是公认有史以来最成功的一部电影。

    The1939 movie adaptation of Mitchell 's book is regarded as the most successful movie of all time .

  23. 乱世佳人首映1939年的今天,乱世佳人在亚特兰大开始全球首映。

    Gone with the Wind premiere 1939 - " Gone With the Wind " had its world premiere in Atlanta

  24. 飘(又译乱世佳人)被认为是有史以来最受推崇,影响力最持久,也是人气最高的影片。

    Gone With The Wind ( 1939 ) is often considered the most beloved , enduring and popular film of all time .

  25. 从关联理论看字幕翻译策略&《乱世佳人》字幕翻译的个案分析

    On Film Subtitle Translation Strategies from the Perspective of Relevance Theory & A Case Study on the Film Gone with the Wind

  26. 许多大片——《乱世佳人》、《绿野仙踪》和《宾虚》——历久不衰,堪称经典。

    Many have stood the test of time , like Gone With the Wind , The Wizard of Oz , and Ben Hur .

  27. 例如,有很多电影的内容都与美国的战争有关系,比如《乱世佳人》。

    For instance , there are many movies that have been made about the wars in America , such as Gone With the Wind .

  28. 我喜欢克拉克盖博在《乱世佳人》里将香烟放在唇上然后吸烟的样子。

    A : I love to see Clark Gable put the cigarette to his lips and suck in the smoke in gone with the wind .

  29. 这和指导现场拍摄的电影有什么不同呢?目前好莱坞在拍摄两部不同版本的《乱世佳人》。

    How is it different from editing live action ? Two different versions of " Gone with the Wind " are now being made in Hollywood .

  30. 你有兴趣和其他几位妈妈一起共赏《乱世佳人》吗?在我家的新放映室哦。

    Uh , if you want , some of the moms are gonna stay and watch " Gone with the wind " in my new screening room .