
  • 网络voluntary work;volunteer service;volunteer work
  1. 她干一些照顾老人的义务工作。

    She does some voluntary work , caring for the elderly .

  2. 参与义务工作有助于奠定求职的基础。

    Voluntary work can provide a framework for job-seeking .

  3. 鉴于妇女一结婚就常常被迫放弃有报酬工作的事实,义务工作尤其重要。

    Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage .

  4. 这些义务工作的志愿者是因为他们喜欢这个工作才做的。

    The unpaid volunteers do the work because they love it .

  5. 许多退休人员在社区服务或育婴中心做义务工作。

    Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers .

  6. 有许多组织能够从你的义务工作中获得益处。

    There are many organizations which could benefit from your volunteer efforts .

  7. 他们都是义务工作的志愿者。

    They 're all volunteers , working for the love of it .

  8. 她每个星期为红十字会义务工作两天。

    She does voluntary work for the Red Cross two days a week .

  9. 我已经为美国公民自由协会义务工作了十五年

    l have 1 5 years as a volunteer member of the ACLU ...

  10. 另一可考虑的选择是去做义务工作。

    Another option to consider is volunteer work .

  11. 义务工作发展局保留接纳申请与否的最终决定权。

    All applications are subject to the final approval of the Agency for Volunteer Service .

  12. 一个做义务工作的人。

    A person who performs voluntary work .

  13. 除了捐献金钱外,不少机构更以实际措施鼓励员工身体力行,投入各种义务工作。

    Apart from making donations , many corporations actively encourage their staff to participate in voluntary work .

  14. 我决定推迟一年上大学而做一年的义务工作。

    I 've decided to defer my entry to university and spend a year doing voluntary work .

  15. 他的论断得到了某些研究的支持。这些研究表明,无子女的成年人更多为社区义务工作。

    His assertion is backed up by some studies showing that childless adults volunteer more for their community .

  16. 感化事务义务工作计划

    Volunteer Scheme for Probationers

  17. 社会因素对城镇医保职工住院医疗费用的影响工程及医疗义务工作协会

    The effects of social factors on the expenditure in medical insurant inpatients ; Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services

  18. 从找工作的长远来看,如果你能把义务工作和你的职业联系起来就更好了。

    From a job-search perspective , though , it 's even better if you can connect your volunteer work to your profession .

  19. 如阁下不欲收取任何来自义务工作发展局的推广电邮,请按此处。

    If you do not wish to receive any further marketing communication email from Agency for Volunteer Service , please click here .

  20. 如果这里有人愿意义务工作一到两个小时“,牧师说,”我们将会非常感激他。

    If anyone here is willing to donate an hour or two ," the minister said ," we would surely appreciate it .

  21. 基督教联合会那打素社康服务现正推行义务工作训练和健康资讯的课程,对象为非华语妇女。

    The United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service is now providing intensive volunteer training and health literacy course for women of minority groups .

  22. 假若义务工作发展局不接纳此项申请,义务工作发展局将发还已缴费用。

    If this application is not accepted by the Agency for Volunteer Service , the membership fee will be refunded to the applicant .

  23. 这项研究还发现,年纪较大的人每年从事价值数十亿英镑的无偿义务工作,还在照顾亲属方面做出了贡献。

    The study also found older people did unpaid voluntary work worth billions of pounds a year and also contributed as carers for relatives .

  24. 志愿服务与义务工作:两种观念影响下的行为模式&以广东省珠江三角洲为个案的研究

    Voluntary service and obligatory work : the behavior pattern influenced by two kinds of concepts & Case study in Pearl Delta of Guangdong Province

  25. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的在鼓励年青人义务工作,服务社会。

    On the other hand , the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme would encourage more young people to serve the community through voluntary work .

  26. 这部以力量和速度为中心的电影,参与其中的所有明星都是义务工作的,没有任何报酬。

    None of the stars will receive a payment for their work on the film , which centers on messages of strength and speed .

  27. 而丽安则去寻找一种情感上的慰籍,她先是在一个老年痴呆病人的小组中义务工作,而后最终信奉于宗教。

    Lianne casts about for emotional support , first in volunteer work for a group of Alzheimer 's patients and then , eventually , in religion .

  28. 很多以前大部分由妇女完成的家务活——从家庭采购、准备三餐到义务工作——现在仍然需要有人来完成。

    Many in-homejobs that used to be done primarily by women - ranging from family shopping topreparing meals to doing voluntary work - still need to be done by someone .

  29. 虽然有40%计划从事带薪工作,同时也有35%表示他们将从事义务工作。

    As well as the40 % who want to some form of paid work in retirement , a third ( 35 % ) indicated they will be doing voluntary work .

  30. 同样,浪漫思想的女性会从事一些义务工作,如在庇护所里帮助那些无家可归的人,但不愿意整个下午一个人在公园里捡垃圾。

    Similarly , romantically primed women volunteered for activities such as working in a shelter for the homeless , rather than spending an afternoon alone picking up rubbish in a park .