
The indictment on Tuesday of Stern Hu , its former chief iron ore salesman in China , and three associates was a reminder to investors of its so-called China problem .
Land owners have also attacked Chinese employees at the mine .
Research on Human Resource Development of Chinese Employees in Foreign Insurance Companies
Organizational Commitment Features of Chinese Employees Based on their View of Morality
(ⅱ) effect degree of affective commitment on organizational behavior of Chinese employees ;
Mr Hu and three Chinese Rio employees have been held since Sunday .
These companies seek for prospective Chinese employees with adequate certification of their English proficiency .
Chinese employees differ from those in the west in that they emphasize the group solidarity .
The present paper intends to explore the adaptation process of Chinese employees in multinational corporations .
Discussions with Anyuan were handled by a Chinese Olympus employee , according to the inquiry .
Such grievances highlight what experts say is Japanese carmakers ' slowness to promote Chinese employees to management positions .
We pay all our taxes and pensions for Chinese employees and that stuff seems to be pretty smooth .
Are there any chances for Chinese employees to be transferred to the head office or other branch offices around the world ?
Many Chinese employees , even qualified graduates , think rigidly rather than creatively and do not challenge authority or ask questions .
The company acknowledged in April that a very small number of its 7,000 Chinese employees had been dismissed following an audit of expenses claims .
To retain good Chinese hires , multinationals need to demonstrate they can be promoted throughout the global organisation and are not just seen as China experts .
Sign the contract on the employment of Chinese employees and go through the relative procedures of employment in the name of the representative office with an authorized agent .
Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course , but as the number of trainees at one time is limited , we select them on their merits .
Investigators found a proposal by a Chinese employee at the plant dated August 2011 to offer cash and cameras worth 20000 renminbi , or about $ 3000 , to the head of the customs office 's antismuggling department .
The new office presents a more professional image and improved working environment for our China staff .
Bain said that to remain competitive , firms have been increasing their teams , especially at the local level and have been showing more flexibility in their investment approach , including sometimes making use of public investments in private equity .
His highest hopes are for a venture he calls EnglishPod enterprise - his plan to teach English to employees of Chinese companies : teaching English online will surely cost less than hiring a tutor for thousands of employees spread across the vast expanse of the Middle Kingdom .
Mr Frankfort said : We are subject to rapid wage increases in China among employees working in the manufacturing sector , which we support .
A survey released in October by HSBC that polled 7 , 000 expatriates in 37 countries and regions found that China is the favorite destination for expatriates this year .
China 's aggressive prosecution of employees of one of the most profitable foreign companies operating on its soil marked a fresh turn in an ongoing , if sporadic , corruption battle that has until now ensnared mostly government officials and local tycoons .
Separately , four former Rio employees in China were arrested last year and were eventually convicted of bribery and of stealing commercial secrets .
Chinese common translation is the interpretation from a mainland Chinese speaker .
The family-owned company entered the Chinese market in 1997 and now has 3,600 employees there .
She also told the lawmakers that the decision to review the business operation in China was made by the executives in the US ," without the knowledge or involvement of our employees in China . "
Tens of thousands of Chinese are working in Nigeria , either for Chinese companies or for themselves precise figures are impossible to obtain .