
  • 网络chinese lacquer;chinalac
  1. 中国漆蜡为重要的油源之一,其成分与日本蜡相似。

    China wax from Rhus verniciflua is one of the important oil sources . Its composition is similar to Japan wax .

  2. 2D-NMR研究中国生漆漆酚结构

    2D NMR Studies on the Structure of Urushiol of Chinese Lacquer

  3. 酒店内陈列各种艺术品和古董,包括镀金的佛像和中国的漆柜,此外还有一个雅致的画廊。该酒店同时还附带两个游泳池,一个小型水疗SPA和一个美味诱人的餐厅。

    Art and antiques , including gilded Buddhas and Chinese lacquered cabinets , add a touch of gallery chic . The hotel also has two pools , a small spa and a tempting restaurant .

  4. 中国外销漆家具及其对欧洲的影响

    Exported Chinese Lacquer Furniture and its Influence to Europe

  5. 装饰上中国的漆饰很有特色,西方则以雕刻见长。

    Chinese lacquer is the main decorative means while the west are good at carving .

  6. 中国生漆漆液研究

    Study on Chinese lacquer

  7. 酒店内陈列各种艺术品和古董,包括镀金的佛像和中国的漆柜,此外还有一个雅致的画廊。

    Art and antiques , including gilded Buddhas and Chinese lacquered cabinets , add a touch of gallery chic .

  8. 中国用于防污漆生产的滴滴涕(DDT)替代的社会经济影响评价

    Social and Economic Impact Assessment of the Alternatives to DDT Usage for Antifouling Paints Production in China

  9. 中国生漆粗漆酚中未知组分的提取及性质研究

    Study on Some Unknown Constituents in Crude Urushiol from Chinese lacquer

  10. 中国生漆饱和漆酚冠醚化合物的核磁共振研究

    NMR Studies on Crown Ether Compounds of Saturated Urushiol in Raw Lacquer of China

  11. 中国古代髹漆工艺

    Title : The Lacquerware Craft in Ancient China

  12. 色&质联用方法分离测定中国生漆的漆酚组成

    Separation and Determination of the Urushiols Composition in Chinese Lacquer by GC & MS

  13. 中国古代的漆工艺水平达到了很高的造诣,成为中国传统文化之精华的体现。

    The level of lacquer art has reached the highest in ancient China , which represents the essence of the Chinese traditional culture .

  14. 本实验用~1H-NMR法研究了中国生漆饱和漆酚冠醚化合物的结构与碱金属离子选择电极性能间的关系。

    ~ 1H-NMR was utilized to study the relationship between crown ether compounds of satura-ted urushiol in raw lacquer of China and alkali metal ion selected electrode .

  15. 日本古代漆器艺术无论在工艺、品种,还是材料上,都与中国的古代漆艺术有密不可分的联系。

    Japan lacquer ware in ancient art in terms of technology , variety , is also on the material , and the art of painting in ancient China are closely linked .

  16. DDT是斯德哥尔摩公约列为首批12种受控物质之一,在中国作为船舶防污漆添加剂的用途并没有被公约处给予豁免。

    DDT is one of the chlorinated organic compounds for elimination that the Stockholm Convention initially targeted , and there are no specific exemptions available to continue the production and use in China .

  17. 用GPC、GC-MS-DS法对中国漆树液中漆酚与虫漆酚精油化学成分进行了研究。

    The chemical compositions of the essential oil of laccol and urushiol from the sap of Chinese lacquer tree are studied by GPC and GC-MS-DS techniques .

  18. 中国古代的割漆技术

    The lacquer tapping technique in ancient China

  19. 中国的首届国际漆文化展在福建开展,福建是漆器发源地。这一漆文化展极大地促进了漆文化的交流。

    China 's first International Lacquer Culture Exhibition opened in Fujian province , the home of lacquer , which greatly promoted the exchange of lacquer culture .

  20. 但是,越来越多的外资涂料企业进入中国,并且意识中国汽车修补漆市场这块比其它涂料市场更具诱惑力的蛋糕,纷纷跟进水性漆产品的布局,竞争加剧。

    However , more and more foreign enterprises to enter the Chinese paint and conscious Chinese automotive refinish market this than other coatings market more tempting cake , water-based paint products have followed the layout of competition .

  21. 中国漆艺在世界文化史上独树一帜,中国漆艺史上有许多光辉灿烂的篇章,中国人用漆的历史也几乎与整个文明史一样久远。

    In world cultural history the Chinese art of lacquer is unique , whose history is marked with many glorious and magnificent chapters .