
zhōnɡ ɡuó qì xiànɡ jú
  • China Meteorological Administration
  1. 为了提高高空观测数据的质量,减小在探测过程中由于气球漂移造成探测资料在空间上的误差,中国气象局提出一套探空、测风报的空间、时间扩充编码方案。

    In order to improve the quality of sounding data and reduce the sounding balloon drifting error , China Meteorological Administration puts forward an expansion code scheme .

  2. 上周四,在中国气象局预报称北京的雾霾天将持续至周二之后,政府将紧急减霾举措的实施范围扩展至包括山东省省会济南市在内的南部地区。

    On Thursday , after the China Meteorological Administration forecast that Beijing would experience smog into Tuesday , the government extended the emergency pollution reduction measures even farther south to include Jinan , the capital of Shandong Province .

  3. 中国气象局(ChinaMeteorologicalAdministration)确认,事发地点当时记录到了风力12级以上的龙卷风。

    The China Meteorological Center confirmed that a tornado with winds of more than 90kph had been recorded in the area at the time .

  4. 中国气象局VSAT卫星通信系统

    China Meteorological Administration 's VSAT Satellite Communication System

  5. 本研究利用MODIS数据,分析植被水与同期降水、土壤相对湿度之间的关系,结合中国气象局灾情报告,对利用植被水做干旱监测的可能性做出了初步探讨,并对监测结果的精度进行评价。

    Using the MODIS data , this research analyses the relation between the vegetation water and rainfall / relative water humidity .

  6. 叙述了中国气象局VSAT卫星通信系统(92101程)的总体结构和布局、主要功能、配置以及对外服务的方式。

    The architecture , layout , functions and configuration of China Meteorological Adiministration 's ( CMA ) VSAT Satellite Communication System are described .

  7. 对中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所业务化运行的沙尘模式&GRAPESSDM的业务化过程、预报效果及其预报中发现的现象进行了总结。

    The operational flow , prediction effects and some problems occurring in the prediction of GRAPES_SDM which is running in IAM are summarized .

  8. 利用中国气象局出版的1949&1994年台风年鉴资料,在大量普查的基础上,定义进入30°N以北、125°E以西热带气旋为影响我国北方的热带气旋。

    The typhoon year book data ( 1949-1994 ) are used to analyse the tropical cyclone . First , the tropical cyclones entered in north of 30 ° N and west of 125 ° E are defined as the influencing the northern China tropical cyclones .

  9. 第3代国际气象通信系统是中国气象局面向未来,适应全球通信系统(GTS)发展计划的新一代通信系统。该系统既可以支持原有的报文交换,又可以支持文件交换。

    The third generation international meteorological telecommunication system is a new generation telecommunication system that the China Meteorological Administration is developing according to the GTS 's future development .

  10. 气象信息综合分析处理系统(英文缩写为MICAPS)是中国气象局9210工程的一个子系统,它负责业务气象资料的处理和显示,是业务预报员的基本工作平台。

    Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis and Processing System ( MICAPS ) is a subsystem of project 9210 of CMA . It provides a basic working platform for operational weather forecasters .

  11. 中国气象局项目及其他项目

    Projects from China Meteorological Administration ( CMA ) and Other Sources

  12. 中国气象局已启用应急措施应对自然灾害。

    China Meteorological Bureau has launched its emergency response mechanism for weather-related disasters .

  13. 中国气象局大气成分观测与服务中心成立

    CMA Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service Established

  14. 中国气象局已经发布二次高温预警。

    China 's Meteorological Agency has issued its second highest alert over high temperatures .

  15. 在本次世博会的历史上首次创立专门反映天气和气候的展馆,称之为“气象天地”的气象馆是中国气象局和世界气象组织联合承办的展馆。

    Meteoland is a joint pavilion of the China Meteorological Administration and the World Meteorological Organization .

  16. 中国气象局在沙尘暴监测网各站点安装了积分浊度计,这是国内首次利用积分浊度计进行大面积气溶胶光学性质的监测。

    Integrating nephelometers were installed at each station of the dust storm monitoring net by the China Meteorological Administration .

  17. 中国气象局于近日推出了中英双语、每日发行的《奥运天气资讯》。

    The Chinese / English bilingual daily , called Olympic Weather News , was launched by China Meteorological Administration .

  18. 中国气象局称,一些地区的气温将会下降16度。

    Temperatures will drop by up to16 degrees Celsius in some regions , the China Meteorological Administration ( CMA ) said .

  19. 中国气象局预报周二监利县将会有中到大雨。

    Moderate to strong rainfall was forecast for the county on Tuesday night , the China Meteorological Administration said in a statement .

  20. 中国气象局网站发布的一则气象新闻说,海葵带来的强降雨天气将持续到周五,目前海葵正从上海缓慢向西移动。

    Haikui could be felt through Friday as it slowly heads west from Shanghai , according to a China Meteorological Administration statement .

  21. 试验在中国气象局固城农业气象试验基地人工控制农田水分试验场进行。

    Experiments were conducted in the man-controlled water supply field at the Gucheng Agrometeorological Experimental Base of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences .

  22. 按照中国气象局业务观测规范,新一代天气雷达体扫数据要求及时存储。

    According to Specification for Operational Observation of China Meteorological Administration , the new generation weather radar has the requirement of storage data in time .

  23. 据中国气象局消息,“塔拉斯”现已越过日本。受其影响,我国黑龙江将有较强降雨。

    Talas has now passed over Japan and is expected to bring heavy rain to China 's Heilongjiang province , according to China Meteorological Administration .

  24. 分析了中国气象局专业气象研究所的定位、现状以及所面临的机遇和挑战;

    The orientation , current situation , chance and challenge of special meteorological institutes ( SMI ) of China Meteorology Agency ( CMA ) were analyzed .

  25. 周五中国气象局称接下来三天里震中周围地区会有好天气。

    Regions around the epicenter of china 's earthquake would have warmer weather in the next three days , the China Meteorological Administration said on friday .

  26. 并进一步阐述了气象资料质量控制综合判别法的加权判别技术。气象资料质量控制综合判别法已在中国气象局气象信息中心气象资料室的地面资料质量控制中得以应用。

    The synthetic method to differentiate the meteorological data quality control has applied in surface weather data QC at the Meteorological Data Department of Meteorological Information Center .

  27. 中国气象局在7月初公布,北京6月份的雾霾天气达到18天,创下过去50年来的纪录新高。

    The city recorded 18 smoggy days in June , a record high over the last 50 years , the China Meteorological Bureau revealed earlier this month .

  28. 省级气象政务办公系统课题由中国气象局提出,安徽省气象局具体实施。

    The subject of PMOAS ( Provincial Meteorological Office Automation System ) is proposed by CMA ( China Meteorological Administration ), Anhui Meteorological Bureau puts it into practice .

  29. 中国气象局预计,湖北、湖南和江西省的降水量或比近年同期偏多5-8成。

    The provinces of Hubei , Hunan and Jiangxi may have 50 to 80 percent more rainfall than the same period in recent years , the national meteorological authority said .

  30. 并结合中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所的实际,阐述了该所在创建干旱气象科技创新体系过程中的实践经验。

    Moreover , the practical experience of establishing arid-meteorology science and technology innovation system , which was based on the reality of Institute of Arid Meteorology , CMA , was elaborated .