
  • 网络cheongsam;Chinese dress
  1. 中国旗袍展现传统服装的风貌。

    The Chinese cheongsam shows the style and features of traditional clothing .

  2. 玛莎拿出一件中国旗袍展示给我们看。

    Martha held out a cheongsam for us to look .

  3. 你偶尔也穿中国旗袍吗?

    You would also wear cheongsam once a while ?

  4. 中国旗袍,雍容华丽。

    The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent .

  5. 从民族性、机能性、局限性等方面,对中国旗袍的特性进行了阐述;

    Attempts to deal with features of Qipao in terms of national characteristics , function and limitation .

  6. 从上半场黑白相间的演出服到下半场的中国旗袍,13个女孩在细节上彰显个人品位与风格。

    From the black and white performance clothes in the first half , to the second half of traditional Chinese cheongsam , 13 girls showed their own characteristic and style in every detail .

  7. 本文以旗袍作为切入点,力图反映单一民族服饰文化向多元服饰文化转变的大致过程及基本动因,探讨中国旗袍特有的民族性和泛民族化特点及国际化趋势。

    The article , taking the banner gown as a starting point , tries to reflect the general process and basic causes of the transition from unitary costume culture to multiple costume culture and discuss the national character , pan-nationalization and the international trend special to Chinese banner gowns .

  8. 中国的旗袍很多是用丝绸来做的。

    Traditional Chinese cheongsam is usually made of silk or satin .

  9. 你也知道我最喜欢咱们中国的旗袍,这次我带了两件。

    You know woman 's cheongsam is my favorite and I brought two of them .

  10. 此次,作者的课题研究内容分为四个章节来逐一对于中国传统旗袍创新设计的应用与研究进行比较具体的论述和研究。

    This time , the author of the research is divided into four sections to each of the traditional Chinese cheongsam for the application of innovative design .

  11. 在视频中,阿拉贝拉穿着中国传统服装旗袍、站在一张桌子前背诵李白等著名诗人的作品。

    In the video , Arabella appears wearing a traditional qipao and stands on a table to recite works by famed poets such as Li Bai .

  12. 在她最近的专辑《少年中国》中,她穿起了中国传统旗袍,她的头发也不再炸起。

    On her latest album , Youth of China , she wears a Chinese-style shirt , and her hair points down , not up .

  13. 为了配合中国大厨的杰作,我那可爱的妻子特意穿上中国红色旗袍。她迈着小碎步,款款来到饭厅。

    Dressed in a red cheongsam to match the chef 's masterpieces , my lovely wife came with deliberate steps into the dining room .