
  1. 管仲堪称中国古代城市规划建设的一代宗师。

    Guan Zhong was the master of ancient Chinese city planning and construction .

  2. 中国古代城市规划的生态哲学:天人合一

    The Ecosystem Philosophy Of Urban Planning In Ancient China : Harmony Between Human And Environment

  3. 中国古代城市规划制度变迁与城市意象模式转型

    The Change of Urban Planning System and the Transition of City Image in Ancient China

  4. 象天法地就是典型的中国古代城市规划设计原则之一。

    The principle of Modeling Heaven and Earth is a representative one in city design in ancient Chinese .

  5. 按照时空演进序列,本文分别对中国古代城市规划技术体系的萌芽期、雏形期、变革期等阶段的特点与发展状况进行了总结,同时指出古代城市规划思想对发展今天城市规划理论的借鉴意义;

    According to its evolvement order , the paper summarizes general situations and characters of germination period , rudiment period and transformation period of Chinese ancient technology system , and puts forward the referential significance at the same time ;

  6. 本文通过对不同年代的绘画内容演变的分析方法,结合相关图片资料,对其中的景观图进行临摹、解构,达到对中国古代城市规划和建筑景观的简要梳理。

    This article through to the different age drawing content evolution analysis method , assists the union related picture material , carries on the copy to landscape chart , decompose and constitute achieved ancient times the urban planning and the construction landscape briefly combed to China .

  7. 在儒家伦理思想体系中,“礼”与“贵和尚中”的思想对中国古代都城建设和城市规划的影响最为显著、强烈。

    In the Confucianism ethics thoughts system ," Rites " and " Respecting harmony and balance " have significant influences on Chinese ancient cities construction and urban planning .