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  1. 中国佛学对印度佛典的理解与解释近乎一种文化“嫁接”。

    As for Chinese Buddhism , the understanding and interpretation of Indian Buddhist sutra is nearly a kind of cultural " grafting " .

  2. 用中国佛学禅的境界来关怀主体自身心性结构,用马克思的交往实践唯物主义来对交往主体进行主体际关怀。从而创造一个和谐社会。

    Show solicitude for subject body and nature structure using Chinese Buddhism , Show solicitude for subject boder using Marxist communicative practical materialism , so that we can create a harmonious society .

  3. 近代中国佛学研究事业的兴起与日本

    The Rise of Buddhism Study in Modern China and the Influence From Japan

  4. 中国佛学非本体的本体诠释

    A Non-ontological Ontological Annotation of Chinese Buddhist Philosophy

  5. 所以说,对于现代性背景下的中国佛学,不仅僧侣界和居士界要进行更多的研究,世俗界学者同样也需要给予更多的关注和研究。

    Thus , for the Chinese Buddhism under the modernity background , not merely the monk circle and lay Buddhist circle want to carry more and more study , scholar , circle of common customs need to pay more concerns and study too .

  6. 辽尊崇儒家学说,但是执政者却资助中国的佛学。

    The Liao honored Confucian philosophy but the rulers patronized Chinese Buddhism .

  7. 本文试图就人的缘起、人的本质、人的认知、人的归宿四方面,描述中国传统佛学有关「人」的义蕴。

    This pa-per tries to describe the traditional Chinese Buddhist concepts of " man " in relation to four aspects : the origin , essence , cognition and final resort of " man " .

  8. 近年来,中国的佛学研究愈加繁荣,其中对佛教宗派的研究也引人注目,包括禅宗,涌现出一批优秀的成果。

    In recent years , the Chinese Buddhist research become more prosperous , with a number of outstanding achievements emerging . And , the study of Buddhism sect is striking , such like Zen .

  9. 在其甚为广大、开阔的学术堂庑中,对中国传统大乘佛学所作的诠释是其思想体系的重要组成部分。

    In his academically system which is immensity and wide-field , the annotation in hermeneutics sense about the Chinese Mahayana is an important part of it .

  10. 近代佛教史学从一个侧面反映了中国史学和佛学走向现代化的途径与特点,是研究中国近代史学史和学术史的一个较好的切入点。

    Modern historical science of Buddhism sheds light from sideways on the approaches and characteristics of the modernization of historical science ana Buddhist learning in China . It is also a good start-point to view the Chinese modern historiography as well as the academic history .

  11. 笔者认为,韩愈等人的引释入儒与柳宗元等人的糅合儒释,构成了中国士大夫接受佛学的两种基本形式。

    In author 's opinion , leading Buddhism into Confucian and combining Buddhism with Confucian composes the two fundamental forms with which Chinese scholar-bureaucrat accept Buddhism .

  12. 禅宗是印度佛教的中国化,这是近代中国佛学界公认的事实。

    It is generally accepted by the Chinese Buddhism scholars that ZEN is the Chinese assimilation of Indian Buddhism .