
zhōnɡ huá rén mín ɡònɡ hé ɡuó hūn yīn fǎ
  • Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China
  1. 中华人民共和国婚姻法

    Marriage Law of the People 's Republic of China

  2. 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》明确规定禁止家庭暴力,并为受害人提供了相应的救助措施,为治理家庭暴力提供了有力的法律保障。

    Marriage Law of the People 's Republic of China ( amendment ) also raises the prevention of family violence to the height of legislation and provides for relevant redressing measures and legal responsibility so as to provide strong legal safeguarding for family violence .

  3. 我国于2001年修订颁布了《中华人民共和国婚姻法》,这是我国自建国后第二次修改婚姻法。

    The 2001 new Marriage Law is the second amendment in China since liberation .

  4. 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》第33条是对军人离婚的特殊保护,很多人表示了质疑。

    Marriage Law of the People 's Republic of China 33rd is the special protection which divorces to the serviceman , for which many people expressed the question .

  5. 1950年5月1日颁行的《中华人民共和国婚姻法》,自本法施行之日起废止。

    The Marriage Law of the People 's Republic of China promulgated on May 1 , 1950 shall be invalidated as of the day this Law comes into force .

  6. 申请结婚,经审查符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》关于结婚的规定,准予登记,发给此证。

    Upon application for marriage , according to the rules concerning marriage in Matrimony Law of People 's Republic of China , they are permitted to register and conferred the Marriage Certificate .

  7. 2001年4月《中华人民共和国婚姻法》修正案中设立了探望权制度,该项制度填补了我国婚姻家庭制度的空白,使我国婚姻家庭制度更加完善。

    April 2001 , the Amendment of Chinese Marriage Law sets the system of visitation right , which serves as a supplement to the legislation blank of the marriage and family law of our country and makes it more complete .

  8. 1950年5月1日新中国颁布的《中华人民共和国婚姻法》是建国后颁布的一部完整系统的法律,它的立法精神和立法原则较之以前有了很大的进步。

    1950 May 1 New China promulgated the " Marriage Law of the PRC " was promulgated after the founding of a complete system of law , its legislative principles and the spirit of the legislation than before significant progress had been made .