
  • 网络Serious Illegality;outrage
  1. 正如红迪网某ID为“明天老子带你飞”的用户表示:“我要停用它了,有一次搜索时我的服务器居然跳出了一些严重违法的内容。”

    Take it from Redditor FlyAwayWithMeTomorrow , who said , " I 'm stopping due to possibly highly legally questionable material showing up for my ISP in a search . "

  2. 调查人员是否会发现三星有严重违法行为现在还不得而知。

    It is too early to tell whether investigators will uncover serious wrongdoing .

  3. 那样做严重违法而且那里不归我们管

    That is super illegal and way outside our jurisdiction

  4. 在美国国会寻求解释的时候,掩盖这种卑鄙行为,则属严重违法。

    Covering up such a despicable practice when Congress seeks an explanation is a serious offence .

  5. 严重违法了宪法保护隐私的规定。

    An egregious violation of privacy .

  6. 而如何对这些行为中的严重违法行为行为进行定性,则变得更加困难。

    And how these acts are serious violations of conduct qualitative , it becomes more difficult .

  7. 滥用职权是行政机关在行使职权过程中经常出现的一种严重违法现象。

    Abuse of administrative power is a serious illegal phenomenon that often takes place as administrative departments exercise their power .

  8. 轻微违法所取证据可以补救,严重违法所取得的证据可以排除。

    Minor offenses can be remedied by the taking of evidence , evidence obtained serious violations can be ruled out .

  9. 因此作为总纲性的探讨:非法应当可以分为轻微违法与严重违法。

    Therefore , as a master of the study : Illegal should be classified as minor and serious violations of law .

  10. 一个人可能被发现针对本款是有罪的即使造成严重违法行为是不可能的。

    A person may be found guilty of an offence against this section even if committing the serious offence is impossible .

  11. 刑事责任制度重点制裁的对象不是垄断状态而是垄断行为,特别是严重违法的垄断行为。

    Focus object of criminal liability sanction is not the monopolistic state , but the behavior , especially serious illegal monopolistic behavior .

  12. 结果,执行政策就成了惩罚严重违法者或鼓励公众自觉遵守法规。

    Consequently , enforcement policies are often designed to punish the most blatant violators and or encourage voluntary compliance by the largest numbers of entities .

  13. 它一般适用于轻微的违法行为,对于行政相对人的严重违法行为,考虑到程序经济公益,一般不予适用。

    It is generally applicable to minor offences , for a private party of serious violations , taking into account the program economic welfare , generally does not apply .

  14. 一般行政程序违背了程序合理正当的,也应视作严重违法,是无效的行政行为,法院应作出撤销判决。

    A general admi8nistrative procedure when it goes against rational procedure should be regarded as seriously breaking the law and become invalid action , and be withdrawn by the court .

  15. 乙方如发生违反交通法规的严重违法和交通事故,造成保险费率的上浮部分,由乙方承担。具体上浮按保险公司标准执行。

    In case of serious accident or vehicle damages , Party A 's vehicle insurance rate go up by it , Party B shall pay the extra increased insurance expenses according to the criterion of insurance company .

  16. 事实上,正如违法行为可分为一般违法行为和严重违法行为一样,我们对非道德行为的审视和判定,也不应简单地遵循非此即彼的逻辑。

    In fact , when we judge the sub-moral actions , we cannot follow the logical way like either this or that , just like illegal acts can be divided into general violations against law and aggravated misconduct .

  17. 就乐而言,等级的内存包含有对乐舞名目、乐器品种和数量、乐工人数等等的绝对限定,超出规格就是严重违法。

    The items of music and dance , the types and number of musical instruments , and the number of musicians for each grade were strictly limited , and to exceed the limits was considered a grave offense .

  18. 内幕交易是证券市场中普遍存在的严重违法行为,不仅直接损害投资者的利益,而且严重破坏了证券市场秩序,妨碍证券市场的健康发展。

    Insider trading , a serious illegal action of ubiquity , not only directly impairs investors ' rights and interests , but : also severely disrupts securities market order , which blocks he healthy development of securities market .

  19. 集体滥用行政权是行政机关以集体之名义作出的表面上合法、实质上严重违法的以权谋私行为,具有欺骗性和巨大的破坏力。

    Collective abuse of executive authority is the abuse for private gain administrative organization in name of the collective comes from , which is superficial lawful but substantially serious illegal . These acts are deceitful with enormous destructive power .

  20. 特别是在今年的中央预算执行审计中,审计署揭露和查处了当前财政财务收支中存在的严重违法违规问题,审计工作的质量明显提高;

    Special mention must be made that during this year 's audit of central budget implementation , the National Audit Office disclosed and sanctioned serious illegal and irregular practices in the current revenues and expenditures of the public finance and marked conspicuous improvement of audit quality .

  21. 对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。

    We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence .

  22. 血液里酒精含量过高时驾车是严重的违法行为。

    Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence .

  23. 走私动物到英国是严重的违法行为。

    It 's a serious crime to smuggle an animal into Britain .

  24. 对本地方、本部门、本单位发生的严重统计违法行为失察的。

    Oversight of serious illegal practices on statistics occurred within their jurisdiction , in their department or unit .

  25. 帐外设帐是严重的违法行为,不利于资金的管理,造成资金流失。

    Setting up another accounting is the serious lawless action and not benefit to capital management and easy to lead the capital loss .

  26. 治安法庭;违警罪法庭:一种下属的法庭,有权制裁较轻的违法行为和拘留被控有较严重的违法行为、以待审判的人。

    An inferior court having the power to prosecute minor criminal offenses and to hold for trial persons charged with more serious offenses .

  27. 中国首艘国产航空母舰研制组总指挥涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正在接受调查。

    The head of the team for the development of China 's first domestically built aircraft carrier is under investigation for suspected severe violations of discipline and law .

  28. 凡是性质严重的土地违法行为,几乎都涉及政府。

    All of the serious land illegal behaviors , almost involving governments .

  29. 有合法的法律地位,在历史上没有严重违约或违法行为。

    With rational legal status , without serious breach of contract or offence in history .

  30. 然而,近年来,土地违法案件居高不下,而且凡是性质严重的土地违法案件几乎都涉及到地方政府。

    However , in recent years , there are more and more illegal land use cases , and all the serious cases are involving local governments .