
  • 网络serious literature
  1. 通俗文学所拥有的庞大读者群是目前严肃文学最为匮乏的。

    Plentiful readers of popular literature is lack for serious literature .

  2. 他希望能成为一名严肃文学的作家。

    He hoped to become a writer of serious literature .

  3. 其作品被称为严肃文学中唯一的畅销。

    His works are called " the only bestsellers " of serious literature .

  4. 尤金·奥尼尔是美国第一位把戏剧看作是一种严肃文学的剧作家。

    Eugene O'Neill is the first American playwright who regarded drama as se-rious literature .

  5. 尽管严肃文学作品也能给人以阅读的快感,但两者是明显不同的。

    Mostly for the pleasure of reading .

  6. 这些都是该小说能够作为严肃文学,经久不衰,深受欢迎的原因。

    These are the reasons for the perpetual popularity of Catch-22 as the classic of serious literature .

  7. 战败后的日本迎来了第一次消费高峰,严肃文学不再受到一般民众的欢迎。

    Japan has first seen its consumption boom after WWII . Serious literature was no longer welcome among the mass .

  8. 在严肃文学与通俗文学界限逐渐模糊的今天,科幻小说成为二者融通的最佳体现者。

    Today , with gradual amalgamation between elegance literature and popular literature , science fiction is the best embodiment of them .

  9. 应用翻译与严肃文学翻译之间的巨大差距似乎成了阻碍中国翻译平衡发展的重大问题。

    The huge gap between Applied Translation and Literary Translation apparently becomes the important matter to baffle balancing development of China 's interpretation .

  10. 在中国现代严肃文学主流压倒一切的强大声势中,追求轻松写作、趣味阅读的轻松化思潮具有别样的美学意义和文学史价值。

    Under the magnitude of modern Chinese solemn literature , the overwhelming mainstream , pursuit of light-hearted writing and fun reading possess unique aesthetic meaning and literary historical value .

  11. 当今文坛,严肃文学受到严峻挑战,不少人认为文学已经边缘化,文学死亡论也不时出现。

    Current literary world , serious literature is challenged severely . Many people think literature has been already the marginalization . The death theory of literature appears frequently too .

  12. 通俗文学与严肃文学的关系是近年学术界研究的一个热点,它引发了对于雅俗文学界限、内涵、价值和评价体系的重新思考。

    The relationship between popular literature and serious literature is a focus of recent academic research , which arouses us to rethink their border , connotation , value and evaluation system .

  13. 第一章界定了通俗文学、通俗小说等关键概念,并将通俗文学和其相关概念,如高雅文学、民间文学、大众文学、纯文学、严肃文学等作了比较。

    Besides that , popular literature is compared with some related notions , such as elegant literature , folk literature , public literature , pure literature , solemn literature and so on .

  14. 但与此同时,通俗文学却拥有着极广泛的读者群,其在大众读者中的熟悉度、影响力有时候是严肃文学无法企及的。

    But at the same time , it has a very broad readership , and it has such a great effect upon public readers that even the serious literature cannot compared with .

  15. 况且,与严肃文学相比,侦探小说在人物刻画和表现力方面,缺乏深度。

    In addition , compared with high literature , the detective fiction often lacks in depth , from the angle of writing techniques , or in skills of the characterization and expressive force .

  16. 和利物浦大学的磁共振中心一同致力于此项研究的英文教授菲利普•戴维斯本周将在一次会议上宣称:“严肃文学的作用相当于大脑的火箭助推器。

    Philip Davis , an English professor who has worked on the study with the university 's magnetic resonance centre , will tell a conference this week : " Serious literature acts like a rocket-booster to the brain .

  17. 多重的文学本体论,为新世纪的文学修造了一座立交桥,严肃文学、通俗文学与纯文学可以各行其道,奔向自己的目标。

    The multi-layered literary ontology has virtually built an overpass for literature in the new century so that literature of various types , say , serious literature , popular literature and pure literature , can go along their own ways towards their respective destination .

  18. 苦心而成的严肃的文学著作。

    A solemn literary work that is the product of laborious cogitation .

  19. 我会将他的小说加以归类为严肃的文学。

    I would classify his novels as serious literature .

  20. 《名利场》是英国著名小说家萨克雷的成名之作,可谓严肃的文学作品。

    Vanity Fair , the masterpiece of Thackeray , a famous British novelist , belong to valuable literary works .

  21. 科幻小说通常不被认为是严肃的文学形式,在文学批评领域中往往和魔幻小说、侦探小说、惊险小说归为一类。

    Science fiction is not given the status as serious literary form and is classified as fantasy 、 detective and horror novels .

  22. 有才华的年轻作家难以找到读者,而中国几乎没有严肃的文学批评去引导读者和作家。

    Young talented writers have a hard time finding readers and there is almost no serious criticism to help guide readers and writers .

  23. 如果你曾经遭遇过心理疾病,你就会发现,这些疾病并非像一些严肃的文学作品中刻画得那般奇妙刺激;心理疾病的真实一面非常枯燥无味。

    If you have ever suffered from a mental illness , you will know that it 's not as glamorous as sometimes portrayed in serious works but actually terribly dull .

  24. 直至后现代主义时期,戏仿借助元小说家创作的东风终于走出了这一尴尬境地,转而以一种严肃的文学手法引起了学界的广泛关注。

    Until the period of postmodernism , Parody with the help of the creation of Meta-fiction went out the awkward situation at last and aroused the wide attention of scholars by a serious literary technique .

  25. 柯南·道尔在创造出这个人物时就想杀死他,维尔纳说,对他来说,它只是个通俗故事,他想以更严肃的文学作品闻名。

    As soon as Conan Doyle created this character , he was trying to kill him off , Mr. Werner said . For him , it was just a popular story and he wanted to be known for more serious literary works .

  26. 我们已经很难想象现代犯罪小说、恐怖小说或者其它“严肃”的文学作品中有哪些是不涉及科幻元素的。

    It 's difficult to think of much modern crime , horror or " serious " fiction that doesn 't involve science .

  27. 坚持文学的自由、独立、严肃,希望文学远离商业竞卖、政治争斗。

    Uphold the freedom of literary , independent , serious and hope that the literature keep away from the auction business , political strife .

  28. 中国新时期文学,出现了多元化的创作格局,但在文学观念上仍未彻底摆脱革命现实主义加浪漫主义的政治化严肃传统,文学的真实性和生活的真实性保持了较大的距离。

    Chinese new time literatures appeared diverse creation patterns , but yet had not thoroughly gotten rid of the revolutionary realism in the literary idea and the romantic politicized serious tradition . There were still great distance between the literary authenticity and the life authenticity .

  29. 作家们以严肃的态度追求文学的纯粹性和独立性,开创了文学自觉的新时代。

    The writers pursue the pure nature and independence of literature with a serious attitude and initiate a new era of literature consciousness .

  30. 幽默也是一个处理方言和其他不能以严肃态度处理的文学素材的办法。

    Humorousness was , too , a way of dealing with dialect and other raw materials of literature which could not be treated with high seriousness .