
  • 网络literary fiction;serious novel
  1. 为一部大片写影评时,没必要像为一部严肃小说写书评那样认真谨慎。

    There is no point reviewing a blockbuster as you might review a serious novel .

  2. 我读的第一本严肃小说是辛克莱?刘易斯的《大街》。

    My first serious novel was Sinclair Lewis 's Main Street .

  3. 我喜欢读严肃小说胜于通俗小说。

    I have a preference for serious novels to popular fictions .

  4. 今后几年里,越来越多的严肃小说会被立即辨认出来。

    More and more serious fiction will be immediately identifiable in the coming years .

  5. 比起严肃小说来,他更为喜欢轻松的小说。

    He prefers light fictions to serious novels .

  6. 似乎,严肃小说的流行率在降低而快速小说却受着追捧。

    There seems to be a decline in the popularity of serious fiction in favor of fast fiction .

  7. 译者根据自己的学术兴趣、文学偏好选择译本,促进了中国当代严肃小说的译介。

    Howard Goldblatt selected novels according to his own academic interest and literary preference , which accelerated the translation of Chinese contemporary serious novels .

  8. 随着后现代文艺思潮的盛行,严肃小说和通俗小说界限的消失,对麦尔维尔的研究也不再囿于传统的束缚。

    With prevailing of Post-modernism , the borderline of serious and popular fictions is obscured . Accordingly , the literary research on Melville is not restricted by conventions .

  9. 我更喜欢读轻松小说,而不是那些严肃的小说。

    I prefer light fiction to all those serious novels .

  10. 这是一本严肃的小说,不是供消遣的。

    This is a serious novel , not an entertainment .

  11. 并非只是一个经典的侦探故事,《月亮石》是严肃批评小说,传达它的意义通过非传统的人物和历史暗示。

    Far from being merely a classic detective tale , The Moonstone is a novel of serious criticism , conveying its meaning through unconventional characters and historical allusion .

  12. 其中,《理查德·卡维尔》被誉为是“一部严肃历史题材小说,讲述了一个浪漫的求爱故事以及许多发生在海洋及陆地的事件,”这本书售出了二百万册,销量惊人,作者也由此成为了一个富有的人。

    These included Richard Carvel , described as " a serious historical novel , embracing a romantic courtship and many events on land and sea , " which sold an astonishing two million copies and made the author a rich man .

  13. 作者的思想严肃而保守,小说绝少男女爱情的描写。

    The ideas of the author serious and conservative , And almost have no love story .

  14. 我觉得以中国为严肃主题的间谍小说还有很大写作空间。

    I think there is lots of room for spy fiction that takes China seriously as a subject .

  15. 明显与一个爱情故事和盗窃案无差别的《月亮石》,实际上是严肃的社会批评小说。

    The Moonstone , apparently concerned with little more than a love story and a theft , is actually a novel of serious social criticism .