
  • 网络bipolar structure;bipolar system
  1. 两国关系受两极格局的影响很大。

    The relations of India-Japan were deeply influenced by bipolar system .

  2. 两极格局的瓦解,国际政治格局多极化的发展趋势为欧盟东扩提供了国际政治背景。

    The collapse of bipolar system of international politics and the trend of multi-polarization are the background of EU 's East Enlargement .

  3. 试论世界从两极格局向多极格局的过渡

    Transition from bipolarity to multi-polarity in world politics

  4. 试论冷战的爆发与两极格局的形成

    Try Talking About the Outburst of The Cold War and Forming of the Bipolar Structure

  5. 两极格局后的世界处在大调整、大变动时期。

    The world is in a great period of adjustment and change after bipolar pattern collapsed .

  6. 在两极格局下,美国的对华政策更多地服从于其对苏政策,中国不过是其冷战全球战略大棋局中的一颗重要棋子。

    Under bipolar structure , American policy on China is submitted to its policy to Soviet .

  7. 1945-1953年是二战后冷战两极格局逐步形成的时期。

    1945-1953 is the era when the Cold War bipolar configuration was gradually coming into being .

  8. 冷战期间,围绕两极格局意识形态的对峙而引发的国际冲突,越来越多地呈现出危机态势;

    In cold war era , bipolar world system led to many international conflicts , many of which developed into crises .

  9. 两极格局的国际背景把中国和法国分割为两个不同的世界,加入了两大阵营的对抗之中。

    The bi-pole context made China and France two different worlds , involved in the confrontation between the two great camps .

  10. 两极格局瓦解后,朝鲜半岛仍然笼罩着冷战的阴影。但苏联解体后,朝鲜半岛的冷战阴影并没有散去。

    After the pattern of two-pole collapsed , the influential shadow of the Cold War has been still lingering about by Korea Peninsula .

  11. 这一切,预示着多极化正逐步冲破两极格局的束缚,成为未来国际格局的发展趋势。

    All these signs foretold that the multipolarization was breaking through the shackles of bipolarity and would become the mail inclination of future .

  12. 它的前身「苏联」在两极格局时期,曾经是与美国并驾齐驱的超级强权。

    During the double-polarized powers of its former form " Soviet Union ", Russia used to stride shoulder to shoulder with the US .

  13. 第二次世界大战后,根据战时大国安排和战后国际力量对比的变化,国际舞台上形成了以两极格局为主要特点的雅尔塔体系。

    After world war two , according to the arrangement and power comparison of great nations , the Yalta system characterized by bipolarity was formed .

  14. 但在两极格局内部,却蕴涵着极大的不稳定性,并由此导致了两大阵营的分化和解体,其他全球性战略力量的发展和壮大。

    But there was great instability in both camps , and thus resulted in the disintegration of each camp and the development of other strategic powers .

  15. 冷战的结束,导致世界两极格局瓦解,全球化进程加快发展的同时,地区主义和地区化也获得了新发展。

    The end of the cold war caused the world two-pole pattern to disintegrate , the globalization advancement sped up , regionalism has obtained great development .

  16. 两极格局终结后至今,以美、欧、日、中、俄五大力量为主体的世界多极格局的框架结构已基本形成;

    Since the end of the bipolar pattern a worldwide multipolar structure with the US , Europe , Japan , China and Russia at the lead has emerged .

  17. 第二次世界大战后形成了雅尔塔体系,世界两极格局形成,欧洲一分为二分别被美国和苏联控制。

    After world II , the Yalta system and the bi-pole structure were developed and Europe was divided into two parts controlled separately by US and Soviet Union .

  18. 冷战时代是国际关系史上的一个特殊发展阶段,两极格局下的权力政治是解释该时期国际事务的不二法门。

    The era of the Cold War is a special stage in the history of international relations , in which the key to explain international affairs is Power Politics .

  19. 苏联解体,两极格局结束,中亚五国成为独立主权国家,欧亚大陆的地缘政治状况发生了巨大变化。

    The disintegration of the Soviet Union , polar pattern ends , the five Central Asian countries became independent sovereign states , and the Eurasian geopolitical situation produced tremendous change .

  20. 冷战结束以来,国际干涉频繁出现,与两极格局时期相比,干涉的形式发生了深刻变化。

    Since the cold war ended , international interference has occured frequently . Compared with the period of the bipolar structure , the form of interference has undergone profound changes .

  21. 日内瓦会议是两极格局下两大阵营抗衡对峙过程中召开的和平协商会议,是大国较量的另一“战场”;

    The Geneva Conference was a peaceful consultation meeting held during the Two Camps ' confrontation in the bipolar structure and it was also another battlefield for the great powers .

  22. 随着冷战的结束和两极格局的瓦解,国际冲突在数量上的增加使联合国维和行动更加复杂和艰难。

    But it changed a lot with the end of the Cold War and collapse of bi-polar relations . The increased international conflicts made UN peacekeeping operations complex and rough .

  23. 冷战结束后,美苏两极格局宣告瓦解,国际政治力量进入重新调整时期,东南亚地区的力量格局也随之发生相应变化。

    The end of the cold war rang out the death knell for the Soviet - American bipolar world and also indicated that the international political powers came into a period of adjustment .

  24. 但事实上,原先被两极格局所掩盖和压制的一些矛盾和冲突却接踵而来,严重危及地区甚至国际和平与安全。

    But in fact , had originally been overshadowed by the bipolar pattern and repression of some of the contradictions and conflicts , but one after another , seriously endanger regional and even international peace and security .

  25. 但是在冷战特殊的背景下,由于需要面对苏联这一共同威胁,这些矛盾都被压制在两极格局的框架之下。

    But under the background of the cold war , these contradictions are all suppressed under the frame of the bipolar structure in order that they need each other to confront the " Soviet Union threat " .

  26. 冷战结束后,两极格局虽然打破,但在全球化的背景下,经济政治的相互依赖作用加强,使突发性国际冲突事件更为普遍;

    After the end of the cold war , although bipolar system disappeared , the globalization makes the world economy and politics interdependent , the conflicts of inter-regional civilization emerges , so paroxysmal international conflicts become more common .

  27. 两极格局的结束淡化了军事力量的对抗,经济因素在国际地位中的日益上升使美欧间的贸易摩擦与经济纠纷日益激烈,由冷战时期的支流问题演化为有损于联盟基础的主流矛盾。

    The conclusion of two-pole pattern desalinated the military force resistance , and economic agent in the proportion of international standing is rising day by day , which makes trade friction and economic dispute between USA and Europe increase intensely .

  28. 由于冷战时期的两极格局解体,世界格局的多极化趋势日渐明朗,但多极化的最终形成是一个漫长而复杂的历史进程。

    Because of the desegregation of the bipolar pattern formed during the cold war , the multicolor trend of the world pattern is clear day by day . But the ultimate formation of it is a long and complex process .

  29. 随着冷战的结束,美欧之间被两极格局压制下的矛盾一下子进发出来,因此矛盾的演化出现了不同于冷战时期的新趋势。

    Since the end of cold war , the suppressed contradiction under the bipolar structure burst out between USA and EU , so the evolution of the contradiction has a new trend that is different from the period of cold war .

  30. 冷战的结束,两极格局的消失,是20世纪的一次巨变,它不仅改变了当代世界各方面特别是国际政治的面貌,而且也将对人类社会的发展产生深远的影响。

    With the end of the cold war and the bipolarity in the 20th century , there was a big change in the world , especially in the international politics . It will leave a deep mark in the progress of the human society .