
yè wù fàn wéi
  • business scope;scope of business;extent of business
  1. 银行的业务范围是全球性的,活动遍布于所有五大洲的43个国家。

    The bank 's scope is worldwide , in forty three countries on all the five continents .

  2. 治理,SOA一开始就需要治理功能,因为没有某种程度的控制,你就无法取得业务范围内的一致。

    Governance SOA will initially require a Governance function as you will not achieve business wide coordination without some degree of control .

  3. 我国已加入WTO,根据中国加入世贸协议规定的金融开放日程,未来几年外资银行在中国的业务范围将越来越大,新的冲击必然会更多地到来。

    According to WTO 's rules in financial fields , the business for the foreign banks in china will be better in the near future .

  4. 总部位于美国阿肯色州的SuttleEquipment公司成立于1970年,业务范围是销售和维护伐木设备。

    Arkansas-based Suttle Equipment was founded in 1970 to sell and service timber harvesting equipment .

  5. 接着介绍了外贸行业的现状和E公司的基本情况,简述E公司现在业务范围和指出E公司目前存在的一些主要问题。

    Following introduction the current situation of Trading in China and brief scope of E company business and that the main problems exist in the E company currently .

  6. Facebook有可能值这么多钱,其估值甚至可能高于谷歌,因为它的业务范围更广,增长速度要快得多。

    Facebook has the potential to be worth as much , or arguably more than Google because of the scope and viral-growth potential .

  7. 例如,现在已有一些文档过程。它们可以管理业务范围,以及与使用RequisitePro的模型相关的功能性和非功能性需求。

    For example , there are documented procedures for managing business scope , functional and non-functional requirements related to the models using Requisite Pro .

  8. PG公司是一家多元化集团公司,业务范围包括房地产开发、房地产基金业务等。

    PG company is a diversified group of companies , business scope includes thedevelopment of real estate , real estate funds etc. .

  9. 加入WTO为供水行业向市场化迈进以扩张经营业务范围、提高经营效益和管理水平提供了良好的发展契机,但同时也对供水行业提出了更多、更直接的要求。

    It also maintains the society stability . The affiliation in the WTO provides the water supply industry a good chance for extending its business scope , gaining its benefit and increasing its management level .

  10. 无线局域网和移动运营商网络结合起来,利用现有GPRS核心网强大的管理功能和漫游能力,可以拓展无线局域网的业务范围。

    This paper describes a new wireless LAN system architecture that combines the wireless LAN radio access technology with GPRS core network 's management functions and roaming infrastructure .

  11. 案例的主体是X研究中心,它是广东省科学院下属的一家国有科研事业单位,其主要业务范围是承担自动化信息技术研究、产品开发和工程技术咨询任务。

    The leading role in the case is the X Research Center ( XRC ); it belongs to Guangdong Academy of Science . The business of the XRC focuses on automatic information technology research , product development and engineering technology-consulting service .

  12. LIBOR丑闻将使英国的全能银行更难以阻止或者弱化那些限制银行业务范围的极端提议。

    And the LIBOR scandal will make it far more difficult for the British universal banks to block or soften the most extreme proposals to limit their scope .

  13. 事实证明,如今被政府接管的美国国际集团(aig)就是去年的一个巨大系统性风险,主要原因就是该集团把业务范围从保险拓宽到复杂的金融工程。

    AIG of the US , the failed insurance group , was proven to be a vast systemic risk last year , in large part because of its diversification from insurance into complex financial engineering .

  14. 由亿万富翁李嘉诚控股、业务范围从港口到零售的香港综合企业集团和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa),正考虑发起全面收购,将旗下亏损的电信子公司私有化。

    Hutchison Whampoa , the Hong Kong ports-to-retail conglomerate controlled by billionaire Li Ka-shing , is considering making a possible buyout offer to take its lossmaking telecoms subsidiary private .

  15. Avalon通过扩大业务范围,减少了对单个节目或明星的依赖,同时也为其客户提供了更丰富的服务。

    By broadening its activities , Avalon has reduced its dependence on any single show or star , while also offering its clients a much richer range of services .

  16. 这里所使用的术语“业务范围(business-wide)”反映的是数据访问和使用的范围,而非物理结构。

    The term " business-wide " is used here to reflect the scope of data access and usage , not the physical structure .

  17. 在对当前各种先进信息技术和管理技术研究的基础上,提出了XRP当前的业务范围以及系统功能划分的准则,建立了系统的结构模型。

    Based on several of advanced information technology and management technology , XRP solution including function modeling rule and system architecture has been suggested .

  18. Farmigo最近把业务范围扩张到了新泽西州北部和韦斯切斯特地区,并以每月30个的速度增加社区配送点。

    Farmigo recently expanded into northern New Jersey and Westchester and is adding about 30 drop-off sites a month .

  19. 报告作者之一、华威商学院及伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)OutsourcingUnit副研究员IlanOshri表示,由于印度的顶尖公司已将业务范围覆盖至全球,该国的领先地位将保持至少15年。

    Ilan Oshri , one of the report 's authors and associate fellow at WBS and the London School of Economics Outsourcing Unit , said India would maintain its lead for at least 15 years as its top companies had established a global footprint .

  20. azimut正致力于进一步扩大全球业务范围的计划,考虑在克罗地亚、土耳其和黑海可能在乌克兰、保加利亚或罗马尼亚沿海地区建设码头。

    Azimut is working on plans to increase its global spread still more , with ideas under study to set up marinas in Croatia , Turkey and on the Black Sea perhaps on the coast of Ukraine , Bulgaria or Romania .

  21. 国内旅行社的业务范围是什么?

    What 's the business scope for a domestic travel service ?

  22. 电子产品在我司业务范围内

    80 Electronic products fall within the scope of our business activities

  23. 可以让我了解一下您的业务范围吗?

    Can I have some information about your scope of business ?

  24. 业务范围亦覆盖亚洲、北美洲等其它地区。

    Line of business also covers Asia , North America , etc.

  25. 业务范围:矿产勘查、评价与开发;

    Business Scope : mineral exploitation , evaluation and development ;

  26. 合理规范与调整会计师事务所业务范围;

    Regulating and adjusting the operating scope of accounting offices ;

  27. 私人保镖能否成为保安服务公司的业务范围

    Whether Private Bodyguard Belongs to the Business Range of the Safeguarding Company

  28. 霍尼韦尔的业务范围广泛,从空运到条形码扫描器无所不包。

    It has tentacles in everything from air transportation to barcode scanners .

  29. 紧接着对中国信用卡市场的发展历史、发展规模和业务范围进行了介绍。

    Subsequently it introduces the history and scale of China credit market .

  30. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。

    Participation in tender is in our line of business .