
  • 网络Specialized investigation;special survey
  1. 和谐侦查是指权力机关在办理案件过程中,依照法律和社会许容度进行的专门调查工作和有关的强制性措施。

    Harmonious investigation a special survey and mandatory measure according to law and social permissibility during the authority organs handling a case .

  2. 作为刑事司法皇家专门调查委员会的成员,拉弗蒂小姐发表评论恰如其分。

    A member of the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice , Miss Rafferty is well-placed to comment

  3. 例如去年,美国联邦调查局(fbi)组成了一个4人小组,专门调查涉及《反海外腐败法》的案件。

    Last year , for example , the Federal Bureau of investigation created a four-person team dedicated specifically to FCPA cases .

  4. FCIC会由国会设立,专门调查金融危机的起因。它本周在华盛顿召开听证会,意在调查金融机构大到不能倒的现象。

    The FCIC , which was set up by Congress to examine the causes of the financial crisis , is examining the phenomenon of too big to fail institutions at this week 's hearing in Washington .

  5. 该项在线调查由专门调查名人及品牌的E-Poll市场调查公司开展,共有1107名儿童参加。调查主要为了了解儿童对于乖巧和淘气的理解,以及他们认为谁该入选圣诞老人今年的“两榜”。

    The online survey of 1107 children was conducted by E-Poll Market Research , which specializes in celebrity and brand research , to gauge children 's attitudes about nice , naughty , and the seasonal question of who makes Santa 's list .

  6. 其专门调查小组的报告随时都可能出炉。

    Its ad hoc investigative report is due at any moment .

  7. 这个专门调查小组的成员为数不多。

    MemBers of the special investigation group are few in numBer .

  8. 笔者具体探讨了几种专门调查和收集心理证据的方法。

    The author specifically discusses several investigations and collection of psychological evidence .

  9. 由它委派一位称职的人选专门调查个人对国家的意见。

    Appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State .

  10. 皇家专门调查委员会的官方报告

    Official report of a royal commission

  11. 对现场的环境安全和健康进行审查,进行专门调查,做出分析报告。

    Undertake on-site environmental safety and health audits and specific investigation , and make analytical reports .

  12. 很少有研究专门调查美丽的风险,或者说,平凡的好处。

    Few studies have examined the perils of beauty , or the upside of ordinary stock .

  13. 首先,这是国内首次对研究生英语教师的素质进行的专门调查。

    First , it is the first time in China that graduate English teachers ' quality has been investigated .

  14. 嘉祥方言词缀比较丰富,到目前为之,没有见到有人对嘉祥方言的词缀进行系统深入的专门调查和研究。

    Jiaxiang , affix dialect , not to meet someone for jiaxiang dialect to affix the special investigation and study .

  15. 维多利亚州州长约翰。布伦比宣称,皇家专门调查委员会将审查一切涉及火灾的政策。

    Victoria State Premier John Brumby has announced that a royal commission will examine all policies on dealing with fires .

  16. 为此,专门调查了电话业务、数据传输业务和信令网络管理的要求。

    To this end , the requirements of the telephone service , the data transmission service and the signalling network management , in particular , were investigated .

  17. 刑事侦查行为的失范主要表现为滥用强制措施,专门调查行为的任意性,规避法律等。其根本原因在于侦查控制机制不够健全,表现为超职权主义的行政化活动。

    The abuses of criminal investigation that step out of regulation are mainly consisted in forced measures , randomness in a special investigating action and avoidance of the particular laws .

  18. 专门调查、记载和统计了枇杷属植物叶片性状的若干数据指标,并对叶片的调查及数据记录方法进行了讨论。

    At the same time , some index on leaf in Eriobotrya plants were investigated , recorded and statistically analyzed , and the means of leaf traits investigation and date record were discussed .

  19. 专项审计调查是审计机关依法运用审计手段,对与国家财政收支有关的特定事项,向有关地方、部门、单位进行的专门调查的活动。

    The special audit investigation are activities that the audit organs use audit tools , and national fiscal revenue and expenditure related to the specific matters to the relevant localities , departments and units .

  20. 本文根据1987年8月对莱州湾进行的专门调查资料,阐述调查期间该区域温、盐度的平面分布、垂直分布以及周日统计持征。

    Based on the investigation data collected in Laizhou Bay in August 1987 , the horizontal and vertical distributions and daily statistical characteristics of temperature and salinity in the area during the survey period are expounded .

  21. 经笔者调查,目前关于专门调查和研究国内商业插图应用缺陷的文章理论还较少,即使分析也是一带而过。

    Investigation by the writer , at present a special investigation and study on domestic commercial illustration application of theory of defects in the article is also less , even if the analysis is also in passing .

  22. 理论上,通过对民事书证调查程序基本问题的分析及其方式与机理的梳理和阐释,系统、准确地把握了其运作的基本法理,为其他证据种类建立专门调查程序奠定了夯实的基础。

    In theory , by way of analyze the basic issues , methods and mechanisms of the investigation procedures of civil documentary evidence , accurately grasp the basic principles of its operation , laid a compacted foundation for other types of evidence to establish a special investigation procedure .

  23. 在联邦调查局(fbi)华盛顿总部的办公室,这位高级特工分管着一个团队,专门负责调查恐怖嫌犯如何利用互联网。

    In his office in the Washington headquarters of the FBI , the supervisory special agent runs a team that investigates how suspected terrorists are using the Internet .

  24. 已成立一专门委员会调查工人们的申诉

    A committee is set up to look into the workers ' grievance

  25. 其中一位专门负责调查取证的主审法官在庭上负责询问所有提供证据的证人。

    A chief investigating judge questions those who give evidence in the court .

  26. 该公司还表示,正在考虑设立专门委员会调查此事。

    It added that it is considering establishing a special committee to investigate the circumstances .

  27. 建议在以后的工作中,如能收集到研究区的边界资料或有专门的调查研究项目,尽可能对边界条件进行更为准确的刻画。

    For more accurate characterization of boundary conditions , more boundary data and specialized investigations are needed in further studies .

  28. 在指控浮出水面之后,学校中止了涉事教授吴春明的工作职责,并宣布已成立专门小组调查此案。

    After the allegations surfaced , the university suspended the professor , Wu Chunming , and announced that it had set up a special team to investigate the case .

  29. 野生动物贸易统计数据收集方法体系包括野生动物贸易统计企业(单位)定期统计报表以及野生动物专门组织调查如重点调查和抽样调查等统计数据收集方法;

    The wildlife trade data collections methods system includes the wildlife trade statistics enterprise ( unit ) periodical covariance statement and the specialized organization investigate such as the point investigates and sampling ;

  30. 中西方学者对导致学生在外语课堂尤其是普通英语课堂保持沉默和被动学习的因素进行了大量理论与实证研究,但没有对商务英语课堂的沉默现象做专门的调查。

    Many eastern and western researchers have been devoted to the study of reasons causing students ' reticence and passivity in foreign language class especially in General English class , but few attempts have been made to specifically explore the factors causing students ' reticence in Business English class .