
  • dont get it
  1. 你在说什么?我不明白。

    What are you talking about ? I have no idea .

  2. 而她也不明白他们在说些什么。

    And she had no idea what they were talking about .

  3. 我一点也不明白你的意思。

    I didn 't have the faintest idea what you meant .

  4. 我不明白她怎么受得了他。

    I don 't know how she puts up with him .

  5. 我不明白你怎么能吃那种东西!

    I don 't know how you can eat that stuff !

  6. 你怎么老不明白我的观点呢?

    Why can 't you ever see my point of view ?

  7. 我不明白她为什么没打电话。

    I 'm baffled as to why she hasn 't called .

  8. 乔希怎么想有什么要紧,我不明白。

    I don 't see that it matters what Josh thinks .

  9. 难道你不明白她是在愚弄你?

    Can 't you see she 's making a fool of you ?

  10. 我仍然不明白这项工作包括哪些内容。

    I 'm still not clear what the job involves .

  11. 我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。

    I don 't see the point of doing it all again .

  12. 我不明白支持他论据的是什么逻辑。

    I fail to see the logic behind his argument .

  13. 他站在那里,盯着那具尸体,弄不明白是怎么回事。

    He stood staring at the dead body , unable to comprehend .

  14. 我不明白你怎么能把这两件事等同起来。

    I don 't see how you can equate the two things .

  15. 我怎么也不明白她为何被解雇。

    I could never understand why she was fired .

  16. 我不明白他在说些什么。

    I don 't understand what he 's saying .

  17. 我不明白她为什么没打电话。

    I 'm baffled why she hasn 't called .

  18. 根据你刚才所说的,我不明白怎么会产生那样的结果。

    I don 't see how that follows from what you 've just said .

  19. “诚实”?他不明白这个词是什么意思!

    ' Honesty ' ? He doesn 't know the meaning of the word !

  20. 她不明白怎么会有人竟拿人们的生命那样去冒险。

    She could not comprehend how someone would risk people 's lives in that way .

  21. 对不起,我不明白。

    Sorry , I don 't follow .

  22. 我不明白——她怎么会干那种事?

    I don 't get it ─ why would she do a thing like that ?

  23. 她不明白那笑话的含义。

    She didn 't get the joke .

  24. 我仍不明白,你究竟为什么取了这么个名字。

    I still don 't understand why you chose that name in the first place .

  25. 我不明白这有什么好笑的。

    I didn 't get the joke .

  26. 难道你还不明白?

    Haven 't you twigged yet ?

  27. 她努力解释系统如何运作,可我怎么也弄不明白。

    She tried to explain how the system works , but it 's all Greek to me .

  28. 我听不明白他的讲话,他老是转换话题。

    I couldn 't follow the talk because he kept jumping about from one topic to another .

  29. 她费尽口舌给我解释它的意思,可我恐怕还是不明白。

    She told me what it meant at great length but I 'm afraid I 'm none the wiser .

  30. 我不明白为什么他们不要我们。

    I can 't understand why they don 't want us .