
  • 网络Unequal Term
  1. 论对不平等格式条款的规制

    On the Regulation of Unfair Form Clause

  2. 在市场经济中,经营者利用不平等格式条款侵犯消费者权益的事件引起了社会的广泛关注。

    In market economy , it causes much attention that operators encroach rights and interests of consumers by the unfair form clause .

  3. 但是,随着格式条款在移动通信服务业的普遍应用,一些法律问题不可避免的出现在移动通信服务合同中,主要是指一些经营者单方面制定的逃避法定义务,减免自身责任的不平等格式条款。

    However , with the application of the standard clauses in the mobile telecom service industry , some legal problems appear in mobile telecom service contract which mainly refers to unfair standard clause unilaterally generated by some operators to avoid their legal obligation and reduce their own responsibility .

  4. 非正义格式条款,主要是指一些经营者单方面制定的逃避法定义务,减免自身责任的不平等的格式合同条款。

    The unjust standard clause refers to those unilaterally made by some providers with the intention to evade legal obligations and reduce or even avoid their responsibilities .