
  1. 这些问题不属本文论述范围。

    These issues were outside the scope of the article .

  2. 他们与我们不属同一个级别。

    They 're in a different league from us .

  3. 狗、猫、马、鞋——哪一个不属同类?

    Dog , cat , horse , shoe ─ which is the odd one out ?

  4. 上皮细胞膜抗原(Epithelialmembraneantigen,EMA)虽不属肿瘤标志物范畴,但与肿瘤标志物有许多相近之处,如组织的相对特异性。

    Although Epithelial Membrane Antigen ( EMA ) is not a tumor marker , there is great similarity to it , for example , the relative organ specificity .

  5. 2013年拜罗伊特音乐节,他指挥演奏的华格纳(Wagner)“指环(Ring)”系列也掌声不断,尽管原作不属上乘。

    And in 2013 , his conducting of Wagner 's " Ring " cycle at Bayreuth was applauded , even if the production was not .

  6. 本人的问题是:如何遏制黑莓与iphone手机的使用,并回归到吸烟不属重罪的时代?

    The question for me is how we can curb the use of the BlackBerry and iPhone and revert to the days when smoking is not regarded as a felony .

  7. 因此,它们不属活动断层,这个结论也被其它地质观测手段所证实。

    This conclusion is supported by other geological observations as well .

  8. 这工具袋和拎箱与缝纫机是分开的,不属同一件产品。是厂方从另一家制造商那里买来的。

    These are separate products which he buys from another manufacturer .

  9. 非正确使用而致使产品损坏、烧坏的,不属保修之列。

    And any damage caused by incorrect operation is not included .

  10. 工程建设不属这个部门管辖。

    Construction is not within the compass of the department .

  11. 此事不属我们管辖。

    This matter does not come ( fall ) within our jurisdiction .

  12. 我认为她不属艺术家那类的人。

    I don 't think she 's the artistic type .

  13. 那宗案件不属本法庭受理范围。

    That case falls outside the jurisdiction of this court .

  14. 圣灵的火可以洁净所有一切不属乎基督的。

    Fire purifies all that is not of Christ .

  15. 虽然鲸鱼在水里生活,但是它们不属鱼类。

    Although whales spend their lives in water , they are not fish .

  16. 只是我的国不属这世界。

    But now My kingdom is from another place .

  17. 盗窃信用卡并使用的行为,不属牵连犯罪。

    The behavior of stealing credit card and using it is not implicated crime .

  18. 探讨松节油取代二甲苯在病理技术中的应用,结果表明,松节油对机体为低害试剂,不属国家规定的致职业病药品范畴;

    Use of terebenthene as a substitute for xylene was approached in pathologic technology .

  19. 这位首相声称他要在英国建立一个不属任何阶级的精英领导社会。

    The prime minister claims he wants to create a classless meritocracy in britain .

  20. 指政治或学术上既不属左又不属右的。

    Of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually .

  21. 他们不属同一级别。

    They 're not in the same league .

  22. 该货物不属腐蚀品。

    The substance does not belong to corrosives .

  23. 抑制实验表明该酶不属丝氨酸类蛋白酶。

    Studies with protease inhibitors suggested that this enzyme is not a serine - protease .

  24. 扩建旅社的问题不属这次讨论的范围。

    The expansion of the hotel building falls outside the scope of the present discussion .

  25. 他们不属任何宗教派别。

    They have no religious denomination .

  26. 土壤速效养分含量是多年培肥土壤形成的,不属当年施肥。

    The content of quick effective nutrient of soil is formed by applying fertilizer for years .

  27. 他们不属世界,正如我不属世界一样。

    They are not of the world , even as I am not of the world .

  28. 五四以来的文化运动不属资产阶级启蒙运动而是现代化启蒙运动。

    The cultural movement since May 4,1919 is not part of bourgeois enlightenment but of modern cultural enlightenment .

  29. 他们放弃设在这里的政府,宣称我们已不属他们保护之列,并向我们发动战争。

    He has abdicated government here , by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us .

  30. 娱乐品及玩具;不属别类的体育及运动用品,圣诞树用装饰品。

    Games and playthings ; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes ; decorations for Christmas trees .