
bù mèi
  • insomnia
不寐[bù mèi]
  1. 随着年龄的增大,老年不寐逐渐以虚证为主。

    Deficiency gradually became the main syndrome of senile insomnia with age .

  2. 中药足浴调治乙型肝炎患者不寐的观察与护理

    Nursing of insomnia patients with viral hepatitis B by lavipeditum of traditional Chinese medicine treating

  3. 三部推拿法对心脾两虚型不寐的疗效和SAS的影响

    Clinical Observation and SAS on the Therapy of Three Parts Massage for Treatment of Insomnia

  4. A组患者倦怠乏力、食少纳呆、自汗盗汗、虚烦不寐、口干咽燥、大便干结症状与对照组比较有统计学差异P<0.05。

    A group of patients languid , food less since sweat , stay , night sweats , virtual vexed not mei , mouth GanYan dryness , stool stem node symptoms compared with controls statistically significant P ﹤ 0.05 .

  5. 武汉市武昌区老年不寐的流行病学调查

    Senile Insomnia Epidemiological Investigation in Wuchang District of Wuhan City

  6. 不寐的辨证分型治疗有哪些?

    What 's the syndrome differentiation and treatment of insomnia ?

  7. 穴位贴药治疗心肾不交型不寐42例

    Acupoint Application for Insomnia of Heart - Kidney Disharmony in 42 Cases

  8. 结论:1.归脾汤加减可以改善不寐患者的中医证候,提高患者的睡眠质量。

    GuiPi Tang can improve the syndromes and sleep quality of insomniac . 2 .

  9. 自拟更年安神汤治疗更年期不寐的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Insomnia by Menopause with Geng Nian an Shen Decoction

  10. 不寐的病因与证治

    The Etiology and differential Treatment of Insomnia

  11. 她们长夜不寐,计算着未来,

    Lying awake , calculating the future ,

  12. 目的了解老年不寐的现患率并揭示其病机特点。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence rate of senile insomnia and revealing the characteristics of its pathogenesis .

  13. 九个印第安小男孩,深夜不寐真困乏;

    Nine little Indian boys sat up very late ; One overslept himself and then there were eight .

  14. 不寐方的应用不仅使病人摆脱不寐的困扰,同时更有利于血糖的控制和达标。

    Not only the patient out of troubled sleep , but also more favorable blood glucose control and compliance .

  15. 结论:三部推拿法治疗心脾两虚型不寐的疗效确切,方法安全,具有可操作性和推广价值。

    Conclusion : The therapy of three parts massage can increases the clinical therapeutic effect on insomnia as well .

  16. 双籽耳压治疗心肾不交型不寐症疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Auricular Point Double-seed Plaster Therapy in Treating Refractory Severe Insomnia of Heart-kidney Disharmony Type

  17. 针刺照海申脉为主治疗不寐症临床观察

    Clinical observation on acupuncture at Zhaohai ( KI 6 ) and Shenmai ( BL 62 ) for treatment of insomnia

  18. 不寐是困扰人类的一种顽固病证,故其治疗一直是医家关注的焦点不寐,在现代医学中即指失眠综合征。

    Insomnia is a chronic disease afflicting humankind , so the treatment has been the focus of attention of physicians .

  19. 目的:观察针刺肝胆俞募穴为主治疗不寐的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical curative effect of acupuncture of liver and gall back-shu and from-mu points mainly in treating insomnia .

  20. 结论肝肾阴虚是老年不寐的基础病机,滋养肝肾将是治疗老年不寐的主要法则。

    Conclusion Yin deficiency of liver and kidney is the basic pathogenesis of senile insomnia , nourishing liver and kidney may be the main law of treatment .

  21. 中青年女性和中年偏老年患者因其体质特点和各种致病因素的结合更易成为痰热兼血瘀型不寐的患者。

    Middle aged women and the old are tend to be phlegm-heat and blood stasis type insomnia patients for their constitutional character and increased susceptibility to pathogenic factors .

  22. 你可以随心所欲,长夜坐而不寐;起身出外时,也不会有什么大房东二房东拦住你要房租。

    You could sit up as late as you pleased , and , whenever you got up , go abroad without any landlord or house-lord dogging you for rent .

  23. 目的:对三部推拿法治疗心脾两虚型不寐进行多中心临床评价,系统整理和规范化研究,并探讨其治疗机理。

    Objective : To carry on multicentric clinical evaluation , systemic unscrambling and normalization study of three parts massage treating insomnia with type of deficiency of both the heart and spleen , and explore its therapeutic mechanism .

  24. 本文目的在于提高不寐证组方配伍水平及临床疗效,为今人创制治疗不寐证新方提供思路与依据。

    The main purpose of this paper is to promote and raise the level of making up of the prescription and the curative effect , to offer thoughts and bases for creating new prescription of this kinds of disease .

  25. 吾师本着中医辨证施治的原则,精于辨证,组方精炼,用药考究,重视不寐的心理治疗,使患者的身心得到全面的调整。

    Professor Ma Zhi in its traditional Chinese medicine principle , proficient differential treatment , with the emphasis on modified permit , sophisticated drugs , the psychological importance of insomnia treatment so that patients receive comprehensive physical and mental adjustment .

  26. 失眠,中医谓之不寐,通常指患者对睡眠时间和(或)质量不满足并影响白天社会功能的一种主观体验。

    Insomnia , the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine of " insomnia ", usually refers to patients for sleep time and ( or ) does not meet the quality and influence of social function during the day a subjective experience .

  27. 主证以入睡困难为主,可兼见易醒或早醒醒后难以入睡等症状,严重者出现彻夜不寐。

    The main symptom was difficulty falling asleep , some others such as easy to wake up or wake up early , wake up can not sleep also can be seen , further more some severe cases will behave sleepless through the night .

  28. 在《内经》营卫睡眠理论的基础上,后世医家提出了阴阳睡眠理论与阳不交阴则不寐的学说;

    Thirdly , on the base of the theory which explaining sleep with Ying-wei 's movement , some successive doctors bring forward the theory which explaining sleep with Yin-Yang , and think the reason for insomnia is Yang fails in associating with Yin ;

  29. 中医学中虽然没有这个病名,但从临床表现看当属中医心悸、怔忡、胸痹、眩晕、不寐等范畴。

    Although there is not this sickness name in the traditional Chinese medicine , which , from the clinical manifestation , is the Chinese medicine palpitation , the palpitation , the obstruction of Qi in chest , the dizziness , insomnia and so on .

  30. 以计分法比较两组治疗后胸痛、胸闷、气短、心悸、发热、自汗、不寐、疲倦乏力、畏寒肢冷等症状的改善情况,以及治疗前后两组炎症性指标的变化情况。

    After treatment , improvement in symptoms such as chest pain , chest distension , short breath , palpitation , fever , spontaneous sweating , insomnia , lassitude , aversion to cold and cold limbs was compared between group A and group B by scoring method .