
Title registration system is a system with high effect and high cost .
Economical Analysis and Application of Title Registration System
When seen from the law angle , can safeguard the safety of the real property right , in both static state and dynamic state .
A perfect registration system is of great significance in respect of safeguarding the legal right of the real property possessor , ensuring the trade of real property to be safe and quick and the government 's macro regulation and control about the real property market .
The sequence means the order and position of the registration right in the registration book .
In Anglo-American property law , the law of nuisance is an important system regulating the relationship in land use among neighboring estateholders .
All co-owners are entitled to possession of the entire real property rights , as long as there is no unlawful deprivation of the possession of the other co-owners are free to occupy real estate .
This article makes clear that the significance of registration for special movables and immovables , to some extent , it is the essential reason why the special movables are differ from immovables in right appearance , standard of acquisition in good faith and other aspects .
The expropriation of property is most typical among all kinds of expropriations of chattels and property .
System of property rights acquired in good faith objects , including movable and immovable property and other rights object .
The constitutive requirements of public benefit collection must be legal and its object includes property rights , movables and immovables .
The objection registration system is an important component of property registration system , it refers to the real rights of real estate or interested persons recorded due to the registration the right to dissent , to the registration authority carried out the registration .
The Rights , Duties and Liabilities of the Beneficiary under Real Estate Trust
Argument on Animal Rights : Some Observations in Law Philosophy Article 17 The realty ownership certificate shall be the evidence for the holder 's ownership of a realty .
In this thesis , the author especially emphasize on viewpoint as follows : one is that real estate register is connected with proprietary right , in particular promoting the development of private concept and ownership concept ;
The registration of real property is to maintain the static security of real property rights and to protect the security of real estate dynamic transactions .
Actions concerning immovable property or rights or any other interests relating to immovable property will be instituted in the court within territorial jurisdiction where the de-fendant is domiciled or where the immovable property is situated .
The neighbouring relations of the real estate are a set of rights and obligations which keep the close relation with the property .
Real Property Register is an important property rights theory , and it has the right to safeguard the real safety and security of static dynamic real estate transaction security functions .
As the carrier of real estate registration , the real estate register plays an important role in realizing the principle of the real right announcement .
The real estate registration is a kind of form of publicity to the change of immovable property , the authenticity of the contents of registration directly affects both parties to the transaction and the owner of the realty in vital interests .