
bù fán
  • Extraordinary;uncommon;outstanding;out of the ordinary;out of the common run
不凡 [bù fán]
  • [out of the common run;out of the ordinary] 不平凡,不一般

  • 举止不凡

不凡[bù fán]
  1. 方丈见这老人仪表不凡,便邀他到寺里喝茶。

    Abbot see this old instrument out of the ordinary , they invited him to To the temple to drink tea .

  2. 一流的硬件彰显不凡的出生,尖端的技术擦亮璀璨的明珠。

    The top-grade hardware exhibits its outstanding status and the high-end technologies brush up the resplendent jewels .

  3. 他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她不为所动。

    She wasn 't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk .

  4. 他的成就是非同一般;由于他没有得到过任何帮助,更显不凡。

    His achievement is remarkable ; all the more so because he had no help at all .

  5. 尽管她小的时候在音乐和艺术方面有不凡的天赋,上学的时候这两门功课却都不及格。

    Despite her precocious talent for music and art , she failed both subjects at school .

  6. 新来的首席执行官气度不凡。

    The new CEO has a distinguished bearing .

  7. 她的表演展示出不凡的技艺。

    Her performance displayed great art .

  8. 守门员身手不凡,接连救起了几个险球。

    He 's a very good goalkeeper and made several spectacular saves .

  9. 即使B先生才智不凡,他也不夸耀自己。

    Even though Mr. B possesses unique grey matter , he does not flaunt himself .

  10. 虽然BoomSound这个名字有点傻,但这项由数字音响厂商Beats设计的功能令One手机卓尔不凡。

    The name may be silly , but this Beats-designed setup sets the device apart .

  11. 和MTV在1981年初创之时相比,现在需要竞争的东西要多得多,一直保持卓越不凡就更难了。

    And there is exponentially more content to compete with now than when MTV began in 1981 , making it harder than ever to stand out .

  12. 这篇文章提供了RIFEContinuations实现的颇有价值的深入见解和集群RIFE这样一个不凡应用框架遇到的挑战。

    The article provides valuable insight into RIFE 's continuations implementation as well as some of the challenges in clustering a non-trivial application like RIFE .

  13. 尽管Milner先生和他的好友们出手不凡,若论声望,诺贝尔奖仍然独占鳌头。

    Despite the deep pockets of Mr Milner and his friends , the Nobels still rule the roost when it comes to prestige .

  14. 常言道,一个英国女人的家就是她的城堡,而女王的家真的是就是城堡。不过女王对伦敦市中心奢侈住宅——白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)——的偏爱,近来对她的不凡投资收益有突出贡献。

    In this case an Englishwoman 's home really is her castle , but the Queen 's bias towards central London luxury housing ( Buckingham Palace ) has been a clear source of outperformance recently .

  15. Gladwell重要的一本新书《不凡者》乍看上去似乎是在描述那些拥有非凡才华个体。

    Gladwell 's important new book ," Outliers ," seems at first glance to be a description of exceptionally talented individuals .

  16. 智能手表不是什么新鲜事物,索尼(Sony)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等公司都曾经推出过类似的产品。但Pebble出手不凡,迅速赢得大量好评。人们交口称赞它精巧的防水设计、用心打造的户外式1.26英寸低功耗显示屏。

    Although so-called smartwatches have been tried by other companies like Sony ( SNE ) and Motorola , the Pebble earned a slew of mostly positive reviews that applauded its sleek waterproof design , including that outdoors-friendly 1.26-inch power-sipping screen that was designed with subtlety in mind .

  17. 梅森内勒的优势是拥有强力支持和不凡资历:他是董事会一致同意的首席执行官人选,并得到了雅各布(jacobs)家族的支持,该家族是adecco和百乐嘉利宝的控股股东。

    Mr de maeseneire has the advantage of having arrived with strong backing and credentials : he was the unanimous choice of the board and has the support of the Jacobs family the controlling shareholders at both Adecco and Barry Callebaut .

  18. Telsa公司声称该车性能卓越,分析人士和投资者也在密切关注该车是否真的像厂家说的那样卓尔不凡。

    Tesla has made some extraordinary claims for the car , and analysts and investors will be watching the event closely to see if it can live up to them .

  19. 金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。

    The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness .

  20. 我是最伟大的奇迹,我一定可以创造不凡!

    I am the greatest miracle , I can create extraordinary !

  21. 他告诉他,他注定伟大不凡。

    Tigress : He told him he was destined for greatness .

  22. 他在同公认的最可能夺魁的人竞争时表现不凡。

    He made a good showing in competition with acknowledged front-runners .

  23. 白金嵌宝戒指,令您出手不凡。

    The gem-inlaid platinum ring will add luster to your hand .

  24. 据说她有当艺术家的不凡天赋。

    She is said to have great talent as an artist .

  25. 吴趼人写情小说的艺术是卓立不凡的。

    Wu Jianren 's romantic novels has acquired great achievement on art .

  26. 就连Erediato也说一次测量不能成为不凡的证据。

    Even Ereditato says that one measurement does not extraordinary evidence make .

  27. 卓尔不凡、妩媚动人、性感迷人无疑是不可抵挡的武器。

    Being remarkable , charming and sexy were formidable weapons .

  28. 没人生而不凡,只是生活让人不凡。

    No one born special , but life makes one .

  29. 许多人认为吉宁的确身手不凡。

    Geneen 's personal skills were regarded by many as truly remarkable .

  30. 美国人穿上龙袍、戴上凤冠风采不凡。

    These Americans in imperial robe and phoenix coronet look unusually graceful .