
  1. 大多数专家建议在这样的情况下要谨慎从事。

    Most experts counsel caution in such cases .

  2. 我会设法替他省下要从珀斯飞来的机票费用。

    I 'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth

  3. 他许下要给大报酬的诺言。

    He made promises of a large reward .

  4. 通常情况下要进行检测的图像是完整的,但也存在边缘不完整或模糊的情况,这时原来的fcm算法就难以直接应用。

    Usually , the detected image is complete , but it may be incomplete or unclear in edge sometimes , and FCM is not directly applicable .

  5. 现代企业在激烈的竞争下要在市场中保持竞争力,企业的业务过程就要不断地适应外界的变化,这就是业务过程持续改善(BPCI)的内涵。

    To keep indefectible in the competitive market , modern enterprises must change its ' business process to adapt to the change of the outside . It is just what 's the meaning of BPCI .

  6. 学校德育工作在新形势下要实现四化

    School Moral Education Should Realize " the Four Modernizations " under New Situation

  7. 在酸性条件下要经过OH-加合物。

    While under acid conditions , the initial product is mainly OH - adduct .

  8. 新规则实施以来,在大比分落后的情况下要想扳回也是很困难的吧?

    It 's difficult to win a losing game on new rule , too .

  9. 如果不能,当前预算下要包含哪个主题领域是最重要的?

    If not , which subject areas are most important to cover under the current budget ?

  10. 别忘了全身上下要抹上大量的防晒乳液。

    Don 't forget to rub a good amount of sunscreen lotion all over your body .

  11. 随后闹洞房的人就开始从床脚往新娘身上仍袜子。据说谁仍得离新娘的鼻子越近,谁下要结婚的人。

    The revelers would then begin throwing the stocking at the bride from the foot of the bed .

  12. 一般而言,在保证线程安全的前提下要尽可能地简化同步语句。

    In general , strive to make your synchronized blocks as lean as possible , without harming thread safety .

  13. 因此,在保证复合木材力学性能达标的前提下要缩短前真空时间。

    So , the vacuum time before impregnating should be shortened in order that the mechanical properties of wood composite can reach to the standards .

  14. 通过多次现场试验也证明:喷锚支护比现浇混凝土的支护能力在相同条件下要大得多。

    Many site tests have also proved that the strength of anchor and shotcrete support is much greater than that of conventional in situ concrete lining .

  15. 作为思想政治工作实践者的辅导员,在新形势下要做好学生工作,必须提高自身素质和能力。

    As instructors , practical workers for ideological and political work , they must raise the qualities and abilities of their own if they intend to work well for students .

  16. 因此作者建议,在这种天气条件下要特别注意发挥该蜂对瓜螟的自然控制作用。

    Thus , the authors suggest that particular attention should be paid to conserve and augment the natural control of this wasp on the melon worm under these weather conditions .

  17. 在新形势下要进一步完善法律机制,加强监督,提高干部队伍的整体素质,推行电子政府做好行政公开。

    In the new situation , it is necessary to improve legal mechanism , strengthen supervision , enhance the overall quality of the leadership , and adopt E-government to publicize administration .

  18. 我国在现实条件以及历史背景下要抓住时机,积极地进行宣传并且完善慈善法制环境,体育慈善事业可以得到迅速的发展。

    China should actively promote and perfect the legal system for charity by seizing the opportunities under the realistic conditions and historical background , so that the sports charity undertaking can be developed rapidly .

  19. 结果表明,发现随着载荷的升高,最佳供油量的数值不断增大,表明油气润滑在不同的工况条件下要采用不同的最佳供油量进行工作,才能实现最佳的油气润滑效果。

    It is found that the optimum oil feeding increases with the load increase , which indicates that the oil-air lubrication can realize satisfactory result only when the rolling bearing is fed with optimum oil flow rate .

  20. 结合水力喷射本身先射孔再压裂的技术特点,以及有些情况下要补孔的需要,也分析了射孔水平井的产能以及产能影响因素。

    Considering technique characteristics of hydrojet fracturing : first perforating and then fracturing , and in some cases need to fill holes , this paper also analyzed the impact of perforating horizontal well production capacity and capacity factors .

  21. 那使我极为恼火,下决心要证明他是错的。

    That made me hopping mad and determined to prove him wrong

  22. 政府下决心要全力实施私有化计划。

    The Government was determined to go full steam ahead with its privatisation programme

  23. 看来,英国已下决心要派遣一支配备有百余坦克和支援装备的主力部队。

    Britain looks set to send a major force of over 100 tanks and supporting equipment

  24. 咸鱼在太阳下就要晒干了。

    The salted fish is frizzling up in the sun .

  25. 在顺利的情况下,要看到还会有困难。

    When circumstances are favourable , we must not forget that there will still be difficulties .

  26. 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难得多。

    To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use .

  27. 我们下星期要搬家到这个城市来。

    We 'll make a move to the city next week .

  28. 下星期要查你们单位的账。

    We 'll audit your accounts next week .

  29. 在这种场合下,要使注意力处于高效能状态是很困难的。

    It is hard to keep one 's concentration up to concert pitch in this sort of scene .

  30. 但更重要的是,我们许下承诺要作为夫妇共同成长。

    But more importantly , we made a commitment to grow together as a couple .