
xià xiāng
  • go to the countryside
下乡 [xià xiāng]
  • [go to the countryside] 到农村去

下乡[xià xiāng]
  1. 宁夏干部下乡进行普法教育,招待他们的工作餐是土豆。

    The villagers use potatoes to serve the cadres who go to the countryside and give them law education .

  2. 知识分子下乡找农民,如果态度不好,就不能取得农民的信任。

    When intellectuals go to the countryside to seek out the peasants , they cannot win their trust unless they have the right attitude .

  3. 这位老人下乡休息去了。

    The old man retired to the country for rest .

  4. GIS支持下乡镇域土壤肥力评价与分析

    Soil Fertility Evaluation Based on GIS at Town and Township Level

  5. 澄清家电下乡策略《ChinaDaily》一篇社论称,尽管家电折扣下乡会促进农村地区的消费,但它只有在各厂家联合起来时才发挥作用。

    An article in China Daily says although selling household electrical appliances at discounts in villages will boost rural consumption , it only works when manufacturers cooperate .

  6. 下乡家电运筹式TOC供应链系统订单排序模型研究

    Research on the Order Sorting Model of the Supply Chain System for Home Appliances to Rural Areas

  7. 中国家电与电子产品供应商tcl表示,仅去年12月,该公司四分之一的总产量都专供给了该下乡计划。

    TCL , a Chinese supplier of electrical and electronics goods , said one quarter of its production over the last month of 2008 was earmarked for the home appliances programme .

  8. 用原始的营销方式创出骄人的营销业绩&记湖北安琪酵母股份有限公司酵母下乡的成功实践

    Create the marketing achievement of proud people in original marketing way

  9. 严控污染下乡加强农村环境保护

    Control Strictly Pollutions down to Countryside and Strengthen Rural Environmental Protection

  10. 汽车下乡政策对汽车产业结构的影响

    Influence of Auto Policies to the Countryside on Auto Industrial Structure

  11. 我和司机去10(乡名)下乡了。

    I and drivers to10 ( rural ) of the countryside .

  12. 组织下乡访问并提供现场技术意见和后续支持;

    Conduct field visits and provide on-the-spot technical recommendations and follow-up support ;

  13. 只要伦敦内剧院关门停业,我们就下乡巡回演出。

    When the theatres in London closed , we went on tour .

  14. 我们一起下乡,去帮助那里的人。

    You 're coming with us to the country to give help .

  15. 在下乡前,志愿者先接受由专家或有经验的老志愿者组织的培训。

    Before going , volunteers receive training from experts or experienced volunteers .

  16. 他常下乡去写生。

    He often goes to the countryside to sketch .

  17. 剧院被封,国王剧团开始下乡演戏。

    The theatres closed , and the King 's Men went on tour .

  18. 她在考虑什么时候去看望一下乡下的母亲。

    She is thinking about when to see her mother in the country .

  19. 酸雨胁迫下乡土植物根际土壤的化学行为

    Chemical Behavior of Rhizosphere Soil of Native Plants to Different Acid Rain Stress

  20. 至今杭州、宁波、温州巡回医疗和送医下乡已有多次,需募捐50万元。

    There have been several medical circuits in Hangzhou , Ningbo , and Wenzhou .

  21. 农村综合改革视域下乡镇政府职能转变研究

    Transition of Township Government 's Functions from the Viewpoint of Comprehensive Reform of Countryside

  22. 新知识下乡行动。

    Introduce fresh knowledge to rural regions .

  23. 从家电下乡项目看我国农村消费市场的开发

    Development of Rural Consumer Market from the Project of Spreading Household Electrical Appliances to Farmers

  24. 她已不是下乡前的她了。

    She is no longer the girl she was before she went to the countryside .

  25. 部门和资本下乡与农民专业合作经济组织的发展

    Governments & Capital re-entry rural areas and development of specialized cooperative economic organizations of farmers

  26. 中国家电下乡政策执行问题的有效性分析

    Analysis of Implementation Problem of China 's " Home Appliances to the Countryside " Policy

  27. 汽车下乡政策效果分析及相关政策建议

    Analysis on the Policy Effect of " Automobile Go to Countryside " and Relative Suggestions

  28. 家电下乡生产企业农村营销策略探讨

    The Discussion on home appliances to the countryside manufacturers ' Marketing strategies on rural areas

  29. 能够和愿意经常出差,特别是下乡(40%的工作时间)。

    Ability and willingness to travel , especially in fields ( 40 of working time ) .

  30. 送法下乡服务囊括了服务理念、具体工作内容以及服务机制。

    The service of rural law campaign encapsulates the service concept , contents and service mechanism .