
  1. 于1994年经国家旅游局、国家工商局批准成立,上级主管单位国家海洋局。

    In1994 by the National Tourism Administration , the State Council approved the establishment of Trade and Industry , the higher level unit in charge of the SOA .

  2. 因而不论是上级主管单位还是企业内部治理者和员工,均站在各自角度关注企业的未来发展。

    Therefore , no matter the higher authorities or the internal managers and employees , they are all standing on their own point of concern for the future development of enterprise .

  3. 最后以青岛港为例,进行了实证研究,论证了这套评价指标体系是科学合理、简单易行的,对于上级主管单位考核港口企业的节能减排绩效具有一定的参考价值。

    Finally in Qingdao , for example , an empirical research , demonstrates the evaluation index system is reasonable and easy to supervisor units of energy conservation and emission reduction evaluation port enterprise performance has certain reference value .

  4. 验证了该指标体系的可行性和可操作性,为上级主管单位评定实验室生物安全,为实验室管理者发现生物安全的薄弱环节,调整工作重点,提供了客观科学的考核依据。

    The study results show that the bio-safety evaluation indicator system is feasibility and operability , and can be used to provide an objective basis of scientific assessment for higher authorities to assessment laboratory , the lab manager found the weak link on Biosafety and to adjust the biosafety focus .