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  • 网络three vulgarities
  1. 我跟您女儿之间并无任何三俗行为。

    There is nothing inappropriate happening between me and your daughter .

  2. 自觉抵制“三俗”,是每位公民义不容辞的责任。

    Aware resisting " three vulgar ", is each citizens bounden responsibility .

  3. 随着市场竞争的加剧,都市报的同质化竞争、三俗现象普遍存在,媒体的舆论引导作用弱化,为摆脱发展困境,全国的都市报开始出现向主流化转型的趋势。

    With the intensifying competition , it was a common phenomenon that the homogeneous and vulgar productions of Urban Newspaper . With the weakening public opinion guiding of media , the nationwide Urban Newspaper began their transformations into mainstream media to develop themselves .

  4. 但与此同时,也出现了一系列的问题,如虚假报道、不良广告、炒作成风以及庸俗、低俗、恶俗的三俗之风盛行等对媒体造成恶劣影响。

    But at the same time a series of issues occur , such as false reports , bad advertisements , and the common practice of speculation as well as the prevailing of philistine , vulgar and nasty . They have exerted a baneful influence on the media .