
  • 网络Consistency Check;consistency checking;DBCC;FSCK
  1. 第五步评价是在CASE工具的辅助下进行的逻辑一致性检查。

    A sixth is a logical consistency check with the aid of CASE tools .

  2. MIS数据流图一致性检查的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Consistency Check of MIS Data Flow Diagram

  3. 基于重写逻辑的UML模型一致性检查方法

    Method of Checking Consistency of a UML Model Based on Rewriting Logic

  4. 用于一致性检查的知识库Petri网模型

    A Petri net model of knowledge base for checking consistency

  5. 基于Petri网的知识库一致性检查系统

    Petri Net Based-Knowledge Base Consistency Checking System

  6. wins服务器完成了一致性检查操作。

    The wins server has completed the consistency check operation .

  7. merge语句强制以下基于关系原则的一致性检查。

    The merge statement enforces the following consistency checks that are based on relational principles .

  8. 然而,IP组播面临的安全问题既有与单播安全类似的问题,比如用户认证,数据一致性检查,数据加密,用户授权等,也有自身特有的难题。

    However , The IP multicast network security with unicast network security has the similar request , such as User authentication , data uniformity inspection , data encryption , and user authorization .

  9. 在运行一致性检查、检查和修复或副本上的同步任务之后,任务和结果的状态就更新并显示在TaskStatus页面上。

    After you run a consistency check , a check and repair , or a synchronization task on a replicate set , the status of the task and the results are displayed and updated on the Task Status page .

  10. 通过分析结果,得出如下结论:采用基于Petri网的方法实现知识库一致性检查是可行的、可靠的;

    By practical experiment , it gets the conclusion that it is feasible and reliable to the implementation of consistency checking system by Petri Net method ; Knowledge base .

  11. 今后将开展要素1h、3h时间变化率方面的研究工作,实现精确的要素时间一致性检查。

    In future , we will carry on research in 1h and 3h variation rate to accurately realize the consistency checking of temporal elements .

  12. 其次,复杂系统的建模往往需要进行严格的语义分析,而UML缺乏精确的语义,因此对模型难以进行一致性检查和正确性分析,成为基于UML技术的严重缺陷。

    Second , modeling of complex systems requires rigorous analysis of semantics , but UML is lack of rigorous semantics , so it is difficult to verify and analyze UML specifications .

  13. 在此基础上,提出了UML可视化建模工具中模型一致性检查机制的实施框架,并对实现该框架的主要思路进行了详细介绍。

    Based on this , a framework of the consistency checking mechanism in UML visual modeling tools is presented , and then the main ideas of realizing the framework are discussed in great detail .

  14. 文中提到的一致性检查包括三个步骤EXPRESS模型形式化,限制满足性问题(CSP)从形式化模型中的抽取和CSP的可满足性测试。

    This paper describes the checking procedure , including EXPRESS model formalization , constraint satisfaction problem ( CSP ) derivation from the formalized model and satisfaction checking of the derived CSPs .

  15. 分析了它在实际使用中存在缺少策略一致性检查、低效的策略协商过程等问题,在原有结构的基础上,增加集中的安全策略管理机制,较好的解决了SPS存在的安全和效率问题。

    At the same time , the concentrated security policy management mechanism is increased based on the structure of IETF SPS , which can resolve the security and efficiency problems SPS has in a cert.

  16. 本文介绍一个支持体系结构规范说明的语言WRIGHT,它注重连接器的定义(即协议),提供了形式化推理和体系结构一致性检查的工具。

    In this paper we describe a language called WRIGHT which supports architectural specification . WRIGHT focuses on the definition of connectors as protocols , and provides formal criteria and an associated tool for checking architectural consistency .

  17. 因为已经开启了镜像写一致性检查(MWC),所以如果卷位于边缘,那么应该能够更好地为其提供服务。

    Because Mirror Write Consistency ( MWC ) is on , the volume would have been better served if it were placed on the edge .

  18. 讨论了无线应用协议(WAP)协议栈的分层结构,着重研究了其中的安全层的构成并实现了安全服务的主要功能,可为通信双方提供数据一致性检查,加密,身份认证等。

    The WAP ( wireless application protocol ) is discussed and the structure of the WTLS is studied mostly , and its main function is implemented . It can be used to provide security services such as data integrity , encryption and authentication between two communications .

  19. 基于索引的分布式检查点算法利用了Lamport逻辑时钟的思想来保证形成全局一致性检查点(或者恢复线)。

    Index-based checkpointing algorithms timestamp the checkpoints with indices that are similar to Lamport 's logical clocks to ensure the existence of consistent global checkpoint ( or recovery line ) .

  20. 虚拟企业模型一致性检查算法设计与实现

    Design implementation of algorithm for consistency checking on virtual enterprise models

  21. 内部事件:终止了“知识一致性检查”任务。

    Internal event : the knowledge consistency checker task has terminated .

  22. 测试应用程序中嵌入了数据库一致性检查。

    Database consistency checking was built into the test application .

  23. 上述检查是一致性检查的一部分,始终都会执行。

    These checks are part of conformance checking and are always performed .

  24. 基础一致性检查检查事先已经预料到了的不一致。

    The basis of consistency checks check the anticipate inconsistency .

  25. 知识一致性检查程序已初始化。

    The knowledge consistency checker has already been initialized .

  26. UML/OCL工具的一致性检查研究

    Study of Consistency Checking by UML / OCL Tool

  27. 错误:知识一致性检查不可运行。

    Error : The Knowledge Consistency Checker is non-operational .

  28. 快照一致性检查点使数据库只需从一个检查点重新启动。

    A snapshotconsistent checkpoint allows the database to restart from a checkpoint only .

  29. 其中,重点研究了需求描述和需求一致性检查。

    Among them , the discuss focused on requirements specification and consistency check .

  30. 计算机在建筑工程设计相容性和一致性检查中的应用

    Discussion on Application of Computer in Compatibility and Consistency Checking in Building Project Design