
yī cì fānɡ chénɡ
  • equation of the first degree
  • linear equation
一次方程 [yí cì fāng chéng]
  • [linear equation]所含未知数量最高次数为一的方程,例如2x+6=0。也叫线性方程

  1. 初中代数教学中的数学情境与提出问题&二元一次方程组的应用教学案例

    Case of Teaching about the Application of Binary Linear Equation Group

  2. 所要做的只是解个一次方程

    All it took was a simple equation :

  3. 联立一次方程准确解的列表计算法

    A tabulation method for solving simultaneous linear equations

  4. 该文通过引入三元一次方程机制,改进了“双参数假说”,尝试提出了“等级参数假说”。

    By improving Ais hypothesis this paper brought in three-variable linear equation and put forth the hypothesis of .

  5. 作者根据钢铁酸洗原理、膜分离工艺研究结果和工程实践经验,提出了多元一次方程求解法。

    Based on pickling principle , research results of membrane separation process and experience of engineering practice , the author developed a method of solving equations in multiple variables .

  6. 在接地故障时,改进一次方程法利用三序网络故障点处短路电流之间的线性关系可以直接得到故障距离解析解,从而解决了伪根问题。

    For earth faults , the analytic solution of fault distance can be directly obtained from linear relationships among short-circuit currents of three sequence networks at the fault point , so pseudo problem can be solved .

  7. 方法:采用计算机图像处理技术,对378例正常人体颈椎中间位侧位片弦、弧长度进行测量,通过二元一次方程求解计算出正常颈椎生理曲度。

    Methods : The length of cervical spinal curving strings and arcs were measured on middle potential lateral radiographs in 378 normal persons cervical spines by computer imaging processing system , and the physiological curvature were figured out through solution of dualistic once equation .

  8. 实时模型利用最小二乘法进行线性方程组的拟合,根据呼叫中心平台运行正常、运行异常、业务高峰三种场景,建立输入-输出类型的多元一次方程模型。

    Real-time model using " least-square method " for linear equations of fitting , according to the call center platform " normal operation ", " run abnormal ", " business summit " three scene , to establish a " input / output " type of multivariate once equation model .

  9. n元一次同余方程的解与自由模Zm~((n))

    The Solution of n Unknown First Order Congruent Equation and Free Module Z_m ~ (( n ))

  10. 在自由模的理论基础上,给出n元一次同余方程解的形式,解的个数定理和求解方法等结论。

    On the base of free modular theory , give out the form of solution of n unknown first order congruent equation and theorem of solution number and solving method .

  11. 通过研究车辆系统常微分方程的一次近似方程的雅可比矩阵的特征值,来确定系统的Hopf分叉值即临界速度。

    The Hopf bifurcation point , i. e , the critical velocity of vehicle system can be determined by studying the eigenvalues of jacobi matrix of the first order approximation equations of ordinary differential equations .

  12. 计算机通过样例学习解二元一次联立方程

    A computer system that learns to solve simultaneous linear equations from examples

  13. M3与一次同余方程之解的一种关系

    A relation between m_3 and Linear Congruence Equations

  14. 2由得到的转子轴系横扭耦合非线性振动的方程组,用改进平均法得到了一次近似方程。

    The first approximate equations are gotten from the coupled equations with improved averaging method .

  15. 关于以自然数为模的一次同余方程组的转换定理

    A note on a transference theorem on the systems of linear congruences modulo natural numbers

  16. 关于改进以素数幂为模的一次同余方程组转换定理的一个注记

    A Note on the Improvement of the Transference Theorem on the Systems of Linear Congruences Modulo Prime Powers

  17. 一般可以用中国剩余定理或者递推算法等方法给出一次同余方程组的解法。

    The solution of system of linear congruence equations can be provided by the Chinese remainder theorem or recursive process .

  18. 该模型与一次模方程相比,方程和未知数的个数减少了一半,使得计算量减少,且易于编程实现。

    The numbers of variables and equations in this model are reduced to half of the once-modal transformation to greatly lower calculation workload .

  19. 其次,当系统存在平衡状态时,用一次近似方程来研究其相应完整系统平衡态流形的稳定性问题;

    If an equilibrium state exists in nonlinear nonholonomic systems , we may study the stability of the equilibrium state manifold of the corresponding holonomic systems by using the linear approximate equation .

  20. 联立算法可以处理状态变量的路径约束,仅在最优点处求解一次模型方程,其缺点是寻优变量多,产生非常大的非线性规划问题,需要特殊的求解策略和数学处理。

    Simultaneous approach can deal with state variables path constraints and only solves model equations at optimal point , but it generates a large nonlinear programming problem which requires special decomposition technique .

  21. 将球磨机系统分解为三个多输入单输出系统,用模型算法控制原理设计控制器,通过求解三元一次矩阵方程组,实现了多步预测的解耦控制。

    This paper presents the MAC decoupling design method which decomposes a multi input multi output system into multi input single output systems , the MAC algorithm is used to design a controller .

  22. 针对三维流函数和其方程特性,将两个流函数方程的差分方程视为同时求解两个流函数的二元一次联立方程,采用相应数值计算方法。

    Based on the analysis of the stream functions and their principal equations , to overcome the difficulties the discretized equations of these equations are adopted as the simultaneous difference equations of solving two stream functions .

  23. 该法在正演计算时,不是每一炮的正演计算都要解一次波动方程,而是按炮点将各道地震记录相加得到了一组新的地震记录,称为加后地震记录。

    In this technique , we need not repeatedly solve wave equation for forward estimation of each shot , but combine the traces of some shots to form new group of traces , called post & addition seismic traces .

  24. 本文在一次近似方程的解具有指数衰减性质的条件下,采用逐步逼近方法得到了原方程整体解的存在唯一性和稳定性结果。

    In this paper , the author proves the existence and stability of global solutions for abstract functional differential equations by using the method of successive approximation , which are the generalization of the results in ordinary differential equations .

  25. 在三维的有限元建模中采用了混合阶的基函数并结合了线性方程的快速求解方法,一次的方程求解能得到多个测量点的值。

    Mixed order basis function is applied in three-dimensional finite element modeling , and a fast method of solving linear equation is incorporated into the implementation of the FEM algorithm . The results of multiple measure points can be got by solving linear equation only once .

  26. n元一次不定方程的通解

    The Solution of N-Variables Indefinite Equation of the First Degree

  27. 一元n次方程的极限解计算法

    The algorithms of limit solution for one dimension equation of the n-degree

  28. 结论一元二次方程可以很好反映淋巴细胞DNA断片迁移长度与γ射线照射剂量之间的量效曲线。

    Conclusions The quadratic model is fit for the curvilinear relationship of the migration length to radiation dose .

  29. 存在加工误差时TI蜗杆传动一次包络啮合方程

    First-Meshing Equations of TI Worm Drive with Processing Errors

  30. 用Petri网研究一次不定方程

    Investigating the first-order indeterminate equation by means of Petri nets