
  • 网络polynomial;one variable polynomial;polynomial of one indeterminate;polynomial of a variable
  1. 关于一元多项式理论中未定元的替换

    On the substitution of undetermined variable in theory of polynomial of a variable

  2. 一元多项式因式分解一般方法

    General Methods to Factorization of Polynomial of One Indeterminate

  3. NTL库是开放源代码的自由软件库,它提供了大整数的运算,一元多项式的运算等,遗憾的是,它只提供了一元多项式因式分解,没有提供多元多项式因式分解。

    NTL is a GNU library and the source code is open for us . It can operate large integer and univariate polynomials , unlucky , it only has the univariate polynomial factorization , no multivariate polynomial factorization .

  4. 一元多项式的部分和分解形式及其应用

    The Part Decomposition Form and the Application of Polynomial of One Indeterminate

  5. 一元多项式的因式分解及其在放大器分析中的应用

    The Factoring of One Dimensional Multinomial and its Application in the Amplifier Analysis

  6. 一元多项式的有效赋值算法

    Efficient evaluation for polynomials of one variable

  7. 关于一元多项式的除法

    About Division of Multinomial with One Unknown

  8. 本文确定了任意格上一元多项式和二元多项式的结构,并给出了三元多项式的几个结果。

    The structure of unary and binary polynomials over a lattice is determined in this paper .

  9. 给出一些特殊的整环与它的一元多项式环之间的关系。

    In this paper we analyze the relation of some special domains and its monadic polynomial rings .

  10. 整环上的一元多项式环

    Monadic Polynomial Ring Of Domain

  11. 讨论了一元多项式理论中未定元替换的一些问题。

    This paper discusses some problems on the substitution of undetermined variable in theory of polynomial of a variable .

  12. 本文利用矩阵的初等变换讨论了一元多项式最大公因式的求法。

    The use of the elementary transformation matrix discussed the one yuan polynomial greatest common factor the matrix law .

  13. 通过研究一元多项式的因式分解,给出了给出了因式分解的两种方法。

    By researching the factorization of the polynomial of one indeterminate , the author offers two general methods for it .

  14. 利用一元多项式的微分理论给出了一个繁杂行列式的简便计算。

    In this paper , we use the differential of one-variable polynomial to give a simple calculation for the complex and helpful determinant .

  15. 这种方法能够保证辨识出的参数是最佳的;而且不用求解对应的非线性最小二乘问题,只需求一元多项式的根,从而大大减少计算量。

    This approach can guarantee that the identified parameters are optimal , by solving a one-dimensional polynomial equation instead of a nonlinear least square problem .

  16. 利用数域上一元多项式环与整数环相似的性质,建立数域上一元多项式环中的孙子定理,并给出它的简单应用。

    Using the similarity between polynomial ring and integer ring the paper establishes Sunse 's Theorem in the polynomial ring in number field , and offers its brief learning and practice .

  17. 本文比较了多元多项式与一元多项式的可除性,讨论了最大公因子、唯一因子分解等问题。

    The paper compares the divisibility of polynomial in several elements with the divisibility of polynomial in one element , and discusses problems about the greatest common divisor and the unique factorization .

  18. 文章从辗转相除、矩阵的初等变换以及矩阵的斜消变换等不同角度给出了一元多项式的最大公因式的不同求法。

    In this paper , we obtain several solutions to the greatest common divisor of polynomial of one indeterminate by using the division algorithm and elementary transformation and oblique elementary transformation of matrix .

  19. 在文[1]的基础上,给出了一元多项式整除的矩阵判别法,使整除性的判定和商式的求解更加简单、方便。

    On the basis of thesis [ 1 ] , this paper gives discriminant by matrix for divisibility of polynomial in one indeterminate , which makes it simple and convenient in determinant of divisibility and solution of quotient .

  20. 用差分法、组合计数法与母函数法给出了一元多项式的部分和分解形式,用一元多项式的部分和分解形式给出了求方幂和问题的三个基本计算公式。

    Introducing the differential method , the combinatorics enumeration and generating function obtains the part decomposition form of polynomial of one indeterminate . Three basic formulas are found in power sum problem toward the part decomposition form of polynomial of one indeterminate .

  21. 首先利用一元Newton多项式插值公式,给出了二元向量有理插值的迭加算法。

    At first , we present the overlay algorithm of two-variable vector-valued rational interpolation by means of univariate Newton interpolation polynomial , then give the formula of two-variable vector-valued contact interpolation .

  22. 一元稀疏多项式的表示及运算。

    Unary representation of sparse polynomials and operations .

  23. 该算法主要基于凸多面体内代数簇的计算和一元区间多项式实根的计算来实现。

    It is primarily based on the computation of algebraic variety on a given convex polyhedron and the real roots of the univariate interval polynomial .

  24. 针对一元正交多项式只能利用图像的灰度单一特征问题,提出一种基于图像多特征的多元正交多项式混合模型的图像分割方法。

    To address the problem that univariate orthogonal polynomials can only use the gray feature , a new segmentation method with mixture models of multivariate orthogonal polynomials was proposed in this thesis .

  25. 一元n次多项式根的园环复盖定理

    The Annulus Overlay Theorem of the Roots of Unitary Polynomial of n Degree

  26. 一元n次多项式的重根问题

    On the Problem of Fold Root of a Variable Polynomial if Degree N

  27. 一元实系数多项式方程实根的求解问题

    Problems on Solving Real Roots of Unitary Real Coefficient 's Polynomial Equation

  28. 将一元整系数多项式有理根的一个结论在多元多项式上进行了推广,从而得到多元多项式因式分解的一种方法。

    A conclusion on rational root of one variable polynomial with integer coefficient is generalized and a method on multivariate polynomial factorization is put forward .

  29. 结果表明,灌浆期籽粒沉淀值随时间的变化符合一元三次多项式凸性曲线,即自开花始先增后降的单峰曲线。

    The results showed that the dynamic change of grain sedimentation test value with varied days after anthesis was well fitted with the third-order curve convex in shape .

  30. 给出一种求解二元多项式最大公因式的新方法。

    Thus we gave a kind of new method for solving the greatest common factor of two-variable polynomials .