
  • 网络Fate of a Man;Sudba cheloveka;Sudba tseloveka;Destiny of a Man
  1. 其他主要作品还有:《他们为祖国而战》(1943-1944)、《一个人的遭遇》(1957)、《学会恨》(1942)、《被开垦的处女地》(1946)等。

    Further main works are : They Fought for Their Country ( 1943-1944 ), The Fate of a Man ( 1957 ), The Science of Hatred ( 1942 ) .

  2. “一个人的遭遇常常非本人的选择,可选择的只在于”如何面对“?一家之言,供参考。

    If people could choose , I think they would rather be not strong than have to face all the difficulties .

  3. 《最后一个士兵》与《一个人的遭遇》的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of the Final Soldier And Human 's Fate