
  1. 论清末新闻法规

    On the Laws of the News of the Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 健全新闻法规和其他有关法律,实现新闻法治。

    To amplify news regulation 's and other relative laws realizing law of news ;

  3. 北洋政府的新闻法规

    Press law under the Northern Government

  4. 新闻法规弥补的措施是尽快制定新闻法,出台相关条例。

    The remedy measures for it are to make information law and related ordinances as soon as possible .

  5. 为此本文提出了三个解决方案:1、制定地方新闻法规、促进新闻立法、保证新闻事业健康发展。利用新闻法来规范媒体的失范行为;

    The dissertation renders 3 solutions : 1 . To stipulate acts on regional news to guarantee the healthy development of journalism .

  6. 此协定承诺,将重新注册并为的颁发媒体组织新的许可,将为被终止的新闻法规提供一个新的“开放的媒体环境。”

    The deal also promises the start of a process of re-registering and licensing media organizations under eased press laws in a new " open media environment . "

  7. 政府有责任也有义务加强管理信息资源,政府制定的新闻法规与政策应与新闻传播规律相适应。

    The government should be responsible for the management of information resources and the news regulations and policies set down by the government should obey the news disseminating law .

  8. 面对信息全球化的新形势,政府应该进一步更新观念,尽快建立健全新闻法规,提高应对突发性灾难事件的能力,避免被动与消极应对的局面。

    Facing the new situation of global information , the government should further update concept , construct and improve the statute of press to strengthen the ability to deal with outbreak calamities , avoid the passive situation .

  9. 新闻侵权的法规少、立法空白多是我国新闻侵权最明显的不足,与其它部门法研究相比,新闻侵权研究相对滞后。

    The most serious deficiency is the shortage of related laws . Compared with the study of other laws , that of tort of journalism falls behind .

  10. 本文透过德国新闻传播的法规与自律、新闻内容与趋势、印刷媒介、电子媒介、新技术媒介、媒介整合与经营等诸方面,论述了德国新闻与传媒的现状与发展趋势。

    The article discusses the status quo and development trend of German media through probing into media ′ s aspects such as rules and self-discipline , content and trend , print media , electronic media , new-tech media , integration and marketing .

  11. 此外,道德力量的约束是一种由内而外的行为,要想根除还需要外部的强制措施配合才能达到最佳效果,即制定有关网络新闻传播的法律法规。

    In addition , the moral force of constraint was one kind of behavior from the inside , external enforcement measures for the Internet eradicated the false news , namely made laws of the Internet .

  12. 力图通过新闻理论、新闻实务、新闻法规、新闻史等方面的具体梳理揭示本年度国内学者对国外新闻学的关注焦点、研究层次及研究方法。

    The article try to show our country 's researchers study focus , depth of thought and research ways through combing journalism theory , content , laws and regulations and journalism history .

  13. 我们可以从加强新闻制度建设、完善新闻法律法规、加强新闻职业新闻道德建设等各个层面来规范媒体的行为,以使其更好的为国家和人民服务。

    We can administer the media from the system , the law and the professional morality and so on , so that they can serve for the people and the country much finer .

  14. 在战时新闻统制政策指导下,一批战时新闻出版法律法规密集出台,在内容和程序上打破了前期新闻出版立法的成果。

    In times of war news control under the policy guidance , a group of press and publication laws and regulations introduced in wartime densely . That broke the early fruits of press and publication of legislative in the content and procedures .