
  1. 最后提出关于改进新闻更正的几点思考。

    Finally , propose the improvements thoughts the news correction .

  2. 文中还有一个个案研究,以搜狐网为例研究网络媒体的新闻更正,这在相关研究中也是较为新颖独特的。

    There is also a text case study , Sohu network as an example to study the news correction of Network Media , this research is also more innovative and unique in related research .

  3. 本文的第三部分主要探讨我国的新闻更正现状,并在最后一节中探讨我国部分媒体缺失新闻更正意识的深层原因。

    The third part of this major study analysis the news correction of our country , and the last one to explore the underlying causes about some of the media in China lack the awareness of the news correction .

  4. 新闻国际传递及更正权公约;

    Convention on the international transmission of news and the right of correction ;