
  1. 在此方案中,为解决海丰矿业人力资源流动率过高、员工队伍整体素质低等迫切的管理问题,在招聘、员工培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理等重要工作环节上均提出了具有较强操作性的建议。

    In this scheme which comes up with practical suggestions in terms of recruitment , training , performance management , salary management and other important work to solve pressing management problems , such as , high human resources flow rate , low quality staff team .

  2. 但在严峻的人力资源背景如流动率高、人员素质下降等情况下,如何确保服务质量是饭店业的一项难题。

    But in the grim background of human resources , just like high flow rate and decline the quality of personnel , how to ensure the service quality is a difficult problem of hospitality industry .