
  1. 第六部分是政策建议,对如何建立与人力资源管理目标相匹配的企业年金制度提出一些个人见解。

    The sixth part is the policy recommendations on how to establish Chinese annuity system and complete human resources management goals . At last , I put forward some personal views .

  2. 也是企业做好人力资源管理的目标。

    For an enterprise to do human resource management goals .

  3. 第五部分从战略的高度提出我国政府部门人力资源管理的目标,提出加强我国政府部门人力资源管理对策和建议。

    In the fifth part , the object and suggestions on the improvement of HR management in the government are put forward .

  4. 适度富余&企业人力资源供求管理的目标选择

    Moderate surplus-An alternative objective of supply-demand management of enterprise human capital

  5. 吸引人才,留住人才已日益成为各企业人力资源管理的首要目标。

    Attracting and retaining qualified personnel of the enterprises has become the primary objective of human resources management .

  6. 具体而言就是人力资源管理的短期目标和长期利益问题。

    As a tangible description , there should be a balance between the current target and long term benefit of human resources management .

  7. 因此,有必要以岗位需求为导向设定人力资源管理人才培养目标、课程内容及应用型课程体系,以满足企业用人需求。

    Therefore , it is necessary that college set the HRM personnel training , curriculum and application-based curriculum based on position to meet the employment needs of enterprises .

  8. 饭店人力资源管理的基本目标是通过运用现代人力资源管理观念和管理技术来改善工作中的人的行为,进而提高生产率。

    It is very important to strengthen the HRM in hotel with the target to improve the behaviour of humans and the productivity through modern HRM concept and techniques .

  9. 高校图书馆知识管理的核心内容是人力资源管理,其目标是利用现代化信息技术推动知识创新。

    University Library Work Oriented to Knowledge Management The key content of information management is the manpower resources management in university 's library , its goal is to utilize the modernized information technology to promote the knowledge innovation .

  10. 确保实现人力资源管理的战略目标,提高员工积极性,提高全员劳动生产率,增强公司的核心竞争力,从而实现长春通信公司的总体战略目标。

    These methods will make sure to realize the strategic target in human resource manage , elevate the enthusiasm of employee , increase the productivity , enhance the kernel competition and gain the whole strategic target at last for Changchun Communication Corporation .

  11. 本文以构建并实现人力资源协同管理模型为目标。

    The aim of this paper is to build the model of human resource cooperative management .

  12. 在公共部门中,人力资源管理是实现组织目标的重要手段。

    In the public sector , human resource management is an important means to achieve organizational goals .

  13. 结合目标管理理论,明确了该房地产项目人力资源管理应达到的目标及管理方法。

    According to objective management theory , the management objectives and methods of human resource management of real estate projects are determined .

  14. 提出了兰州供电公司人力资源管理提升的战略目标、组织目标、岗位目标、运行目标;

    Lanzhou , a human resources management to enhance the power company 's strategic goals , organizational goals , goal posts and operational goals ;

  15. 以团队管理为核心的人力资源管理模式为组织目标的实现在现代管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Modern management is increasingly focusing on teamwork . The human resource management mode centered on teamwork management plays an essential role in the realisation of organizational goals .

  16. 人力资源管理对于高校战略目标的实现及其竞争力的提升至关重要,薪酬制度改革则是其核心之一。

    It is very important of human resource management in regarding the realization of university strategic target and promotion the competitive power , and the one of its cores is compensation system reform .

  17. 如果把企业文化认为是精神领域的现象,那么它必然会在企业成员的各种活动中表现出来,这些活动诸如经营管理活动、人力资源管理活动、企业目标的制定、企业成员相互的交往等。

    As a phenomenon of the spirit field , it will inevitably manifest among various activities of the enterprise 's members , such as management activities , human resources management activities , the set up of business goals , the interaction of entrepreneurial members .

  18. 和谐管理是人力资源管理永远追求的目标。在和谐管理的诸要素中,人际关系的和谐是和谐管理的关键;

    The harmonious management , as the eternal target of Human Resources Management , it 's key is harmonious interpersonal relations , and the foundation is harmonious relations between personal and jobs , the guarantee is harmonious incomes distribution among the members of the organization .

  19. 战略性人力资源管理正成为全球人力资源管理者努力的目标。

    SHRM is becoming a common goal which global human resource managers pursing for .

  20. 体育组织人力资源的有效使用是体育人力资源开发与管理的目标和任务。

    The efficient use of human resources of sports organizations is a target and a task for the development and management of human resources of sports .

  21. 一论改革完善我国科技人力资源开发与管理制度&科技人力资源开发管理制度建设目标的正确定位与三位一体制度的构建

    The First Research on the Reform and Consummation of China 's Human Resource Development and Management System & Discussion on the Proper Positioning of the Construction Target of Sci-tech Human Resources Development and Management System and the Establishment of " Three in One " System

  22. 因此,人力资源规划处于整个人力资源管理活动的统筹阶段,它为整个人力资源管理活动制定了目标、原则和方法,并关系到人力资源管理整体工作的成败。

    Therefore , human resource planning human resource management activities in the co-ordination stage , it is for the entire human resource management activities to develop the objectives , principles and methods related to human resources management and overall success or failure .

  23. 第4章济南市卫生人力资源管理对策与建议,针对济南市卫生行业的实际情况和行业特点,结合卫生人力资源管理的目标,提出解决问题的对策及建议。

    Chapter four , the countermeasures and suggestions for the health human resources management in Jinan City , according to the actual situations and professional characteristics , combined with the management targets of human resources , recommend solutions to this problem and suggestions .

  24. 因此,不断地提高人力资源管理水平,最大限度地发挥人的有效技能,是企业发展的重要保证,也是人力资源管理的目标和任务所在。

    And the development of an enterprise relies on improving constantly the management of human resources and giving play to people 's effective skill to the maximum extent , which , in turn , is also the final goal and task of manpower resources management .

  25. 人力资源规划是企业各项具体人力资源管理活动的起点和依据,它为企业下一步人力资源管理活动制定目标、原则和方法。

    The human resource planning is the starting point and basis of the specific human resource management activity in enterprise , if drafts the objective principle and mathod for the next human resource management activity .

  26. 如何保证饭店的人力资源长期有效的为饭店的发展服务,而不至于随着饭店内外部环境的变化而人心离散,员工懈怠?这既是饭店人力资源管理的目标,也是饭店人力资源管理的价值所在。

    How to keep the hotel human resources work with efficiency and do not decline as the environment alters , which is the aim and the value of human resources management .