
  1. 人力资源开发战略中重点论述了BGP企业职业设计、企业人才培训策略及业绩评估策略。

    In human Resource Strategy Enterprise Profession Design and Training Strategy have been applied .

  2. 以人为本实施人力资源开发战略;

    By man induced carrying out the manpower resource exploitation strategic ;

  3. 科技人力资源开发战略研究

    A Research on Strategies of S & T Human Resource Development

  4. 中国西部女性人力资源开发战略及其对策研究

    On Developmental Strategy and Female Human Resources Countermeasures in West China

  5. 西部经济增长的人力资源开发战略

    The Development Strategy of Human Resource on China Economic Growth

  6. 曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点

    The Strategic Objective and Strategic Priority of Human Resources Development in Qujing

  7. 庆阳石化公司人力资源开发战略研究

    Study of the Human Resource Development Strategy in the Qingyang Petrifaction Company

  8. 人才流动与西部人力资源开发战略

    The Strategy of the Movement and Development of Talents

  9. 高校人力资源开发战略浅析

    The Development of Talent Resources in Colleges and Universities

  10. 中小企业的人力资源开发战略

    Exploration Strategy of Human Resources in Mid-small-sized Enterprises

  11. 试论饭店人力资源开发战略

    On the Development Strategy of Hotel Human Resources

  12. 经济全球化与人力资源开发战略的三点思考

    Research on Economic Globalization and Human Resource Development

  13. 该指标体系的构建为各区域制订人力资源开发战略提供了一定的依据和指导。

    The Index System established is a help to institute regional human resource development strategy .

  14. 实施人力资源开发战略,培养高素质的审计专门化人才;

    Performing on developing strategy of human resources and fostering high virtue of audit special person ;

  15. 摘要对于企业来讲,人力资源开发战略与管理离不开员工培训体系的建立。

    The enterprise 's staff training management system is an essential part of human resource management .

  16. 实施中部地区人力资源开发战略促进中部地区崛起

    Implementing the Development Strategy of Middle Area Human Resources to Stimulate the Rising of Middle Area

  17. 中国信息产业发展与人力资源开发战略

    A study in the development of the Chinese informational industry and the strategy for developing human resources

  18. 所以制定出高效能、大手笔、强力推进的人力资源开发战略体系,是赣州的第一要务。

    Accordingly planning strategic human resource development system is the first important affair of the city 's development .

  19. 制定推广和森林服务方面的教育及人力资源开发战略(林业培训和教育);

    Developing education and human resource development strategies in extension and forest services ( forestry training and education );

  20. 因此,安徽东向发展的当务之急是制定高效能、高素质、高潜力的人力资源开发战略体系。

    Therefore , Anhui East is a priority to the development of efficient , high-quality , high-potential human resource development strategy system .

  21. 实施以人为本的人力资源开发战略是提升贫困县区区域经济竞争力和促进当地社会发展进步的关键。

    To implement people-first strategy of manpower resource development is the key to promoting the competitiveness of regional economy and social progress in poverty-stricken counties .

  22. 现代企业管理中,薪酬已不仅仅是传统的企业生产成本支出,而是与企业人力资源开发战略紧密相联的管理要素。

    In modern enterprise management , compensation administration is more a key factor closely connected with enterprise human resource management strategy than just a kind of cost .

  23. 因此,研究和确定我国人力资源开发战略,促进经济的快速健康发展,已成为十分紧迫的重大任务。

    Therefore , research and conclusion development strategy of human resources in our country , promote rapid and sound development of economy became significant assignment of very urgent .

  24. 西部大开发是一项宏伟而艰巨的系统工程,不仅需要有新的思路,更需要有效的人力资源开发战略的支撑。

    The deepen development in the west region is a item grand and arduous systems engineering , needs to have the new ideas , and the effective human resources development strategy support .

  25. 人力资源开发战略作为企业的一项资源保障性职能战略,对企业吸引人才、留住人才、提高企业核心竞争力起着重要作用。

    Human resources development strategy as a business strategy resources and support functions of business ; it plays an important role to attract and retain talent and to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  26. 所以,本文从职业发展视角出发,综合运用职业锚理论、职业发展规划理论为该煤矿企业进行诊断把脉,并提出了相应的对策,为其实施人力资源开发战略献智献策。

    So the paper proceed from the perspective of career development , integrated use of career anchor theory , theory of career development plan for the coal companies " plus diagnosis ", and make the plan for implementation .

  27. 通过持续推进企业文化建设,这一人力资源开发战略柔性的另一面,使人力资源开发战略得到很好的贯彻和落实。

    On the other side , continued to push forward the building of enterprise culture , it shows the flexible side of the human resources development strategies , and it also make sure that the human resources development strategy could implement well .

  28. 并比较深入地介绍了人力资源开发战略的三大理论基础,即:人力资本理论、激励理论、企业战略理论的发展和内容,以及它们与人力资源开发战略的关系。

    And has introduced three major theoretical foundations of Human Resources Development strategy relatively deeply , Promptly : Capital theory of Human Resource , Motivational theory , strategic theory of the enterprise , And the relation of they and Human Resources Development strategy .

  29. 分析了确立曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点需考虑的各种因素和依据,提出了曲靖市21世纪前50年人力资源开发的总体目标及三步跨越式阶段目标。

    This paper analyses various factors and grounds of the strategic objective and strategic priority of human resources development in Qujing , then puts forward the general objective of human resources development in Qujing in the first 50 years in the 21st century and " three-step " stage objective .

  30. 对加强少数民族地区农村女性人力资源开发的战略思考&以湖南新晃侗族自治县为例

    On the Strategic Thinking of Strengthening Rural Women 's Human Resources Development in Minority Area