
  • 网络Golden Mean;golden section ratio;Golden
  1. 同时,通过实验与数据分析发现Mandelbrot集周期芽苞的Fibonacci序列的拓扑不变性,找到M集内的黄金分割点。

    Furthermore , the topological invariance on the periodic buds Fibonacci sequence and golden section point in the Mandelbrot set are discovered .

  2. 采用实验的方法,利用标准钢丝样本和直尺样本,先采用DR成像的方法大致确定投影中心的位置,然后利用黄金分割点逼近准确位置。

    The experimental method was adopted , and the standard steel wire sample and ruler sample were utilized . Firstly determine approximately the position of projection center by adopting the method of DR imagery , and then approaches the accurate position by means of point of golden section .

  3. 把用黄金分割点(0.618)作为工艺参数选择的切入点,进行了TC11钛合金中板的研制工作。

    Through selecting extreme and mean ratio ( 0.618 ) as the technological parameter , the development of TC11 titanium alloy median plate was studied .

  4. 如何在形式与功能中间取一个黄金分割点,是一个现实问题。

    How to balance the form and the function is the essential question .

  5. 社会主义新农村建设重点在于寻求以经济发展为核心的各架构搭配的黄金分割点。

    To build a new socialist countryside , importance must be attached to economy-focused development as well as balance of various frameworks .

  6. 铁石墨相图中有若干特性值很接近黄金分割点,有人认为该相图与黄金分割律可能存在着内在联系。

    Severy specific property value very approach the golden section in Fe & G phase diagram , therefore someone think of the phase diagram law possess inner link with the golden section possibly .

  7. 目前对噪声类型的识别方法,有诸如,分析小波高频系数直方图的不显著系数能量比,跳变点概率和曲线拟合图黄金分割点处窗口宽度[6]等等,这些方法对噪声类型的识别比较准确。

    The noise type identify methods , such as analysis wavelet coefficient histogram energy , jump probability and window width at golden section point of curve fitting and so on , these methods are more accurate for noise type identification .

  8. 因此,现代民法上对民法所有权之公法限制制度,乃是基于整体的、更大范畴上的自由而对个人所有权这种局部的自由进行的干涉,是寻求协调此二者的黄金分割点之努力。

    Therefore , the modern civil law , public law restrictions on civil law system of ownership , but on the whole , more areas of personal freedom and the freedom of ownership of such a partial interference and to seek such co-ordination between the two " golden point " .

  9. 第二种:直接参照图示的四个“黄金分割”点。

    The second possible application is directly based on the crossing points of the Golden Mean .

  10. 环境光线的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:可见光波长5.3×10-5cm处在可视光谱波长的黄金数分割点,该波长处于黄光和绿光的界限中,即黄绿光。

    Harmony between light frequency and human body : Visible light with the wave length of 5.3 × 10-5 cm exactly stood at the golden point and was located in the area between yellow and green , i.e. kelly light .