
  1. 为一名反政府抗议者举行葬礼之后,数千名悼念者试图回到首都麦纳麦的珍珠广场(PearlSquare)。

    Thousands of mourners tried to return to Pearl Square in Manama , the capital , after a funeral for an anti-government protester .

  2. 47名被告在麦纳麦特别安全法庭闭门受审。

    The47 defendants appeared behind closed doors in a special security court in Manama .

  3. 球队的建立在巴林首都麦纳麦,属于一个富有的逊尼派商人家族。

    Based in Manama , the capital , it is owned by a wealthy Sunni merchant family .

  4. 不愿参加会谈的其中一个原因或许可以从星期六早上麦纳麦的明珠广场上找到一些答案。

    One reason for the reluctance could be found Saturday morning at the headquarters of the protesters , Pearl Roundabout in Manama .

  5. 一位不愿透露姓名的派驻麦纳麦的英国雇员说,动乱对经济造成的影响是显而易见的。

    British expatriate who works in the capital and wished to remain anonymous , said the economic effects of the unrest are clearly visible .

  6. 切尼昨日在巴林首都麦纳麦否认他的中东之行旨在组织对伊拉克进行军事打击。

    Cheney has denied yesterday that the purpose of his tour is to organize a military attack against Iraq when he was in manama , the capital of bahrain .

  7. 美国国防部长盖茨星期六下午飞离巴林。此前,他与巴林国王和皇太子就政治改革问题举行了会议。在盖茨离开后不久,麦纳麦爆发了又一次示威活动。

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates flew out of Bahrain Saturday afternoon after meeting with the king and crown prince about political reforms , and just ahead of another demonstration in Manama .

  8. 尽管巴黎人每周工作时间最短,但巴林首都麦纳麦提供的年假最长,居民每年有34天不用去上班。

    While Parisians work the fewest hours each week , the Bahrain capital of Manama offers the most annual leave , giving its residents 34 days out of the office every year .

  9. 巴林已宣布进入紧急状态,并命令军队夺回对首都麦纳麦的控制。目前什叶派与逊尼派之间的冲突蔓延至全国。

    Bahrain has declared a state of emergency and asked the military to reassert its control over the capital , Manama , as clashes between Shia and Sunni groups spread across the country .

  10. 在沙特士兵进入巴林首府麦纳麦之际,阿联酋表示,也已派出500名警员帮助平息这个人口不足60万的小王国的骚乱。

    As the Saudi troops crossed into Manama , the capital of Bahrain , the United Arab Emirates said it had also sent 500 police officers to help quell unrest in the tiny kingdom of less than 600,000 people .