
kuí shǒu
  • first;chief;head;a person who is head and shoulders above others;the brightest and best
魁首 [kuí shǒu]
  • (1) [ the brightest and best]∶旧时称在同辈中才华居首位的人

  • 我们城里的一位文章魁首

  • (2) [head;chief]∶首领

  • (3) [first]∶第一

  • 暂夺魁首

魁首[kuí shǒu]
  1. 新闻期刊中的专题报道更是解读新闻,进行深度报道的魁首。

    The monographic reports of the news periodical do the best in interpreting news and in-depth news reporting .

  2. 本公司声誉卓著、产品可靠,是家用市场和工业市场中镀铬产品的行业魁首。

    This company is a well-established , and reliable leader in chromium plated goods for both domestic and industrial markets .

  3. 好啦,这些就是为什么英国现在是而且一直是魁首的8个无可争辩的理由。

    So there we have it , eight good and sound reasons why Britain is and has always been top dog .

  4. 我知道这听起来很好笑,但那是我从一个由夏令营转化而来的名为“塑造魁首”的培训项目中学到的。

    I know it sounds funny , but that is what I learned in a summer camp converted into a training program called Leadershape .

  5. 但是我所以蒙受了怜悯,是为使基督耶稣在我这个魁首身上,显示他的完全坚忍,为给将来信靠他而获永生的人一个榜样。

    Christ Jesus wanted to display his greatness in me so that I might be an example for all who are to believe and obtain eternal life .

  6. 这条“马尾”长约590英尺(179米),这使其成为世界上已经测量过的马尾瀑布中的魁首。

    This horsetail stretches some 590 feet ( 179 meters ) in flight , making it one of the longest measured drops of its type in the world .

  7. 我们查出这人实在是个危险人物。他鼓动天下的一切犹太人作乱,又是纳匝肋教派的魁首。

    We have found this to be a pestilent man , and raising seditions among all the Jews throughout the world , and author of the sedition of the sect of the Nazarenes .