
ɡāo jí rén mín fǎ yuàn
  • Higher People's Courts
  1. 对iPhone商标权的裁决由北京市高级人民法院做出,而这只是一连串引人瞩目的商标和盗版案件中的一起。

    The iPhone ruling , in a high court in the Beijing municipality , is just one of a spate of high-profile trademark and piracy cases in China .

  2. 北京市高级人民法院裁定,中山珠江饮品在2011年提交的“facebook”商标注册申请是明显抄袭和损害市场公平竞争的行为。

    The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court said the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks application , filed in 2011 , to label certain foods and beverages " face book " was an obvious act of copying and harmed fair market competition .

  3. 周一,广东省高级人民法院发布信息称,苹果将向深圳唯冠支付这笔费用,iPad商标大陆侵权案结案。

    The money was paid to Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) to end a dispute over the iPad trademark in China , the Guangdong High People ` s Court said on Monday .

  4. 北京市高级人民法院日前做出了有利于新通天地科技(北京)有限公司的裁决。新通天地销售品名为“iPhone”的智能手机套、手袋等多种皮革制品。

    The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court has ruled in favor of Xintong Tiandi Technology ( Beijing ) Ltd , which sells a number of leather products such as smartphone cases and handbags under the name " iPhone . "

  5. 2012年1月,浙江省高级人民法院驳回被告人吴英的上诉。

    She lost her appeal to the Zhejiang High Peoples Court last month .

  6. 德润公司不服,向四川省高级人民法院提起上诉。

    Dezun Company refused to accept and appealed to Sichuan Higher People 's Court .

  7. 高级人民法院于6月7日对药家鑫实行死刑。

    The Supreme People 's Court approved the capital punishment and he was executed on June 7 .

  8. 这些企业上诉至省高级人民法院,后者维持了原判。

    The companies appealed that verdict to the higher provincial court , which upheld the lower court 's ruling .

  9. 死刑缓期执行的,可以由高级人民法院判决或者核准。

    Death sentences with a suspension of execution may be decided or verified and approved by a Higher People 's Court .

  10. 各高级人民法院根据本辖区的实际情况,可以确定若干基层人民法院管辖第一审著作权民事纠纷案件。

    Each higher people 's court may designate some grassroot courts to exercise jurisdiction over copyright-related civil disputes in the first instance .

  11. 有特殊情况需要延长的,经高级人民法院批准可以延长三个月。

    If extension is needed , upon approval of the People 's High Court , the time limit can be extended for three months .

  12. 据新华社报道,海南省高级人民法院驳回了这一请求,从那时开始,陈满开始了自己长达16年的无罪上诉。

    The request was rejected by Hainan High People 's Court in 1999 , beginning Chen 's 16-year appeal ordeal , the Xinhua News Agency reported .

  13. 第二十条高级人民法院管辖在本辖区有重大影响的第一审民事案件。

    Article 20 The high people 's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over civil cases that have major impact on the areas under their jurisdiction .

  14. 高级人民法院不同意判处死刑的,可以提审或者发回重新审判。

    If the Higher People 's Court does not agree with the death sentence , it may bring the case up for trial or remand the case for retrial .

  15. 除特别重大执行突发事件外,分级标准由各高级人民法院根据辖区实际自行制定。

    Except for the extremely serious enforcement emergencies , the classification standards shall be formulated by each higher people 's court in light of the actualities within its jurisdiction .

  16. 对海事法院的判决和裁定的上诉案件,由海事法院所在地的高级人民法院管辖。

    The higher people 's court in the locality where a maritime court is located shall have jurisdiction over appeals against the judgments and orders of the maritime court .

  17. 社会公众的法治意识被浙江省高级人民法院的一纸死刑判决而唤起,但不同的是,各界认为这一次被告站在了弱势的一面。

    The social public legal consciousness by a death sentence and the paper back , but the difference is , that all this time the defendant stand in the weak side .

  18. 第二百零一条中级人民法院判处死刑缓期二年执行的案件,由高级人民法院核准。

    Article 201 A case where an Intermediate People 's Court has imposed a death sentence with a two-year suspension of execution , shall be subject to approval by a Higher People 's Court .

  19. 昨天从广东省高级人民法院得知,腾讯称奇虎的行为已经损害了其业务收入,并将索赔1.25亿元人民币(1980万美元)的损失。

    Tencent claimed that Qihoo 's action has hurt its business income and is demanding a 125 million-yuan ( US $ 19.8 million ) compensation , the Guangdong Province Higher People 's Court heard yesterday .

  20. 中国北方的河北高级人民法院于上周发布了该软件,名为“老赖地图”,作为流行的微信的附加小程序。

    The Higher People 's Court of Herbei in northern China released the software , called " a map of deadbeat debtors , " last week as an add-on to the popular WeChat messaging service .

  21. 江苏省高级人民法院称,2012年1月至2013年2月期间,涉事公司向泰运河和古马干河排放了2.5万吨废酸。

    The Higher People 's Court of Jiangsu Province said the companies had discharged 25000 tons of acid into the two waterways , the Rutai Canal and Gumagan River , from January 2012 to February 2013 .

  22. 据海南省高级人民法院在其官方微博上表示,在这笔总共275万的赔偿金中,包括185万人身自由赔偿金,以及90万的精神创伤补偿。

    The 2.75 million yuan compensation contains more than 1.85 million yuan for loss of personal freedom and 900000 yuan for psychological trauma , the High People 's Court of Hainan Province said on its official Weibo account .

  23. 西安中级人民法院以故意杀人罪于2011年4月22日判处药家鑫死刑。随后,药家鑫的上诉也被陕西省高级人民法院于5月20日驳回。

    The Xi'an Intermediate People 's Court handed him a death sentence for intentional killing on April 22 , 2011 and his appeal of the sentence was rejected by the Shaanxi Provincial Higher People 's Court on May 20 .

  24. 北京市高级人民法院一份调研报告显示,68%的校园暴力犯罪案件中,加害人大多对受害学生不计后果地进行攻击。据《法制日报》报道,近六成校园暴力是因日常琐事而引起。

    A study released by the Beijing High People 's Court showed that 68 percent of offenders attacked their schoolmates in a cruel manner and nearly 60 percent of school violence cases were triggered by trivial matters , Legal Daily said .

  25. 据海南省高级人民法院透露,一名男子曾因杀人纵火罪而含冤入狱23年,上周五法院判定,将由国家对其支付不少于275万人民币(约合42万1850美元)的赔偿金。

    A man wrongfully jailed for 23 years on murder and arson charges was granted more than 2.75 million yuan ( $ 421850 ) in compensation from the State on last Friday , according to the High People 's Court of Hainan Province .

  26. 在有关未成年人刑罚执行问题上,笔者建议将对未成年犯罪人减刑和假释的权利一并收归到各地地高级人民法院,以便根据未成年犯罪人的特殊情况作出相对灵活的决定。

    On the problem of the execution of punishment , the writer suggests that the superior People 's Courts should take back the power of commutation of punishment and parole , so that they can make relatively flexible decision according to special conditions of minor offenders .