- control;drive;master;govern;rein;rule;chariot

(1) [rein]∶驱使车马
(2) [rule;control;govern;master]∶比喻掌握控制;支配
Michael J.Fox put plutonium in his lorry and he rocked back the time while plutonium does not have the enough energy to drive the time machine .
But the fact is they were always horrid to drive .
The more powerful the car the more difficult it is to handle .
I feared I wouldn 't be able to control such a strong horse .
He won his first Derby on the aptly named ' Never Say Die ' .
The question is whether technology is going to be our servant or our master .
He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony .
Boylan plays with language , letting the prose sprawl about before tightening it suddenly to great effect
His horse took the bit between its teeth and made off through the bush .
These traits are hereditary , like eye color or foot size , and there 's nothing you can do to change them .
Later , I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners — helpless versus mastery-oriented .
The mastery-oriented children , on the other hand , think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work .
Many believe this is the trickiest area to navigate .
Slippery slope is a process or series of events that is hard to stop or control once it has begun and that usually leads to worse or more difficult things .
Controlling patterns by spatial perturbation method
Therefore , this paper brings forward an IRM ( interactive reasoning machine ) model is brought forward to implement the synchronous explanation and steering resoning .
Style , the Latin name for an iron pen , has come to designate the art that handles , with ever fresh vitality and wary alacrity , the fluid elements of speech .
Behind the simple lines of the iPad lie a technological mastery , aesthetic flair and marketing savvy that have long set the apple chief executive apart .
The internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesen 't understand , the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had . Eric Schmidt
Germany 's attempt to erect a protective barrier against unwanted foreign investors has become hostage to the mounting political tensions in Chancellor Angela Merkel 's fractious grand coalition .
In the announcement , Silverman stated , ' We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics ' most enduringly popular Super Heroes , and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill , and then some .
Kirk has already seen one company stumble over this challenge , another historic Seattle outfitter that overexpanded to the point of implosion : his previous employer , Eddie Bauer .
But while analysts say TCL was simply unprepared to take on the job of managing Thomson 's international operations , Lenovo is emerging as a positive example of how Chinese companies can digest acquisitions .
They are the people that are needed to help advertisers navigate the internet because , as Aristotle knew 2,000 years ago : Fire burns both here and in Persia . But what is thought just changes before our eyes .
The practical meaning of this research is to help the government understand the broad future of PPP as well as the obstacles in order to point out the direction of system construction in the government 's operating PPP .
Knowledge structure will have an influence in the effectiveness of firm knowledge strategic management , and tacit knowledge plays a more critical roles in strategic change .
D is a multi-paradigm language : it has object orientation support , it allows functional and template meta programming and even includes untamed features such as a goto keyword and inline assembly .
This is the lab of John Rinn , a 38-year-old former competitive snowboarder who likes to ponder biological questions on top of a skateboard , which he rides from one wall of his office to the other and back .
CORRESPONDENT Analysts see the global LCD materials market already topping7 $ 7 billion . For JSR and other companies riding the LCD boom , the new year may have even more cheer in store .
Triangular matrices , in particular , are usually quite tractable .