
mǎ dá dàn bái
  • motor protein
  1. 首先,我们对生物马达蛋白的输运问题进行了研究。

    The transport of motor protein is studied .

  2. 考虑在随机力和随机势的共同作用下,建立了马达蛋白所满足的非线性运动方程,并得到了系统的几率流密度。

    A fundamental nonlinear motion equation about motor protein subject to random force and random potential is derived . The expression of the probability flux of this system was obtained .

  3. 动蛋白是一类依赖于微管的马达蛋白,它能利用ATP水解产生的能量沿微管运动。

    Kinesins are microtubule-based motor proteins that can move along microtubule ( MT ) using the energy from ATP hydrolysis .

  4. 中心纺锤体的组织需要有丝分裂马达蛋白和包含AuroraB激酶,survivin,INCENP的染色体旅客蛋白复合物。

    Central spindle organization requires mitotic kinesins and the chromosomal passenger of Aurora B kinase complex with INCENP and survivin .

  5. 在此阶段,轴丝是由9个具有马达蛋白臂的双微管组成,缺乏辐射轴和两个中央单微管。

    At this stage , the axoneme consists of nine microtubular doublets .

  6. 除了马达蛋白和染色体旅客蛋白以外,一些中心体蛋白也参与了胞质分裂的调控。

    Besides these kinesins and chromosomal passengers , some centrosomal proteins also regulated cytokinesis .

  7. 纺锤体的双极性对于染色体的精确分离是必需的,而双极性的形成则依赖于微管依赖性马达蛋白。

    The bipolar organization of the spindle is crucial for accurate segregation of chromosomes and relies on microtubule-dependent motor proteins .

  8. 与其它具有鞭毛的细菌不同的是,它分配了一段主要的染色体来编码除马达蛋白外的其它鞭毛组分。

    Unlike most flagellated bacteria , the organism allocates one major chromosome segment encoding the components of the flagellum with the exception of the motor proteins .

  9. 驱动蛋白是一类基于微管组织的马达蛋白家族,这些蛋白沿着微管定向移动并参与许多重要的细胞过程,其中包括植物细胞的伸长。

    The kinesins are a family of microtubule-based motor proteins that move directionally along microtubules and are involved in many crucial cellular processes , including cell elongation in plants .

  10. 采用非对称周期势来描述马达蛋白与具有周期性和极性的微丝轨道之间的相互作用,计算了马达蛋白两态模型的几率流和有效势之间的关系。

    Asymmetric and periodic potential was used to describe the interaction between motor proteins and filaments that were periodic and polar . The current and effective potential in the two-state model were calculated .

  11. 显微录像系统及光钳显微操作技术在马达蛋白体外运动研究中的应用光钳操纵生物活体的动态监测技术的研究

    The application of micro-video recorder system and single molecular manipulation of optical tweezers in the movement study of motor proteins in vitro THE DYNAMIC MONITOR OF THE CONTROL OF LIVING CELL BY OPTICAL TWEEZERS

  12. 计算结果表明:马达蛋白的定向运动不仅与有效势的整体倾斜密切相关,还与有效势的势垒高度有关。

    It was shown that the directed motion of motor protein was relevant to the effective potential . The current , the effective potential and the slope of the effective potential of the motor are calculated .

  13. 将生物马达蛋白协调定向运动看作是布朗粒子的运动结果,得到了在内外噪声共同驱动下布朗粒子定态几率流的表达式。

    Direct motion of the single motor protein is treated as motion of Brownian particle in the paper . The expansion of sationary probability current is derived for the Brownian particle driven by internal and external noises simultaneously .

  14. 综述了有关分子马达,主要是肌球蛋白马达和动蛋白马达的实验研究进展情况,并对理论模型,特别是近年来广为流行的布朗马达模型作了介绍和评论。

    Experimental studies on molecular motors , in particular myosin and kinesin motors are reviewed . Theoretical models , such as the Brownian motor models are described and evaluated .

  15. 分子马达是广泛存在于细胞内部的具有马达功能的酶蛋白生物大分子。生命活动中的许多过程都是基于分子马达的运动,如肌肉的收缩,细胞的有丝分裂,DNA的复制。

    Molecular motors are one kind of enzyme proteins which exist in cells and play an important role in the process of muscle contraction , intracellular transport , DNA duplication , mitosis and so on .