
mǎ lì
  • horsepower
马力 [mǎ lì]
  • [horsepower] 功率单位,1马力等于每秒钟把75公斤重的物体提高1米所作的功

  1. 这家工厂在开足马力生产。

    The factory is working at full capacity .

  2. 与货船相比,渡船马力大而且易操纵。

    Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships .

  3. 你得把油门杆往前推来加大马力。

    You have to push the throttle forward for more power .

  4. 然后他突然加速到最大马力。

    Then abruptly he revved the engine to full power .

  5. 我惊恐万分地看着船加足马力从我身边开走了。

    As I watched in horror the boat began to power away from me .

  6. 这台发动机马力超过4,000。

    The engine has more than 4,000 horsepower .

  7. 路遥知马力。

    Distance tests a horse 's stamina .

  8. 车子开足马力冲上市中心死沉沉阴森森的广场。

    The powerful car roared up into the chill dead square .

  9. 这台发动机的功率是200马力。

    The capacity of this engine is two hundred horsepower .

  10. 这条船开足马力,向前行驶。

    The ship was moving full steam ahead .

  11. 这辆汽车有一台功率为40马力的引擎。

    This car has40 horsepower engine .

  12. 我们开足马力,赶在圣诞节假期前把所有的事情都做完了。

    We went into overdrive to get everything finished in time for the Christmas break .

  13. 汽车通常用马力定级。

    Cars are normally rated in horsepower .

  14. 这台发动机可产生30马力。

    The engine puts out thirty horsepower .

  15. 在我看来,能做好事情的人并不是‘马力最大的',而是效率最高的。——

    The people who I see function well are not the ones with the biggest motors , but the ones with the most efficient ones .

  16. 警车开足马力前去救援。(infullcareer全速地)

    The police car went in full career to the rescue .

  17. 并提供了12马力机耕船导向圆盘在水田直行时可选用的D、W、H、θ的具体数据。

    Practical data of D , W , H and θ are provided for 12 hp boat-type tractors .

  18. 灰色系统GM(1,1)模型在大中马力拖拉机市场保有量预测中的应用

    Grey System GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Its Application to the Maintenance Forecasting for Large-Medium Horsepower Tractor Market

  19. 缺乏马力不用多久你,险恶的M3的立场。

    Nevermind the lack of horsepower as long you have that menacing M3 stance .

  20. 对策四是建立自己的信息管理系统。信息技术可以提高衡量TR公司竞争力的组织马力。

    The strategy four is to develop TR management information system .

  21. 壳牌马力士GL是一系列优质、不含铅、抗极压的润滑剂。

    Shell Malleus GL is a range of premium quality , lead free .

  22. 另外从去年2月起,诺基亚已经开足马力生产尽可能多的Lumia系列WindowsPhone手机。

    And since February , Nokia has moved as fast as possible to churn out new lumia smartphones that run Windows Phone .

  23. 就收到马力而言,单尾鳍型在满载时最低,压载时仅次于V型剖面。

    As for delivered horsepower , the single skeg stern in the full load condition is the lowest and only inferior to the V shaped section in ballast condition .

  24. 它的设计是由基督教勃兰特和动力装置由一个540马力的v8引擎。

    It was designed by Christian Brandt and is powered by a540 hp V8 engine .

  25. 2009年芳是起价四万九千九百七十五美元建议零售价为300马力的V8豪华模式。

    The2009 XF is priced starting at $ 49,975 MSRP for the300 hp V8 Luxury model .

  26. 它使用750马力的V8发动机,0-96km/h加速时间为3秒。产地:瑞典

    It uses 750-horsepower V8 engine , and the acceleration time 0-96km / h is 3 seconds .

  27. 这款跑车的操控性也异乎寻常的出色。它搭载了一款312马力的V6发动机,应该可以与福特野马在短程加速赛中一较高下。

    With a base V-6 engine that produces 312 horsepower , it should face off nicely against the Mustang in stop-light drag races .

  28. NASA位于维吉尼亚州的国家跨音速实验室的101兆瓦驱动和135000马力同步电机是世界上最大和最强大的变速驱动系统。

    Air Force.The101 MW drive and135,000 hp synchronous motor at NASA 's National Transonic Facility in Virginia is the biggest and most powerful variable speed drive system in the world .

  29. 雷克萨斯(Lexus)本周将在底特律展示一款搭载5.0升发动机、能够产生500马力的运动型轿车。

    Lexus is displaying a sports sedan this week in Detroit with a 5.0-liter engine that could generate as much as 500 horsepower .

  30. 在现有汽缸体高压造型生产线上进行大马力柴油机蠕墨铸铁缸体的试验,试验铁液化学成分w为3.6%~3.9%C;

    Experimental study on casting technology of compacted graphite iron powerful diesel engine cylinder block was carried out on existing cylinder block high pressure molding line . The composition of base iron was 3.6 % ~ 3.9 % C ;