
shǒu zì mǔ suō lüè cí
  • acronym;initialism
  1. 纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是全美证券买卖营业协会自动报价体系的首字母缩略词。它是当今天下上最年夜的股票买卖营业市场之一。

    NASDAQ , acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system , is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks .

  2. 鱼的希腊语(Ichthys)代表“耶稣基督,上帝的儿子,救主”的希腊首字母缩略词。

    The Greek word for fish ( Ichthys ) was used as an acronym whose initials in Greek stood for " Jesus Christ , Son of God , Savior " .

  3. 它已经拥有了自己的首字母缩略词——PDA。不久前,我和50多岁的叔叔在伦敦喝咖啡。

    I was recentlyin London sharing a coffee with my uncle , who 's in his 50s .

  4. Part1NASDAQ纳斯达克纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是全美证券交易协会自动报价系统的首字母缩略词。它是当今世界上最大的股票交易市场之一。

    For the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system , NASDAQ is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks .

  5. 首字母缩略词'潜水'代表价值发动机的资料。

    The acronym'DOVE'stands for Document Of Value Engine .

  6. 具有使用首字母缩略词的特点。

    Characterized by the use of acronyms .

  7. 令人遗憾的是,安德森还对个性化的签名、表情符号和首字母缩略词情有独钟。

    Mr Anderson also turns out to have an unfortunate affection for personalised signatures , emoticons and acronyms .

  8. 在这方面,英语名以元音开头的国家在构造可读的首字母缩略词方面拥有一个关键优势。

    In this context , countries starting with a vowel have a strategic advantage in creating pronounceable acronyms .

  9. 公共场合亲密行为很常见,也很多样化。它已经拥有了自己的首字母缩略词&PDA。

    Public Display of Affection is so common and varied that it 's earned its own acronym , the PDA .

  10. 这是白宫所惯用的首字母缩略词:熟悉的名字(某人名的缩略)。

    The answer is they 're White House acronyms . a familiar name ( often a shortened version of a person 's given name ) .

  11. 在所有技术行话和首字母缩略词的海洋中,有时软件开发人员和经理们会忘记:是人制造了软件。

    In all of the technical jargon , and in the sea of acronyms , sometimes software developers and managers forget that people make software .

  12. 在第二课里出现了一些缩略语和首字母的缩略词。

    In the lesson , some abbreviations and acronyms are used .