
shǒu chuàng
  • initiate;originate;pioneer
首创 [shǒu chuàng]
  • [pioneer;originate;initiate] 最先创造;创始

  • 国内首创

  • 首创精神

首创[shǒu chuàng]
  1. 该类装载机在国内属首创,在国际上亦处先进行列。

    This kind of bogger is initiate in China and listed in advanced line in the world .

  2. 其中,不锈钢酒壶采用氩弧焊工艺,系国内首创。

    Therefore , the stain-less steel hip flask adopts argon arc welding technique , it is the initiate of home .

  3. 品尝一下这道新菜吧,是我们厨师长首创的。

    Try this new dish , created by our head chef .

  4. 他首创了被称为额叶切断术的外科手术。

    He pioneered the surgical technique called frontal lobotomy .

  5. 他们首创的方法在神经细胞活动的研究中一直是不可或缺的。

    The method they pioneered remains fundamental to research into the behaviour of nerve cells .

  6. 他缺乏首创精神,墨守成规地办一切事情。

    He showed little initiative , handling all matters strictly by the book .

  7. MINT这个缩略语由首创“金砖四国”(BRIC)提法的英国经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔提出并广泛传播。

    The acronym MINT was popularized by Jim O ' Neill , a British economist5 best known for coining its predecessor6 , the term BRIC .

  8. 去年7月首创世界纪录2017年,李子柒在YouTube发布第一支视频“用葡萄皮染的布做裙子”。

    Li uploaded her first video on YouTube , about how to make a dress using the cloth dyed with color extracted from grape skin , in 2017 .

  9. 影片会在参与者身后的屏幕上播放,同时会在另一个显示器上显示台词和表演提示。电影卡拉OK这种兼具表演和互动的娱乐形式是由安娜斯塔西娅·菲特于2003年在纽约首创的,之后传遍全球。

    The film is projected onto a screen behind the actor and onto an alternate monitor which provides subtitles entertainment created by Anastasia Fite in New York City in 2003 , and has since spread to other parts of the world .

  10. 这个词是no-mobile-phonephobia(无手机焦虑症)的缩写形式,是由英国一个名为YouGov的研究机构在受英国邮局委托研究手机用户焦虑症状时首创的一个说法。

    The term , an abbreviation for " no-mobile-phone phobia " , was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov , a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffered by mobile phone users .

  11. 斯帕尔看不上机构重叠和清规戒律,表现出美国人的机敏,有着独立、首创精神和企业家的风度。

    Spawr indeed personified American ingenuity , self-reliance , initiative and entrepreneurship .

  12. 这个短语由莎士比亚首创,出现在他1606年的作品《安东尼和克利奥帕格拉》中。

    The phrase was coined in Shakespeare 's Antony and Cleopatra in 1606 .

  13. 囚犯们有的被刺伤,有的被砍伤,而有的头部首创,伤势不一而足

    Inmates suffered injuries ranging from stab wounds and slashes to head trauma .

  14. 已有的大多数主动队列管理算法沿用了随机早期探测(RED)算法首创的概率丢弃机制。

    Almost all the existing AQM schemes follow the probability dropping mechanism originated from Random Early Detection ( RED ) .

  15. 在此项技术首创中,IBM要解决随磁盘容量增加而增加的磁盘部分故障。

    Under its bulletproof initiative , IBM is addressing disk-sector failures that grow along with disk capacity .

  16. 我这一届政府最重要的一个首创就是艾滋病紧急救援计划(EmergencyPlanforAIDSRelief),简称PEPFAR。

    One of the most important initiatives of my administration has been the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief , known as PEPFAR .

  17. IBM的此项技术首创是要在存储系统的方方面面:磁盘、控制器、网卡、电源和软件,实现容错。

    IBM 's technology initiative deals with fault tolerance in every part of a storage system : disk , controller , network cards , power supplies and software .

  18. RepresentationalStateTransfer(简称REST,中文翻译“具象状态传输”。REST这个名称是由RoyFielding首创的)并不是一个协议或技术;它是一种体系结构风格。

    Representational State Transfer ( REST ; the name was coined by Roy Fielding ) isn 't a protocol or technology : It 's an architectural style .

  19. 目前,几乎所有的个人电脑都有一个金属机箱,不难看出,这个传统是20年前IBM公司首创并一直延续至今的。

    Look at almost any personal computer today and it 's not hard to see a lineage that dates back to that clunky box introduced by IBM20 years ago .

  20. 首创锁体采用镍络钼合金钢扣环加上专利五角型DISK锁心,开启难度史上最高。

    Originate a lock body composing of snap rings made of nickel molybdenum alloy steel and patented pentagonal DISK lock core , enable the unlock difficulty remaining the highest degree ever since .

  21. 1976年,罗斯(StephenA.Ross)突破性地发展了CAPM,首创套利定价理论(APT)。

    In 1976 , Stephen A. Ross developed CAPM and initiated the arbitrage pricing theory ( APT ) which is a breakthrough .

  22. 中国移动汕头公司与澄海玩具协会携手合作玩具通首创玩具业手机WAP信息平台

    China mobile Shantou branch and Chenghai toy association hand in hand Toys baby first build cell phone WAP information platform for toy industry

  23. 宝石级金刚石的培育技术比较有效的方法是美国GE公司首创的HPHT温差法。

    The more efficient produce technology of gem-grade diamond is HPHT temperature difference method which was created by American GE Corporation .

  24. Metasploit首创于2003年,当时它基于Perl脚本语言。

    Metasploit had its genesis back in2003 , when it was based on the Perl scripting language .

  25. 从RP概念模型机应具备的几个特点出发,结合本单位成熟的RP工艺方法,设计并实现国内首创的RP概念模型机。

    From the necessary features of the RP concept model , combining with the mature technology of our unit , the first domestic RP concept model has been developed .

  26. 北京首创期货(CapitalFutures)分析师刘旭表示,珠宝市场的企业可能也增加了黄金库存,而银行之类的商业金融机构也一直在增持黄金。

    Liu Xu , an analyst with Capital Futures in Beijing , said that companies in the jewellery market may have also built up their gold stocks and that commercial financial institutions such as banks have also been adding to their holdings .

  27. 弗朗兹·李斯特(FranzLiszt)是19世纪欧洲浪漫主义音乐家的杰出代表,他首创了交响诗这一新的音乐体裁。

    Franz Liszt is an outstanding representative of the 19th century European Romantic Musicians , he pioneered a new music form , the " symphonic poem " .

  28. 本文提出了一种用我国首创的DYL集成线性与或门设计成的模拟延迟线。

    An artificial delay line which was designed by using the DYL integrated linear AND-OR gate created first in China were proposed .

  29. 自1910年美国哈佛大学首创MBA学位教育以来,随着经济和社会的发展,它在西方国家及一些发展中国家的影响越来越大。

    With the development of economy and society , the influence of MBA education in the Western countries and a few developing countries has become stronger and stronger since Harvard University initiated the MBA degree education in 1910 .

  30. 同时首创性地设计和建造了TRT装置模拟试验台,并制定了TRT装置顶压稳定性问题的实验方案;

    We established the control and experimental system for research and test of TRT top pressure stability and solve the problem of the blast furnace top pressure successfully .