
  • 网络paradigm revolution;paradigmatic revolution
  1. 外史:马克思哲学范式革命的基础维度

    Outside History : the Fundamental Dimension of the Paradigm Revolution of Marx 's Philosophy

  2. 环境革命积淀的环境科学体现了这场人类生存方式和发展方式的范式革命。

    The environmental revolution accumulates environmental science which embodies the paradigm revolution of human survival and development mode .

  3. 这场肇始于瑞士索绪尔(FerdinanddeSaussure)的范式革命开启了对文化,人,文学艺术等的新理解。

    This " Frame Revolution " originates from the famous Swiss Linguist-Ferdinand de Saussure ( 1857-1913 ) and ushers in a new period of understanding the culture , man , literature and art .

  4. 新经济条件下的会计范式革命

    Transformation of Accounting Standards Pattern Under the New Economy

  5. 本文系统地研究这一具有深远影响的范式革命的内涵和积极意义。

    This text systematically studies theses on the profound influence of this pattern revolution .

  6. 循环经济模式替代末端治理模式是一场范式革命。

    It is a revolution of normal form that circular economy model goes instead of extreme governing model .

  7. 科学领域的范式革命与课程领域的危机推动了整体课程的诞生。

    Paradigm revolution in science and the crisis in the field of curriculum promoted the arising of holistic curriculum .

  8. 深刻了解马克思在人学理论上所实现的范式革命,对于深化中国马克思主义文艺学研究具有核心意义。

    To fully comprehend the revolution on the human theory helps to get the point of Chinese Marxist literature theory .

  9. 根据以上区分,本文从三个方面展开对可持续发展理论的哲学解读:首先,把可持续发展理论指认为社会发展理论传统范式革命的产物。

    My conclusion is that the sustainable development theory is the positive result of the paradigm revolution of the social development theory .

  10. 中日两国近代毛纺织工业对比研究论历史比较语言学的范式革命

    A HISTORICAL COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MODERN WOOL TEXTILE INDUSTRY BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN On the pattern revolution of the historical comparative linguistics

  11. 但是,决不应当把行政学的这一发展理解成范式革命。

    But we should not think it as the paradigm revolution in scientific pursuit of public administration , which just strode its first step .

  12. 五四白话文运动是一场意义深刻的语言范式革命,鲁迅的思想探索与文体试验对于推动这一场革命自有非比寻常的意义。

    The May 4th Vernacular Movement was a profound revolution in language standard , and Lu Xun 's ideological probe and practice in writing had proffered a unusual significance for promoting the revolution .

  13. 诸多实证研究表明,现代西方两大哲学思潮在实证主义批判、人本主义批判等方面,充分显示出了其牵动经济学范式革命的张力。

    Quite a lot of positivism research has proved that the two modern west philosophy current of thoughts show their strain in affecting the reform of economics paradigm in the aspects such as the positivism criticism and humanism criticism etc.

  14. 在我国,发展循环经济是一次深刻的范式革命,必须在加大技术开发,加强法制建设,转变政府职能等方面推动循环经济理论和实践模式的研究。

    In our country , development cycling economy is a deep model revolution . We should make the technique development big , strengthen the law system construction , and chang government functions to promote the study of cycling economy theory and practice mold .

  15. 我们的社会正在经历一场深刻的范式的革命。

    Our society is carrying out a deep revolution in paradigms .

  16. 科学与社会发展范式的革命

    The Paradigm Revolution of the Scientific and Social Development

  17. 而马克思的自然观实现了哲学范式的革命。

    Marx transformed the paradigm of natural view .

  18. 发展循环农业是一场技术范式的革命,需要以高新科技作为技术保护。

    Developing circular agriculture is a technology-model revolution , which need be protected by high-tech.

  19. 试论阅读教学范式的革命

    Revolution in Paradigmatic of Reading Teaching

  20. 在技术层次上,循环经济的本质是技术范式的革命。

    On the level of technology , the essence of circular economy is the revolution of technology paradigm .

  21. 20世纪末期以来,后现代主义以其鲜明的反本质主义旨趣和具有里程碑意义的生成性思维,掀起了课程论探究领域学术范式的革命。

    With its stark anti-essentialism objective and meaningful becoming thinking , postmodernism initiated a revolution of academic paradigm in curriculum researching field since 1980s .

  22. 运用现代化理论研究近代中国的历史,具有一定的积极意义,但简单地以现代化范式替代革命史范式,未必是正确的思考方向。

    There are certain benefits to using theories of modernization to study modern Chinese history . However , simply replacing revolutionary history with modernization is not necessarily the correct direction for our thinking .

  23. 还原论的整体论转向:范式的绿色革命

    The " Green " Revolution of " Normal Form ", from Reductionism to Wholism

  24. 他认为,科学是一个既有积累又有革命的过程,范式变化是革命的标志,范式之间不可通约。

    In his view , science is a process of both accumulation and revolution , " paradigm " change is a sign of revolution , they are incommensurable between " paradigms " .

  25. 时代变迁与哲学范式转换&从革命的哲学到建设的哲学一个引起革命的哲学思想。

    Change of theme of the times and transformation of Philosophical Paradigm & from Philosophy of Revolution to Philosophy of Construction ;

  26. 教学团队作为基层教学组织的一种创新技术,可以称得上是高等教育教学范式的一次革命。

    Teaching team as an innovative technique of grass-roots teaching organization , can be called a teaching paradigm revolution in higher education .

  27. 科学发展表现为建立新范式、抛弃旧范式,即范式转换的科学革命。

    The science development performs establishment of the new paradigm and abandonment of the old one , namely the revolution of paradigm transform .

  28. 交易成本范式是对新古典范式的补充与发展,而不是替代,因而不构成所谓的范式革命。

    The standard form of trading cost is a complement to and development of , but not substitute for , the neo-classical standard form .