
fēnɡ xiǎn dǐ yā
  • risk mortgage
  1. 实行项目经理负责制及风险抵押管理实践

    Practice of Carrying out Project Manager Responsibility System and Risk Mortgage Management

  2. 风险抵押金制在科研管理中的应用

    Application of Risk Mortgage System in Scientific Research Management

  3. CDO是美国风险抵押贷款重新打包、然后出售给世界各地投资者的主要工具之一。

    CDOs were one of the main vehicles through which risky US mortgages were repackaged and sold to investors around the world .

  4. 但与金融危机期间签订的高风险抵押贷款交易不同的是,最近CLO强势卷土重来。

    But unlike the risky mortgage deals that were inked during the financial crisis , clos have recently made a big comeback .

  5. 使用奇特的高斯联结相关性模型,以及一些聪明的表外架构,高风险抵押贷款被重新打包成具有3A评级的黄金投资产品。

    And using the magic of the Gaussian copula correlation model , and some clever off-balance-sheet architecture , high-risk mortgages were re-packaged into triple-A-rated investor gold .

  6. 与此同时,伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(libor)大幅下挫,证券化资产和衍生品的价格走势显示,投资者正回归那些率先引发信贷风暴的资产例如大量高风险抵押债务。

    Meanwhile , the LIBOR interbank borrowing rate has tumbled and the price of securitised assets and derivatives have moved in a manner that suggests investors are returning to the assets which first sparked the credit storm such as bundles of risky mortgage debt .

  7. 煤矿企业安全生产风险抵押金制度初探

    Initial exploration on risk bond system for safety production of coal enterprise

  8. 改革企业经营制度,实行风险抵押责任制;

    Reform firms'administrative system and adopt the responsibility system of mortgage operation ;

  9. 我国企业安全生产风险抵押金制度的完善

    On Improvement of Risk Mortgage of Production in Enterprises

  10. 实施安全风险抵押金制度确保煤矿安全生产

    Carring out system of safety risk cash to insure safety production in coal mine

  11. “工程风险抵押承包治理”是一项创新性的项目治理模式。

    " The risk mortgage contract management " is an innovative project management way .

  12. 局对队级地勘单位实行净资产全员风险抵押承包的可行性初探

    Feasibility of implementing the contractual all-member net asset mortgage responsibility system in geological prospecting units & a preliminary discussion

  13. 但是,真正的数字似乎最能说明的风险抵押贷款已初步迹象显示线索。

    But the real figure appears to best describe the risk of mortgage finance has shown initial signs of a clue .

  14. 介绍了济钢项目经理负责制及风险抵押管理的模式和办法,并提出了今后的改进建议。

    Introduces the project manager responsibility system and risk mortgage management model in Jigang and puts forward improving suggestion for the future .

  15. 完成了物理所、空调所、防火所实行经营技术骨干风险抵押的企业运行办法。

    The IBP , IAC and IBF have been operated and managed in the modes of risk mortgage by key managerial and technical persons .

  16. 该提案目的是保证银行在提供贷款方面更加负责,不能将风险抵押贷款转嫁给投资者。

    The idea is that lenders will be more responsible in making loans if they might not be able to pass off risky mortgages to investors .

  17. 有效的报酬激励制度、充分的市场竞争以及风险抵押金制度将有助于从根源上消减这一不和谐的因素。

    Effective system of rewarding motivation , full market competition , and security fund for risks will be helpful to weaken this discordant factor from the source .

  18. 最后,本文针对一特定的水电工程项目,利用本论文的成果,探索了水利水电工程风险抵押承包治理的有效途径。

    The article studied the contract question for the risk mortgage contract management in water resources and hydropower project , Especially the contract Fermi and perform contract .

  19. 根据本矿区安全生产现状,实施了安全风险抵押金制度,取得了初步成效。

    According to the safety production status in quo , the system of the safety risk cash is carried at this diggings , and the primary effect is acquired .

  20. 同时美国风险抵押协会报道称抵消赎回权诉讼数量在过去三个季度都很高。

    Mortgage Bankers Association reports that the number of foreclosure proceedings has reached all-time highs in each of the last three quarters . redeem oneself [ a person 's life ]

  21. 重点从风险抵押金、降价收购、延期收购和冷酷战略4方面分析了违约惩罚对养猪场行为选择的作用及行为选择的影响因素。

    From the fields of risk mortgage , cheap purchasing , deferred purchasing , and grim strategy , the effects of punishment on the behavior selection of pig farm were studied .

  22. 本文介绍了在科研项目管理中引入风险抵押金制的内容和做法,取得的效果以及应注意的问题。

    This paper describes contents and practices of risk mortgage system introduced into project management of scientific research working , and the results obtained as well as the matters to which attention shall be paid .

  23. 债券和股票发行对于投行和经销商而言是件好事,因为这些业务可以带来费用收入,有助于抵消了繁荣时期对高风险抵押债务的灾难性投资所造成的亏损。

    Debt and equity sales are a boon to investment banks and dealers as they generate fees , helping offset the losses that resulted from disastrous investments in risky mortgage debt during the boom years .

  24. 为贯彻《矿山安全法》,1993年,句容市制定了《矿山企业安全生产风险抵押金制度》及其《实施细则》。

    In order to implement the " Mine Safety Act ", the " Security Fund System for Risk-Taking in Safety Production of Mining Enterprises " and its " Rules for the Implementation " were worked out in 1993 by Jurong City .

  25. 全美各银行过去两周发布的糟糕季报表明,曾只限于高风险抵押贷款借款人的信贷问题,正在向整个消费者领域扩散,这给经济带来了新的风险,并给市场带来了巨大的压力。

    Poor quarterly results from banks across the US over the past two weeks suggest credit problems once confined to high-risk mortgage borrowers are spreading across the consumer landscape , posing new risks to the economy and weighing heavily on the markets .

  26. 在设计中,大胆采用了一些薪酬管理的先进操作方法,如工作评价的海氏评价法,创新性地提出或完善了一些薪酬操作制度,如管理人员的年薪制、全员风险抵押金制度等等。

    The design adopts bravely some advanced operation methods in compensation management , such as H-type job evaluation , and proposes or perfects creatively some rules in compensation operation , such as annual pay for managers and the principle of personnel risk mortgage .

  27. 举例来说,那些翻修旧房再出售获利的人认为不断上升的房价和宽松的信贷会给他们的投资带来收获,他们通常会选择高风险抵押贷款,而很少支付首付,后来这些人就发现自己承受不住了。

    Home ' flippers ' who counted on rising real-estate prices and easy credit to make their investments pay off , for instance , often chose to take out risky mortgages with little or no down payment that they later found they couldn 't afford .

  28. CDO的热销反过来推动了基础贷款的增长,其中不少贷款归根结底主要是贷给美国穷人的高风险次级抵押贷款,而这些人没过多久就已无力偿还贷款。

    The popularity of CDOs in turn fuelled growth in the underlying loans , many of them ultimately concentrated in high-risk subprime mortgages to poor Americans who were soon struggling to keep up repayments .

  29. 鉴于房地产泡沫几乎总是受信贷驱动,反周期的贷款额度与抵押品价值比率可以鼓励或抑制高风险的抵押贷款。

    Since housing bubbles are almost always credit-driven , an anti-cyclical LTV could encourage or discourage risky mortgage lending .

  30. 延迟风险是抵押贷款的风险因子之一,导致未来现金流和贴现率发生变化。

    Extension risk is one of the risk factors of amortizable loan which can lead to the future cash flow and discount change .